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My 2 cents on PES10


Registered User
It's a fucking disgrace!

Here are some things that makes me fucking wince...

ML you have to sacrifice two leagues to choose teams from and you can create 3 other leagues with multi regional teams, FUCK SAKE! how can Konami overlook that?!

Game speed...did they make it faster since the demo, it's so unrealistic and to the point makes the game for me unplayable.

Passing any type of pass be it Through ball the 360 control should make passing better yet it doesn't regular passing is like manual passing in the old pes, half the time i'm in the last 3rd i seem to pass the ball into an empty space no player is near.

The second part of passing... the fact you have to punch the buttons sometimes more than 3 times to get the ball out your feet, now this makes weighing a pass which in old pes was really good but now extinct as you have to press hard to get the ball away and makes your over hit everything.

I punched the X button more than Bobby Brown did Whitney.

Players getting in the way utter shambolic your running with the ball now the player infront should be running too and maybe into channels but no he stands still and knocks you off the ball.

Players gliding due to the gameplay being so fast sometimes you see players glide into position, really stupid thing to overlook.

And the last thing possibly the worst thing and i couldn't give a fuck if an update would easily rectify it...transfers how the fuck are they not sorted i mean jesus christ. dispicable, FIFA was right on and they released it 3 weeks early!

Some positives, graphically superior, the boots/stats, ML upgrades, more teams.


Registered User
Agreed. I think player movement was shite on 2009 as well though, its just this year you rely on other players making runs alot more since you cant dribble past anyone.
Passing - cant seem to get a through ball to happen yet, either overhit or cut out by a defender.
Dunno why I never get a fucking foul either.

Eduardo Dubs

Registered User
Hmm, thanks for giving your opinions guys, this helps me a lot (and honestly, saves me some cash too :D)

I bought FIFA 10 last week (Yeah, I live in the US), and PES is supposed to be coming out here next week, but I've been a bit hesitant about getting too excited about it.

I hadn't bought a soccer game since PES 2008, and my friends could never convince me that FIFA had gotten so much better, until like last year, but I didn't have cash for it either way.
This year, I got FIFA 10, and I am incredibly and suprisingly pleased with it. The ammount of content was already something I knew FIFA was better at, but the gameplay has gotten so much better, the game modes are sweet as fudge, gameface, online is NEVER laggy, at all, and all in all, a tight game.

Screw PES. You're not stealing another $60 from me this year again Konami.

(Btw, I'm not basing this decision solely on your comments, I hope you know that. lol)

Red Owl

Registered User
I think I actually agree with everything you've said dotty.

Although there's so much more to complain about - the penalties are awful, the new-look ML is baffling, a lot of aspects of ML seem to have been axed...

At least there's a youth team...

Mr Darkstar

Registered User
It's a fucking disgrace!

Here are some things that makes me fucking wince...

ML you have to sacrifice two leagues to choose teams from and you can create 3 other leagues with multi regional teams, FUCK SAKE! how can Konami overlook that?!

Game speed...did they make it faster since the demo, it's so unrealistic and to the point makes the game for me unplayable.

Passing any type of pass be it Through ball the 360 control should make passing better yet it doesn't regular passing is like manual passing in the old pes, half the time i'm in the last 3rd i seem to pass the ball into an empty space no player is near.

The second part of passing... the fact you have to punch the buttons sometimes more than 3 times to get the ball out your feet, now this makes weighing a pass which in old pes was really good but now extinct as you have to press hard to get the ball away and makes your over hit everything.

I punched the X button more than Bobby Brown did Whitney.

Players getting in the way utter shambolic your running with the ball now the player infront should be running too and maybe into channels but no he stands still and knocks you off the ball.

Players gliding due to the gameplay being so fast sometimes you see players glide into position, really stupid thing to overlook.

And the last thing possibly the worst thing and i couldn't give a fuck if an update would easily rectify it...transfers how the fuck are they not sorted i mean jesus christ. dispicable, FIFA was right on and they released it 3 weeks early!

Some positives, graphically superior, the boots/stats, ML upgrades, more teams.

Could not disagree more.

But that the beauty of opinion no one is ever right or wrong.

Personally i think it is the best pes to date and would reccomend it to any die hard pes fan as it was returned to its former glory, and even though i respect yoru opinion i still do not think the game has been out long enough for everyone to adapt properly and learn the ins and outs of the new systems.

