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New GAMEPLAY Trailer (E3 2010)


Registered User
fair points .. its looks much better than PES 10 BUT listen its not complete yet ,
i have high hopes for konami this year , im reall liking the look of this game . Come on PES


Registered User
I agree with you completely pes 2010 was not a bad game at all I still get enjoyment out of it from time to time! with mates or on me own in the master league!! it does have its lacking qualities but its far from a disaster!!!

as for this video, its very very promising, it looks very full if that makes any sense like as if the players are actually on the pitch and their actions are more than just pressing buttons!!! but thats probs just me!!!

the only thing i would say is that while this trailer is to show off scoring and gameplay it does worry me however on the GK front!!!!

Good for you. But for some the guys like me, Pes 2010 is scum and that is game play wise. Pes 2009 is better when it comes to game play. Only if it could have the real currency and other little editions from Pes 2010....


Registered User
Video or Gameplay....

Thats the problem with a lot of folks here, they do not know how to differentiate a game promo video from actual game play.

The current video has both. However, it is easy to determine what is a made up skills video compared to game play. If anyone thinks that all of that video is actual in game footage...maybe you should not be judging games before they are released. :no:

So quit whining about Messi's roulette and real life play. No player on any video game actual sticks directly to their real life counter part. Its a video game ...just have fun and enjoy it.

The Liverpool Way

Registered User
Looks like everyone loves the new trailer :)

To be honest, the PES2011 Demo will actually decide for me whether I buy the game or not. I've already Pre-ordered the new XBOX360 250GB along with Sonys Playstation Move, plus a new TV, then i'm getting FIFA and the new Call of Duty. I'll be spending quite a bit. Probably over £500 :S Though I might not get that Playstation Move.

So this year I can't really go spending my money on PES2011 if it won't be enjoyable to play...

But hopefully (Theres always hope) PES2011 will be a really good game, and by really good game I mean up to FIFA standards. Otherwise, odios Pro Evo.

shankly is god

Registered User
Looks like everyone loves the new trailer :)

To be honest, the PES2011 Demo will actually decide for me whether I buy the game or not. I've already Pre-ordered the new XBOX360 250GB along with Sonys Playstation Move, plus a new TV, then i'm getting FIFA and the new Call of Duty. I'll be spending quite a bit. Probably over £500 :S Though I might not get that Playstation Move.

So this year I can't really go spending my money on PES2011 if it won't be enjoyable to play...

But hopefully (Theres always hope) PES2011 will be a really good game, and by really good game I mean up to FIFA standards. Otherwise, odios Pro Evo.

well done mate!!! I tell you once you get the elite 250gb plus a hudge tv you will love it! you seriously cant go back to SD tv's again, i would advise you to get a tv over 42" anything smaller and you wouldnt notice a massive jump in definition!! ive got a 50" panasonic and its class mate well worth the money!!!

Oh and for the guy up there who said Messi doesnt do the roulette!


Registered User
I think the trailer looked great and it was diffrent more smoother and i think and hope the game will be a sucess this year, 4 months before release and konami already have a full blown tralier so they must be really confident.

But we can't really decide untill we play the demo.

The Liverpool Way

Registered User
well done mate!!! I tell you once you get the elite 250gb plus a hudge tv you will love it! you seriously cant go back to SD tv's again, i would advise you to get a tv over 42" anything smaller and you wouldnt notice a massive jump in definition!! ive got a 50" panasonic and its class mate well worth the money!!!

Oh and for the guy up there who said Messi doesnt do the roulette!

I already have HD but it's just 32".
I've got a 42" In my living room and that's where I used to play, but I couldn't play as much as I wanted to because that was the main TV in the house so I hardly got to use it lol :crymore:

So I want a bigger one than 32" for my gaming room, I was thinking a 42" TV because the rooms quite big.

I'm sure FIFA and Pro would look even better on a bigger screen :D Especially PES :)

shankly is god

Registered User
I already have HD but it's just 32".
I've got a 42" In my living room and that's where I used to play, but I couldn't play as much as I wanted to because that was the main TV in the house so I hardly got to use it lol :crymore:

So I want a bigger one than 32" for my gaming room, I was thinking a 42" TV because the rooms quite big.

I'm sure FIFA and Pro would look even better on a bigger screen :D Especially PES :)

I just wish i could have more time to play it lol but after playing on HD going back to SD tv's in my mates is hell! I love pes on my HD tv the lights and shading are top notch, and as for this pes it looks smoother and much more chunky which i bet will look stunning on my HD tv!!!

any idea when the demo will hit the playstation network??? i know its early days with alot more info going to hit the net but really eager to give it a go :D


Registered User
Thats the problem with a lot of folks here, they do not know how to differentiate a game promo video from actual game play.

The current video has both. However, it is easy to determine what is a made up skills video compared to game play. If anyone thinks that all of that video is actual in game footage...maybe you should not be judging games before they are released. :no:

So quit whining about Messi's roulette and real life play. No player on any video game actual sticks directly to their real life counter part. Its a video game ...just have fun and enjoy it.

