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My PES 2008 Option Files


Registered User
Yes, I do realise it's a littler silly to start it now considering the game isn't out yet, but I figured I'd go ahead and do it now.
I'll basically be fixing errors, creating players, teams, maybe even leagues that aren't on PES. I also will take requests depending on reasonable it is.
Here it goes.

How to Download
All credit goes to for this.

Step 1: First off, you are going to download the game save to your desktop. (As shown below)

Step 2: If you have WinRAR, skip to Step 4. You are going to need to download WinRAR. To do that, click here
Wait about 10 seconds, then your screen should look like the screen below.

Step 3: Click "Save". When the download is complete, you should be able to click, "Run", "Open Folder", or "Close". You
click "Run". Your computer may say the publisher could not be verified. Just click "Run". After it installs, find your game
save (If you are doing the 100% Resistance, it will be called PS3_100.rar). Right click on the file, and click "Extract Here",
as shown below.

Step 4: You should then see a folder labeled "PS3". Do NOT edit, move, or delete anything in that folder at all! Your now
going to plug your USB Flash Drive, iPod, PSP, etc. into your computers USB Drive. Right click on Start and click "Explore"
OR go to "My Computer" and find your USB Flash Drive, iPid, PSP, etc.

Step 5: Move your "PS3" folder to your USB Flash Drive, iPod, PSP, etc.

Step 6: When it is on your USB Flash Drive, iPod, PSP, etc. then take it to your Playstation 3 Console.

Step 7: Plug your Flash Drive into the USB Port on your Playstation 3 (located at the bottom in the front). (Shown left)

Step 8: Turn your Playstation 3 console on, and log in. Go to the "Game" section and go down to "Saved Data Utility".
Press "X" and the first thing you should see "USB Device" or something close to that. Press "X". You should then see your
game save! Then all you have to do is press the triangle button on your Playstation 3 Controller and click "Copy".
Then your done, you got your game save to your Playstation 3!

Websites to download from
All downloads will be posted here
They will be posted as:
an attachment
a zshare link
and a rapishare link.
If none of these work, I'd be willing to upload it somewhere else.

Next option file
I'll just be doing a simple clyb name option file for my first one. Man red, Man blue,London Fc etc, will all be fixed. I know it's easy and can be done yourselves but it's just gonna be a quick test to see if it all works.

As I said you'll find everything here and I will update this thread every time a new option file is added.
