Online problems getting worse and they dont care.
this is a major problem with the ps3 and konami network, basically konami have rushed the online play and not thought to look into the main router people use bt, and so have designed online play where you need to have 2 or 3 ports opening 5730 been the first, i have been on the phone with konami and they gave me a online manual on how to open them whgich i followed, and now has disrupted all my hub settings and didnt even work, theres no real quick or long term fix. you need to do port forwarding but i found it complicated and after about an hour in which i thought i cracked it pes didnt work and i can actually get back onto my hub settings, i have been trying to get in touch with konami but guess what no answer cos there to busy dealing with other calls, i listen to a recorded message for a long time and gave up, quite frankly im really annoyed and this should never have even been a problem, this yr they have rushed the game and are paying the price, i will procede to try and fix it tomorow and will let you know if i get any further (doubt it!!). fifas online play is superb and they must be sitting back and laughing at the makers of pes for mucking it up so god damn well!!