I have bought PES for many years now, I think I have earned the right to speak about PES however I want

The video game is called Pro EVOLUTION Soccer,

I do not want Messi playing like CR9 -- I want realistic player individuality

Unlike you, I do know how to judge games, I do know what happened with PES 2008, PES 2009, and PES 2010 -- and I know what will happen with PES 2011,

What you see is what you get,

Besides the graphical improvement; I do not see what else to be excited about... is the showboating going to make the game better?

It's already a very easy game, so let's include unrealistic tricks to make it better?

Instead of showing Messi just doing what he does -- let's show Messi doing a Roulette? why?

OBVIOUSLY -- Messi can easily do a roulette if he wanted to... However, how many times have you seen him doing that trick?

Considering that PES used to be about "player individuality"-- I do not see any difference at all between Leo Messi and CR9,

What I see is a bunch of players trying to copy CR9, the video-clip makes me feel as though the game is based on CR9's showboating skills,

It's starting to look very similar to FIFA, which appears to be the new way of doing things,

FIFA came up with the sliders -- PES copied the sliders

FIFA has been using the same right-analogue dribbling system since FIFA 2005 -- PES has now copied that same system

FIFA has a passing that doesn't feels as restrictive as PES -- PES is now ''engineered for freedom''

Where is the originality? What happened to PES?


Registered User
Amateur I think your beef with the video is the players they used to showcase/highlight the new tricks were the wrong type besides Ronaldo. Messi and de Rossi aren't flip-flap/roulette type players, they are simple yet efficient dribblers. Maybe they could have used Tevez do a roulette instead of Messi or show Robinho doing some of his tricks.

Other than that I thought the video was amazing and besides the ball watching defenders which was probably be done to show off the offense showed some of the new gameplay features. And they did show how the defenders play the man instead of the ball now which is a very welcome addition as are some of those new collision animations.


Registered User
I have bought PES for many years now, I think I have earned the right to speak about PES however I want

The video game is called Pro EVOLUTION Soccer,

I do not want Messi playing like CR9 -- I want realistic player individuality

Unlike you, I do know how to judge games, I do know what happened with PES 2008, PES 2009, and PES 2010 -- and I know what will happen with PES 2011,

What you see is what you get,

Besides the graphical improvement; I do not see what else to be excited about... is the showboating going to make the game better?

It's already a very easy game, so let's include unrealistic tricks to make it better?

Instead of showing Messi just doing what he does -- let's show Messi doing a Roulette? why?

OBVIOUSLY -- Messi can easily do a roulette if he wanted to... However, how many times have you seen him doing that trick?

Considering that PES used to be about "player individuality"-- I do not see any difference at all between Leo Messi and CR9,

What I see is a bunch of players trying to copy CR9, the video-clip makes me feel as though the game is based on CR9's showboating skills,

It's starting to look very similar to FIFA, which appears to be the new way of doing things,

FIFA came up with the sliders -- PES copied the sliders

FIFA has been using the same right-analogue dribbling system since FIFA 2005 -- PES has now copied that same system

FIFA has a passing that doesn't feels as restrictive as PES -- PES is now ''engineered for freedom''

Where is the originality? What happened to PES?


Wait FIFA copied pes soo many times , the radar , players names down the bottom. the gameplay aspects aswell , your going back to the PS days to see where the copying began .. theyve copied each other for years .


Registered User
Anyways onto the PES trailer – looked really washed out colour wise (yuk),the goalkeepers seem awful,and the ’skills’ animations looked particulary dodgy. But then it’s fair to say I remain a skeptical ex-PES fan and many seem to be happy with what Konami have offered in the ‘next-gen’ era. Different strokes for different folks.

Personally I’m much more interested by what EA are doing with FIFA.

Gary Patterson explaining that players will have their own mean and variance for passing and shooting – now that will be fantastic if they do it well – true player individuality.

The Liverpool Way

Registered User
Who cares about who copied who... That always happens.

Like PS3 and Xbox.. Now theres a new Xbox which is black (Like the PS3) and the new Xbox has touch sensitive buttons (Like the PS3) and it has built in Wi-Fi (Like the PS3).

But PS3 has copied Xbox in many ways too. If people never copied then their products would never improve..

So yeah 'Amateur'... Enough of the whole PES copied FIFA or FIFA copied PES nonsense.

@Shankly is god - I just can't wait for the demo, I don't know when it's out, probably a month before the game is out I think ;)

shankly is god

Registered User
All this who cappied who is pissing me off!!! its like in a boxing ring stating fifa done this and pes coppied and vise versa! like people trying to persuade who buys what!!!!

the coppy of each other its called "the industry" you see it in many other business factors!

its about what they offer not what they have replicated!!!

