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May 4th first news for PES2011


Registered User
there wont be anything new from the teaser tomorrow,pes is still 3years behind fifa in terms of gameplay engine,animations and overall presentation

thanks konami but il stick with my patched pes6

Fair play to you. Me personally, i dont compare any PES off of FIFA. I compare it off the last PES. Dont get me wrong, FIFA is a great next gen football game and wht they have done is great but i would prefer PES5/6 over them in terms of gameplay and enjoyment. I wonder would FIFA be paraded like it has if PES had hit the ground running on next-gen. FIFA hasn't had any competition since Konami faltered on these consoles.
Anyway. I will await the news that comes. I'm sure you will drop in to have a look.


Registered User
Fair play to you. Me personally, i dont compare any PES off of FIFA. I compare it off the last PES. Dont get me wrong, FIFA is a great next gen football game and wht they have done is great but i would prefer PES5/6 over them in terms of gameplay and enjoyment. I wonder would FIFA be paraded like it has if PES had hit the ground running on next-gen. FIFA hasn't had any competition since Konami faltered on these consoles.
Anyway. I will await the news that comes. I'm sure you will drop in to have a look.

i will and i hope that im proven wrong,pes2010 took myself and chimps 3 full months of editing before we got a proper playable game,and as you said neither fifa next gen nor pes next gen compare to pes5/6,as pes 2011 will only be the 1st year of the blue sky teams involvment im sure it will be better than pes 2010,but i think we will have to wait maybe 2-3 years to see the full benefit of those extra 200 konami staff working full time on the project


Registered User
Maybe. We will see soon enough when news hits. We can gauge what direction PES is going in etc. I am hoping The Blue Sky Team's involvement is huge. PES needs it. I personally sense a change. I will wait and see though.


Registered User
i totay agree as a student of economics ,,, having a blue sky team , [new team 200 plus huh??] is saying a lot . It means this.......

doesant take a genius.
konami know they are loosing profits from the once great footie franchise , and has been declining 2 years straight. WHICH MEANS someone high up has told seabass that his ASS is on the line , delvier a good product or else. Konamis european and worldwide business reputation has also come into some question with fan respones and lack of involvment with the community.

ITs more to do with sales, rather than fans lol . Sales arent good = why + 3 year decline and competion [EA] are pulling off huge sales, = listen to fans =fix complaints or see more profits drop.
if seabass doesant do it this year.. i see a future where WE games will be localized for Japan only and getting no international releases, and most us fans will be either importing , or signing petitions like the YAKUZA game fans ! lol . i see it as a possible event. very sad day it will be .

Buisness wise they have to make a good return , i bet signing the copa league was one of the risks they took , so they will want a good product. Get this right.,to everyone doubting PES 11 . we arent talking about just fans, were talking about employment aswell, this is a company that NEEDS to deliver a product which will maxmise sales and give them a better return than last 2 years, Financially THEY NEED A FREAKIN GOOD GAME !!, thats why they are using the blue sky team.

and seabass saying they have been working on it for two years >?????
nonsense. why would they invest in something like that and hope for two years ?
when they have two games comming out every year? doesant make sense to me .
i smell...... marketing propaganda. BUT ... i see a great game this year or a financial devatation for konami. do or die.

its all buisness...... thats why this year i am actually expecting a very very good game , becasue its financial, the sales of FIFA and poor sales of PES10 even tho it reached platinuim , is still not satisfying. Pes has lost a lot of consumers and markets, according to podcast , there been a decline in both middle east ,and south america where once the community was strong. thus the coppa league purchasing.

soo if my calculations are correct ... we should receive a very good game this year.
if im wrong..
a finacnial blunder for konami , which will have a lot of people[seasbass] in trouble. Becasue .. Fifa sales are high and PES sales is droping which hasnt happend on PS2, only next gen .


Registered User
i totay agree as a student of economics ,,, having a blue sky team , [new team 200 plus huh??] is saying a lot . It means this.......

doesant take a genius.
konami know they are loosing profits from the once great footie franchise , and has been declining 2 years straight. WHICH MEANS someone high up has told seabass that his ASS is on the line , delvier a good product or else. Konamis european and worldwide business reputation has also come into some question with fan respones and lack of involvment with the community.

ITs more to do with sales, rather than fans lol . Sales arent good = why + 3 year decline and competion [EA] are pulling off huge sales, = listen to fans =fix complaints or see more profits drop.
if seabass doesant do it this year.. i see a future where WE games will be localized for Japan only and getting no international releases, and most us fans will be either importing , or signing petitions like the YAKUZA game fans ! lol . i see it as a possible event. very sad day it will be .

