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Master League News and Information (22nd July)


Registered User
That's some really great news in my opinion. The menu is a little more intuative, they are adding new things to it. PES is the footbal connaisseur choice, so the little things like real currency are a big issue!

I'm a bit sceptical about the whole sponsership thing, I don't know how that will pan out for the better. But if this is indeed only "small" news then I eagerly await the rest!

It needs some big change.


i think there is training, there is an option for it in the club house menu. hopefully its manual training rather than a new name for the old "conditioning" option.

Exactly my sentiments mate. If we are indeed able to have two options "Regulate Condition" and "Team Training" then that would be excellent. Even if your players stats don't improve from training, just being able to knock the ball about on the pitch with your new players and get to grips with them would be great. Practicing free-kicks, corners and the like would be superb touch from Konami.


Registered User

The ML still needs full divisions & the option to edit your own leagues to avoid licensing issues

Also needs EURO CUP & CL implemented correctly or in a fashion that you can edit (again to avoid licensing issues)

Apart from the youth academy & real currency which is no big effort the rest is just window dressing.


Registered User
notice that the D2 league position is rank 18, looks like bigger leagues this year

Dam you beat me to it :)
Anyone notice in last pic it seems you can now decide to sell or loan players? About time :D

I haven't been this excited about ML since Pes 5. If they fixed player curves and created less godly ballers as well as fix the fatigue then I'll be over the moon.


Registered User
Well I must admit I was hoping for a little more news. But a little is better than nothing aye guys... Hopefully the juicier information on this won't be held back for too long!!!

Its encouraging that it would seem there are more than 12 teams to the 2nd tier of the division & hopefully there will be a 2nd tier for all Leagues. Not just the League you decide to apply your trade to. If not then I hope there are more leagues not just the usual 4.

Not sure what to make out of the sponsors idea & I am reserving judgement on the youth system. Not 100% sure if this will add to the experience or not, but all depends on how they implement it.

lastly, thank f*ck there is now REAL currency.


Registered User
Looking good, but we already knew what they were goin to really do in their master league, what looks good to me is the interface! I seriously hope their is no more waiting time!

shankly is god

Registered User
can anyone give us a link to the pics as in the thread there not working....(its ok found it)

and yes hunter i was meaning all along for the training to be added like the possibility to run drills etc to improve your players and your self at such plays...

and it awesome that more leagues have been added and now D2 is longer

ive noticed on the pics that there is a rolling news bar or what looks to be one..another nice touch


Registered User
just hope they fix the actual game :/ tired of bad passes now. teh bleh

I'm really stoked about the master league, guys. Looking good. Anyway, about the gameplay. I was just recently comparing PES 2010 gameplay (at least what they've showed us up til now) to PES 2008 and 2009 gameplay and I have to say that it looks good (at least in my eyes).
If you look closely at PES 2010 gameplay you will notice that the players actually follow through/keep moving after passing a ball as opposed to before when a player passes a ball, the player seems to lag/stall for a second. As for dribbling, in PES 2010 it seems that the players actually make smooth diagonal turns unlike before where they would have sharp, 90 degree turns. From what I've seen and deduced from it seems pes2010 will play similar to FIFA 09 which more than suits me just fine.
Again. The youth system seems pretty promising. (also, do you guys think that konami might add another game mode option? Cuz there's a blank section in the circular navigator, which looks good too.


I don't know why people believe there is another League added unless I'm missing something? It only says D2 League, there isn't any real signs of added ML divisions.

Although, it appears as if the two generic emblems noted in the final screenshot could very well be from the Bundesliga. Obviously they aren't official emblems, I imagine it would be quite like the Premier League where they all have fake names and badges again - nothing a powerful edit mode won't fix!


Registered User
I think there will be 2 divisions and the number of leagues will be the same. But I hope we can have more teams.


Virtual Football Hero
I think that this is great news indeed. I am just hoping that the youth players are not always the same players, which ever club you will be playing with.

It would also be excellent if these players would either be real youth players (which means larger team rosters in PES, I guess) or to allow the user to edit the youth players that are associated with each individual team..


That's fanstastic news.

I hope they bring back the option of blocking Classic Players from the Master League, but allowing unlocked, current players. I hate to have to play a game where you have dead footballers playing for the opposition, just because I want singn Bundesliga players.

Also, I hope they improve their English. What the hell is 3th?


Registered User
they can make all the improvements they want, if we are still stuck at 4 teams in master league they can shove it up their ass.

Also, hopefully Konami changed some of the potential stars in ML to other names or players. If my team is going to consist of Kaiser and co. for another year I'm going to burn my copy of pes.


Registered User
LOL R9NALD9 has a point these morons just keep on coming back, bring in some fresh new master league default players.