I like many other buy both, and enjoy both and while I do prefer one over the other i wouldnt say "they have coppied sliders" so therefore im not gona play it and have lost respect for that franchise!

arguments will happen because they are two football games up against each other but this pettiness is pathetic!!

Just rejoice in the news and see what awaits in the new season of football!!!


Registered User

Wait FIFA copied pes soo many times , the radar , players names down the bottom. the gameplay aspects aswell , your going back to the PS days to see where the copying began .. theyve copied each other for years .

FIFA has copied PES -- PES has copied FIFA -- Who cares?

I don't give a shit about companies or corporations, I will not defend Konami nor will I argue with someone who's defending Konami, I don't care about justifications; I'm just saying that PES is copying FIFA, and that the new trailer shows a lot of FIFA based animations,

I just expected something better from Konami, yeah use the right analogue stick for dribbling tricks -- but -- keep it original... Instead, the trailer showed a lot of over-the-top animations that will only increase the arcade feel of the game,

I'm not seeing anything ORIGINAL, what PES5 and PES6 brought to the table, although hugely overrated and outdated today, it was ORIGINAL at the time.

So my point is simple: what happened to PES? where is the originality?

That's all I'm saying, and I have a right to voice my opinion,

PESGaming is to talk about PES -- why do you guys get jumpy whenever someone says something "negative" about PES?

shankly is god

Registered User
FIFA has copied PES -- PES has copied FIFA -- Who cares?

I don't give a shit about companies or corporations, I will not defend Konami nor will I argue with someone who's defending Konami, I don't care about justifications; I'm just saying that PES is copying FIFA, and that the new trailer shows a lot of FIFA based animations,

I just expected something better from Konami, yeah use the right analogue stick for dribbling tricks -- but -- keep it original... Instead, the trailer showed a lot of over-the-top animations that will only increase the arcade feel of the game,

That's all I'm saying, and I have a right to voice my opinion,

this is a pes forum! so i dont understand your logic! slagging of a game for replication and improvements... just plain silly mate!! you are right to voice your opinions but dont be shocked if your feedback is less then welcome!


Registered User
this is a pes forum! so i dont understand your logic! slagging of a game for replication and improvements... just plain silly mate!! you are right to voice your opinions but dont be shocked if your feedback is less then welcome!

Whatever dude,

Konami could have produced something more original, instead they have copied FIFA shamelessly; and the animations still look kinda dodgy if you asked me,

I am not here to praise PES -- I come here to give an honest opinion,

I watched the trailer, I was thrilled by the graphics, but I am disappointed with the actual gameplay and animations shown,

For my taste, the animations shown in the trailer are unnecessarily over-the-top, too much like FIFA... I think it could have been a bit more original,

It's only constructive criticism, I think it could have been more original, I stated why I think that -- there's no more to it,

Pro1: (

"I’m looking forward to this game. The new animations from the trailer look good. However, they should also introduce new (natural) animations for the player’s hands. When the players are in action, their hands always seem to flex into a position that looks like spiderman when he is spinning a web.

I also like the idea of new tricks for as long as they don’t go the FIFA (Fantasy In Football America) route and distribute certain tricks to certain players who never ever perform them tricks in real life.

Messi, in real life, is arguably the best dribbler in the world, and the ball seems to cling to his feet like magic. However, he is not known as a proper trickster like C. Ronaldo or Ronaldinho.

EA’s FIFA doesn’t care about representing real life football. This is why certain features enter that game just for the fun of it, regardless of whether it makes Messi play like Messi and provides an authentic genuine football experience or not."

I prefer constructive criticism over mindless praising any day,

You talk about LOGIC, and yet you seem to lack logic yourself,

shankly is god

Registered User
Whatever dude,

Konami could have produced something more original, instead they have copied FIFA shamelessly; and the animations still look kinda dodgy if you asked me,

I am not here to praise PES -- I come here to give an honest opinion,

I watched the trailer, I was thrilled by the graphics, but I am disappointed with the actual gameplay and animations shown,

For my taste, the animations shown in the trailer are unnecessarily over-the-top, too much like FIFA... I think it could have been a bit more original,

You talk about LOGIC, and yet you seem to lack logic yourself,

your talking about personal taste kid not logic! what you see and what i see must be different, you say pes has replicated fifa shamelessly where as i say its a major improvement (as we are in very early days) and have much room to add more and come up with new ideas!

I really dont get why fifa fans (which you clearly are) are saying we are deluded for following pes aimlessly when fifa has been far worse to its fans!! for the past 3-4 years you have had no trophies celebrations, the same static entrance, bugs and glitches for goal celebrations, player likeness off the topic, very poor manager mode.

you mention replicating sliders like that's a major thing!!! i really couldn't care if the shared exactly the same menu layout if it meant the game play was flowing and realistic which going by the trailer its sure on the way to that!!

you call pes unrealistic and not original??? wait till pes 2011 and fifa 11 come and then we can talk about realism!!!

you must understand if you bad mouth a game on the forum you will come under criticism especially when its no way near to being finished!!!