Also i haveto outline how much i DISAGREE about passing, the passing is an absolute joy! Maybe your doing it wrong?


1st Team Squad Member
Im with Mr.Darkstar, although i must admit when i first loaded up an exhibition match i thought, what the fook is this, i cant dribble past players, i cant play through balls etc... But then you just realise that you need to play the game in a different way... A more realistic way.

What real life team kicks off and has a player dribble past the whole defense make a killer pass and score from it time and time again. Answer none. Now you have to be patient, pass the ball around, switch flanks, create your own space to make those killer passes. Its an absolute joy to score a goal now because youve actually crafted it and not mindlessly stormed down the centre of the pitch and layed it off to your strike partner.

Yes there are annoying aspects like the transfer system, or the complete lack of fouls / penalties... hopefully this can be rectified in future patches, who knows? But seriously this game is pure genius to play and it looks absolutely beautiful.

I bought both games this year, FIFA 10 and now PES2010 after having FIFA for a good 2 weeks before PES and its a good game too dont get me wrong, but now i have PES, FIFA has not seen the inside of my PS3 and nor will it at anytime in the near future.

Massive improvement from PES2009, i say well done Konami. I suggest those that slag the gameplay off either havent given the game a real chance, or they simply arent good enough at it.


Registered User
Could not disagree more.

But that the beauty of opinion no one is ever right or wrong.

Personally i think it is the best pes to date and would reccomend it to any die hard pes fan as it was returned to its former glory, and even though i respect yoru opinion i still do not think the game has been out long enough for everyone to adapt properly and learn the ins and outs of the new systems.

Also i haveto outline how much i DISAGREE about passing, the passing is an absolute joy! Maybe your doing it wrong?

Totally agree! I love this Pes and think the passing is excellent, especially the lofted through balls!!

Mr Darkstar

Registered User
Im with Mr.Darkstar, although i must admit when i first loaded up an exhibition match i thought, what the fook is this, i cant dribble past players, i cant play through balls etc... But then you just realise that you need to play the game in a different way... A more realistic way.

What real life team kicks off and has a player dribble past the whole defense make a killer pass and score from it time and time again. Answer none. Now you have to be patient, pass the ball around, switch flanks, create your own space to make those killer passes. Its an absolute joy to score a goal now because youve actually crafted it and not mindlessly stormed down the centre of the pitch and layed it off to your strike partner.

Yes there are annoying aspects like the transfer system, or the complete lack of fouls / penalties... hopefully this can be rectified in future patches, who knows? But seriously this game is pure genius to play and it looks absolutely beautiful.

I bought both games this year, FIFA 10 and now PES2010 after having FIFA for a good 2 weeks before PES and its a good game too dont get me wrong, but now i have PES, FIFA has not seen the inside of my PS3 and nor will it at anytime in the near future.

Massive improvement from PES2009, i say well done Konami. I suggest those that slag the gameplay off either havent given the game a real chance, or they simply arent good enough at it.

Well said i agree with that word for word!

Especially the enjoyment factor, all i had to do last year was pass to a fast person zig zag up the pitch and bam, was boring, now i have to work for my goals and when i finally score them it feels good!

Totally agree! I love this Pes and think the passing is excellent, especially the lofted through balls!!

Yup yup yup the lofted through balls especially you can really split open a team with well timed ones.


1st Team Squad Member
Well said i agree with that word for word!
Especially the enjoyment factor, all i had to do last year was pass to a fast person zig zag up the pitch and bam, was boring, now i have to work for my goals and when i finally score them it feels good!

Exactly mate, found myself punching the air when ive scored sometimes, especially when playing a lesser team and theyve packed the defense, time is running out and you finally put together some glorious football and it ends with the ball resting in the back of the net.

Good times!

Mr Darkstar

Registered User
Exactly mate, found myself punching the air when ive scored sometimes, especially when playing a lesser team and theyve packed the defense, time is running out and you finally put together some glorious football and it ends with the ball resting in the back of the net.

Good times!

LOL i thought i was the only one i dont feel to sad now! haha


Registered User
The more i play the more i'm beginning to agree.

