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Max Drive Problems


Registered User
I am having a problem using my new max drive to obtain Smoki's Ultimate British Master League Opt File. I can download it onto my Pc, extract the file and and send it to my max drive (it appears on the max drive when you view it through the software or through my computer, but when i plug it into my PS2 and run the PS2 software disk, it claims that there are no files on the max drive to uncrush.

Anyone know where I am going wrong?? :(




Registered User
but i realized that i was too impatient, i had to wait for a few seconds before option file appeared on PS2 to see the file. At least that was the case for me.


Registered User
but i realized that i was too impatient, i had to wait for a few seconds before option file appeared on PS2 to see the file. At least that was the case for me.

I gave up with this last time I posted and came back to it today. But I am still having the same problem.

The option file (I've tried several) downloads as a .max file, I copy it onto my Max drive USB stick, check that the file is there through My Computer and the Max Drive software and then when I plug the USB stick into the PS2 and run the Max Drive PS2 disc, there is nothing on the Max Drive stick for me to uncrush (no matter how long I wait for it to load up).

Am I missing something out of the process somewhere??

Any help would be greatly appreciated. :(


