Registered User
It's a fucking disgrace!
Here are some things that makes me fucking wince...
ML you have to sacrifice two leagues to choose teams from and you can create 3 other leagues with multi regional teams, FUCK SAKE! how can Konami overlook that?!
Game speed...did they make it faster since the demo, it's so unrealistic and to the point makes the game for me unplayable.
Passing any type of pass be it Through ball the 360 control should make passing better yet it doesn't regular passing is like manual passing in the old pes, half the time i'm in the last 3rd i seem to pass the ball into an empty space no player is near.
The second part of passing... the fact you have to punch the buttons sometimes more than 3 times to get the ball out your feet, now this makes weighing a pass which in old pes was really good but now extinct as you have to press hard to get the ball away and makes your over hit everything.
I punched the X button more than Bobby Brown did Whitney.
Players getting in the way utter shambolic your running with the ball now the player infront should be running too and maybe into channels but no he stands still and knocks you off the ball.
Players gliding due to the gameplay being so fast sometimes you see players glide into position, really stupid thing to overlook.
And the last thing possibly the worst thing and i couldn't give a fuck if an update would easily rectify it...transfers how the fuck are they not sorted i mean jesus christ. dispicable, FIFA was right on and they released it 3 weeks early!
Some positives, graphically superior, the boots/stats, ML upgrades, more teams.
Here are some things that makes me fucking wince...
ML you have to sacrifice two leagues to choose teams from and you can create 3 other leagues with multi regional teams, FUCK SAKE! how can Konami overlook that?!
Game speed...did they make it faster since the demo, it's so unrealistic and to the point makes the game for me unplayable.
Passing any type of pass be it Through ball the 360 control should make passing better yet it doesn't regular passing is like manual passing in the old pes, half the time i'm in the last 3rd i seem to pass the ball into an empty space no player is near.
The second part of passing... the fact you have to punch the buttons sometimes more than 3 times to get the ball out your feet, now this makes weighing a pass which in old pes was really good but now extinct as you have to press hard to get the ball away and makes your over hit everything.
I punched the X button more than Bobby Brown did Whitney.
Players getting in the way utter shambolic your running with the ball now the player infront should be running too and maybe into channels but no he stands still and knocks you off the ball.
Players gliding due to the gameplay being so fast sometimes you see players glide into position, really stupid thing to overlook.
And the last thing possibly the worst thing and i couldn't give a fuck if an update would easily rectify it...transfers how the fuck are they not sorted i mean jesus christ. dispicable, FIFA was right on and they released it 3 weeks early!
Some positives, graphically superior, the boots/stats, ML upgrades, more teams.