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Legends and Cult Players 2019


Registered User
Hello all,

This year we will be making classic players again, to start we will just be editing individual players (not teams yet) but eventually plan to make full teams.

We will be releasing player packs in the Euro and World Classic teams slots. In the same style as the Junior Mantis myclub legend packs except all custom edited players/faces. So people can use the players they like wherever they want to put them.

Looking to make this a collaborative/community project if anyone fancies adding their own legends let me know.

My initial ideas are to release themed player packs such as: Prem Legends, Bundesliga Legends, Cult Classics, Soccer's Hard Men, Tricky Wingers, Goalkeeping legends, Speed Demons, Ugly buggers, Really Tall Freaks, One hit wonders, Destroyers etc, you get the idea.

Any requests for players or player packs will be considered so please add in the comments. I wont be doing the really big well known legends such as Pele but focusing more on the lesser known legends.

First pack coming soon hopefully.

Watch this space.


Registered User
I had a decent Rogerio Ceni in PES 18, maybe he can be recreated in PES 19. Should I post a video or an export file?


Registered User
Thanks chaps for the requests, will add them to the list.

Pleased to say Donatason will be contributing to this thread now as well.

Also keep an eye out for the return of another Classic editor soon.

My friends Slarkmeister and Pippjfreak are also busy behind the scenes creating great classic content, follow their threads/channels/accounts for more classic era sides and the best classic kits!