Buisness wise they have to make a good return , i bet signing the copa league was one of the risks they took , so they will want a good product. Get this right.,to everyone doubting PES 11 . we arent talking about just fans, were talking about employment aswell, this is a company that NEEDS to deliver a product which will maxmise sales and give them a better return than last 2 years, Financially THEY NEED A FREAKIN GOOD GAME !!, thats why they are using the blue sky team.

and seabass saying they have been working on it for two years >?????
nonsense. why would they invest in something like that and hope for two years ?
when they have two games comming out every year? doesant make sense to me .
i smell...... marketing propaganda. BUT ... i see a great game this year or a financial devatation for konami. do or die.

its all buisness...... thats why this year i am actually expecting a very very good game , becasue its financial, the sales of FIFA and poor sales of PES10 even tho it reached platinuim , is still not satisfying. Pes has lost a lot of consumers and markets, according to podcast , there been a decline in both middle east ,and south america where once the community was strong. thus the coppa league purchasing.

soo if my calculations are correct ... we should receive a very good game this year.
if im wrong..
a finacnial blunder for konami , which will have a lot of people[seasbass] in trouble. Becasue .. Fifa sales are high and PES sales is droping which hasnt happend on PS2, only next gen .

very good points made there


Registered User
Really Now..?

You are on spot!

I am not sure why anyone would be looking forward to what the fish (Seabass) has to say tomorrow. They have done this year after year after you understand?

The fixes and improvements that are usually promised at this time on paper has never materialized in the last three years ....why now?.

As for them losing revenue, this is not true. PES 2010 went platinum again last year and PES 2011 will sell platinum again this year. Why we ask...because of the optimistic, gullible fans. Although Fifa 11 will out sell PES again this year (yup believe it) PES/Seabass will not give a damn because the fact is there is only two titles of footie games out. Being second in a two man race isn't bad if you are moving over 1mill units.

Fifa is the one who is at risk since they are spending more on R&D, promotions and ads and their product shows this.

As for Seabass and PES ...don't keep your hopes up because this team has reached its limit and does not have the talent to create a good game on a next gen console. PES 2010 will be PES 2011.

Has anyone taken a look at their "Blue Samurai" game promo videos? After 2 years of comes they didn't include not even one single improvement in their next release?
Dont be fooled ....wait for the game and then decide if PES is worth shit.


Registered User
there wont be anything new from the teaser tomorrow,pes is still 3years behind fifa in terms of gameplay engine,animations and overall presentation

thanks konami but il stick with my patched pes6

No you are totally wrong I have WC2010 for 3 days.. I've played it like 20 hours in total and I can say PES is still superior in following issues..
PLayer Models

Fifa is only better in:
Sounds (Chant&commentary)
360 passing (only for short passing / long passing is awful)
Camera customization

as you see PES is still a lot better.. And I've a keen belief that with today's announcement and news , it will prove its superiority obviously..

Here is what I wait via todays announcement:
-More freedom in movement/passing/shooting
-New animation system
-camera tilting (customization)
-better refree


Registered User
there wont be anything new from the teaser tomorrow,pes is still 3years behind fifa in terms of gameplay engine,animations and overall presentation

thanks konami but il stick with my patched pes6

Couldn't agree more!

And today's news won't mean anything at all!
Remember last year with the screenshot of Messi, everyone had multiple orgasms and look what happened. And don't go saying but PES10 is good, it's totally worthless shit compared to pes5/6!

Today's news will feature some screenshots and a CG movie clip maybe, but I've been fooled 3 years in a row and won't let it happen again!

And the financial talk is absolutely crap, Konami make millions with PES, even with the last 3 years crap games...each of them made platinum and they know they can release the saddest pile of crap of a pes game and millions of people will buy it!

It's ironic for me that most of the posters on this site are relatively new members and the old veteran players have all packed their bags and left since pes dissapointed one too many times!

It's the same shit all over again! Remember with pes09 they said that they just put pes08 out to put out anything but they were secretly developing pes09 in the next gen pes they wanted to put out...and looked what happened! Each version is more arcadey, worse goalkeeping, worse AI, the same animations etc. Nothing unique!

I still remember how awesome it was with iss pro evolution 2 on ps1 when I saw the little bald patch on zidane's head, the theatrical way the players went down sometimes, the unique way ronaldo ran, it was so unique...but now everything feels rushed and nothing is unique!