Quite liked it at first, especially since i was winning online (had the 75% win from game1 :) ) but gradually ive just been realising how poor the gameplay is. I've always had a pass orientated playstyle and never had any problems with misplaced, or under/over hit passes until now.

It feels like they've removed any form of hold-up play or close control, any notion of good passing and the ability to call another defender to presure, as well as lot of other pretty fundamental things.

Mr Darkstar

Registered User
Same here. I scored a 90th min header against Barca and went mad. I really needed those 3 points :)

Haha for me its online when i score the clincher! So satisfying!

When i scored a screamer with Daniel Agger yesterday i stood up and was clapping! Hah! IT was just like his goal against blackburn! But more central Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet


Registered User
I would agree with Watty and Darkstar but what you fail to realise is that the gamespeed is so fast that's what ruins the game. How can it be realistic when you have to pass the ball around but you look at how fast players cover ground and run in general it's a joke. Does anyone notice that when you job then run straight away in FIFA the players take like a few steps to walk to jog to run, total realism.

If pes actually had slowed this gamesdpeed down like 25% and gave you a power bar for passes or sorted the weighings of passes this game would be brilliant but these too factors are fucked in the game which makes the game unplayable.


Registered User
Im with Mr.Darkstar, although i must admit when i first loaded up an exhibition match i thought, what the fook is this, i cant dribble past players, i cant play through balls etc... But then you just realise that you need to play the game in a different way... A more realistic way.

What real life team kicks off and has a player dribble past the whole defense make a killer pass and score from it time and time again. Answer none. Now you have to be patient, pass the ball around, switch flanks, create your own space to make those killer passes. Its an absolute joy to score a goal now because youve actually crafted it and not mindlessly stormed down the centre of the pitch and layed it off to your strike partner.

Yes there are annoying aspects like the transfer system, or the complete lack of fouls / penalties... hopefully this can be rectified in future patches, who knows? But seriously this game is pure genius to play and it looks absolutely beautiful.

I bought both games this year, FIFA 10 and now PES2010 after having FIFA for a good 2 weeks before PES and its a good game too dont get me wrong, but now i have PES, FIFA has not seen the inside of my PS3 and nor will it at anytime in the near future.

Massive improvement from PES2009, i say well done Konami. I suggest those that slag the gameplay off either havent given the game a real chance, or they simply arent good enough at it.

Sorry, what?

Is that its excuse? because in real life you cant dribble and walk through to goal and score.

Theres nothing wrong with the method its teh execution thats poor.

It doesnt let you play the way you want to, it makes you play the way it wants too, theres a massive difference.

Players dont move off the ball intelligently, the cpu can catch even the fastest player with the ball even with the slowest. the cpu DOES STUFF FOR YOU. Dear me, when i hit a shot and teh keeper saved it the cpu scored the rebound for me!!! When i chanced the cursor to unassisted it started passing and tackling for me.

Thats not realism, its a sham.

Theres no big depth here, its not about mastering a deep complex game. Its about finding a work around the rules put in place by the developers to make the game work, rather than making an innovative system that plays a balanced game.

No team should be able to continually knock around one touch passes around the back on pro difficulty unless you are playing Barca, not Paok.

And why cant you dribble? Why cant you do skill? Why cant i pass it beyond one of my players too another? Why are my crosses random, sometimes deep and high and sometimes whipped in? I am not in control here, the computer is. Same with shots, all completely random, not directed by me at all.

Sad state of affairs, but you keep kidding yourselves.


Registered User
yep, i dont feel like im in control of my players. there is no close control. players dont respond to my button presses. the game is not fun. IMHO

Mr Darkstar

Registered User
I would agree with Watty and Darkstar but what you fail to realise is that the gamespeed is so fast that's what ruins the game. How can it be realistic when you have to pass the ball around but you look at how fast players cover ground and run in general it's a joke. Does anyone notice that when you job then run straight away in FIFA the players take like a few steps to walk to jog to run, total realism.

If pes actually had slowed this gamesdpeed down like 25% and gave you a power bar for passes or sorted the weighings of passes this game would be brilliant but these too factors are fucked in the game which makes the game unplayable.

I can understand where your comming from, but i think the passes are perfect in every way if you execute them right.

But i dont think the game has sped up since the slowness of the demo release so i get where your comming from but i think its a matter of adapting to that speed and learning to work with it instead of aginst it.
