i totay agree as a student of economics ,,, having a blue sky team , [new team 200 plus huh??] is saying a lot . It means this.......
doesant take a genius.
konami know they are loosing profits from the once great footie franchise , and has been declining 2 years straight. WHICH MEANS someone high up has told seabass that his ASS is on the line , delvier a good product or else. Konamis european and worldwide business reputation has also come into some question with fan respones and lack of involvment with the community.
ITs more to do with sales, rather than fans lol . Sales arent good = why + 3 year decline and competion [EA] are pulling off huge sales, = listen to fans =fix complaints or see more profits drop.
if seabass doesant do it this year.. i see a future where WE games will be localized for Japan only and getting no international releases, and most us fans will be either importing , or signing petitions like the YAKUZA game fans ! lol . i see it as a possible event. very sad day it will be .
Buisness wise they have to make a good return , i bet signing the copa league was one of the risks they took , so they will want a good product. Get this right.,to everyone doubting PES 11 . we arent talking about just fans, were talking about employment aswell, this is a company that NEEDS to deliver a product which will maxmise sales and give them a better return than last 2 years, Financially THEY NEED A FREAKIN GOOD GAME !!, thats why they are using the blue sky team.
and seabass saying they have been working on it for two years >?????
nonsense. why would they invest in something like that and hope for two years ?
when they have two games comming out every year? doesant make sense to me .
i smell...... marketing propaganda. BUT ... i see a great game this year or a financial devatation for konami. do or die.
its all buisness...... thats why this year i am actually expecting a very very good game , becasue its financial, the sales of FIFA and poor sales of PES10 even tho it reached platinuim , is still not satisfying. Pes has lost a lot of consumers and markets, according to podcast , there been a decline in both middle east ,and south america where once the community was strong. thus the coppa league purchasing.
soo if my calculations are correct ... we should receive a very good game this year.
if im wrong..
a finacnial blunder for konami , which will have a lot of people[seasbass] in trouble. Becasue .. Fifa sales are high and PES sales is droping which hasnt happend on PS2, only next gen .