I can promise you to this day that the following will happen:
  • The gameplay movies at E3 will be dissapointing
  • Although everyone will feel dissapointed they will convince themselves that it is actually good
  • and they will defend it with their live and say everyone that has anything negative to say on this site must leave, is a fifa fanboy or must shut up
  • and come november everyone will shit themselves how poor it is...AGAIN

No you are totally wrong I have WC2010 for 3 days.. I've played it like 20 hours in total and I can say PES is still superior in following issues..
PLayer Models

Fifa is only better in:
Sounds (Chant&commentary)
360 passing (only for short passing / long passing is awful)
Camera customization

as you see PES is still a lot better.. And I've a keen belief that with today's announcement and news , it will prove its superiority obviously..

Here is what I wait via todays announcement:
-More freedom in movement/passing/shooting
-New animation system
-camera tilting (customization)
-better refree

Stop being naive, if you don't criticise it, it won't get better! Pes on next generation is shit...fact

Fifa is waaaaaaay more organic, a lot less arcaday and overall IMHO a far better football game at this point in time


Registered User
there wont be anything new from the teaser tomorrow,pes is still 3years behind fifa in terms of gameplay engine,animations and overall presentation

thanks konami but il stick with my patched pes6

hey goalgerd!

which pes6 patch are u using at the moment?!


Registered User
nope . lolo

ok financially first of all they are begining to loose markets , guys in mid east and SA have confirmed that pes fans are now buying FIFA [WE podcast], yes pes went platinuim this year, but will it go plat next year ?? . and todays world buyers are convinced by reviews ! , reviews make a HUGE difference in games today , if pes 11 gets bad reviews , sales will be worse this year than last. even tho they went platinuim.
yes pes 10 had mixed reviews to bad. and people still gave it a chance. But it is begining to get to the point where even the most hadcore fans will finally realise.
theyve made losses no doubt.
i personally see a drop if they dont do well this year, if they dont then i will be very suprised.

i here mainly frustrated voices , who will say many bad things about pes , hoping they are wrong. lol but this is what has happend.


Alive in the superunknown
It's ironic for me that most of the posters on this site are relatively new members and the old veteran players have all packed their bags and left since pes dissapointed one too many times!

I'm still here because I have hope :( - this year HAS to do it though or it's definitely over. FIFA is so much better.

Judging by the last 3 years, todays "video teaser" will just be some pre-rendered slow motion CGI bollocks and potentially a new logo to show they have "changed" :ninja:


Registered User
I'm still here because I have hope :( - this year HAS to do it though or it's definitely over. FIFA is so much better.

Judging by the last 3 years, todays "video teaser" will just be some pre-rendered slow motion CGI bollocks and potentially a new logo to show they have "changed" :ninja:

Good to know that some hardcore veterans are still around.
I'm not buying the hype I'm sorry...It's Fifa for me untill proven wrong

I cannot wait for the pes2011 gameplay movies, I'm sure it's going to be the best fucking laugh of my life


Registered User
lol ,pissed of evo fans , imagine you lot in the same room as seabass , with nothing but , bats ,crowbars, chairs, and pipes on the floor .

yh you know what we all are ...[pissed]... but im gnna keep my judjment until i see a gameplay video.


Registered User
Yawn. I have to say some of you posting are the "oddest" bunch of PES fans i have ever had to read posts from. Seriously. Sitting here bitching and moaning. Ill informed and put down everything that Konami come out with but yet still have the gaul to call yourselves PES fans... i am perplexed at the undeniably hypocritical posts.


Registered User
i do think its true in a way , i mean come on !!! FIFA did shit for a whole GEN , thats like 7-8 years of shite ... but EA still going ?? and now Fifas on top.

and after 3 games we are in a pissed mood, but maybe more to do with the fact that we arent being heard, for the last 3 years and we have been given a game which feels like the last while the competiton has evolved.


Registered User
G7SEV you have to understand how frustrating it is when every year they seem to repeat the same stuff practically, then the game comes out and all these things they say theyv implemented are non- existent. We are all fans or where fans, it just gets tiresome. Il wait till i see gameplay but im not holding my breath for much improvement.


Registered User
Hey guys,
the second part of my column is online...

Maybe most intersting for you (because you won't understand the rest of my german text):
- there are over 1000 of these new animations in PES 2011
- all animation from teaser are ingame-animations

Also the comparison of the renderings:



Registered User
Is it just me, or the rendering got worse? @_@

But I'm really excited about the news. I feel I'll enjoy this new version much more than I enjoyed PES 2010.
