I already bought Fifa World Cup 2010 too... To waste time till October (relaese of PES) .. You are so PESimistic imo... PES2010 was a very big step forward after 2008&2009 .. And I bet with everyone that PES2010 is a better game than Fifa in many areas... Here is my small summary...
Fifa is better :
Animations (a lot better I have to confess)
Refree ( a lot better)
Player crashing physique
Manual passing
360 movement
Camera customization
PES is better:
Player uniquiness (appereance & gameplay)
Overall Grafix (Pitch desgin / lighting / shadows / player models)
AI (fifa's AI is awful.. )
Long Balls and Crosses (ball physique)
As you see on the list ( and I'm sure you also admit my list) there is no big difference between two games.. Fifa's marketing is a lot better of course.. And 2008/2009 disasters harmed our belief to KOnamI..
If PES wants to be the take the crown undoubtaly back.. here is what it has to offer :
- Animations has to be re-written
- Freedom of passing/movement/shooting has to be re-implemented
- Player crashes and physique has to be re-written
- Camera customization has to be re-implemented( camera tillting at least)
- Sounds & commentary has to be revised ( weird ball soud has to be erased)
IF these are implemented for PES 2011 , it will take its crown back offically.. And all clues provided by WENB - Adam (already attented on press conference) is showing KOnami is on the right way...
I hear you, there is still some stuff that PES does indeed do a lot better!
The only problem is that Fifa is really taking strides (I'm not bashing, I'm merely stating the facts)...the player uniqueness in fifa world cup is a LOT better than fifa 10, and if they can improve that even more then pes is in real trouble as I've always felt that is the one thing pes has over fifa.
Regarding graphics...I don't give a shit
PES has become terribly arcady, and I'm not saying fifa is ultra realism, fifa has plenty of faults too. But PES has really gone backwards...I just cannot understand how some of the people can fall for Konami's empty promises (been working on this for 2 years) for the 3rd year running. Each year we are promised a complete overhaul, and every year we get minor upgrades, weaker AI, easier gameplay etc.
There was a time that I would've defende PES with my life, but seriously...Konami has messed up one too many times. IMHO Fifa World Cup is the most enjoyable football game since pes 6.
I do hope Konami turn things around, but I'll be surprised if that happens.
PES needs:
- A complete animation overhaul, from scratch
- decent 360 implementation (no last minute stuff like pes10)
- going back to their roots (where is the realism?)
- Complete overhaul of the post-match ratings system (this might seem minor but it kills the Be a Legend mode completely for me and pisses me off to know a guy who scored 4 goals got a 7...I mean seriously)
- FFS a complete overhaul of the commentary...the lines used in their games are laughable and takes away all the realism
- make the AI difficult for heavens sake...it was in pes 6 last that I actually feared playing a big team. All the next generation games it's a matter of how many goals am I going to score...and yes that is against top player.
- Redo the presentation of the whole game. The menus are weird and useless, the ingame presentation is lacklustre. Wow no loading times...who gives a fuck, I'd rather have much more detailed presentation and wait a minute or two for it to load.
- more stadiums...really, there is no way that they can't aquire more...fifa has 50+ stadiums, pes10 has 23 or something...which 2 of them are exactly the same only supporting different teams.
- how about some extra ratings? I must give them credit though the card system was unique and clever...but some extra attributes would be nice and add to the depth
- more leagues, more balls, more teams