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New PESGoal V1.01 Option File Is out


Registered User
The below is taken from the PESGoal site........

Here it is : Next option will be V2

Changes include :

Lokomotiv Moscow Added Over Spartak
New Africans added to African Nationals
More Fringe Players added
More Stats and Appearences Updated
Strips Updated
Line-ups slighty Updated
Portguese Teams are Totally Updated

PESGoal V1.01 :

Once again Georginho has done us Proud *Round Of Applause

Enjoy !!!

Z can you do with this what you did with the last one so its compatable with patched versions of the game...... or is this one already compatable??



Haven't looked at the new file yet but will do soon.
It is compatible with patched games but you'll need to go to Edit mode and set all the kits back to default if you want to see the patched kits.
I'll do this to it and release a patched version soon.


Registered User
Z - is that all you do on the patched ones you upload then - just change the kits back to default, then upload it to the web again???

Is there anything else you do?? - If not then I will do that for you and send you the file if you want??

If not then what else do you change??



Cool, thanks for the offer.
I've just spent ages fixing the kits for WE7:IJ so I'd appreciate it if you can do it.

1. Set all kits to default.
2. Remove all shirt badges.
3. Set a good kit font type and font colours for the shorts and shirts.

Should be doable in about 30 minutes for all clubs, nationals and classic teams ;)
Once you've done it, label the file and post it here as an attachment.
Cheers mate :)


Registered User
LOL - 30mins that all :D

You owe me for this then - Just kidding, im happy to help.

Quick Questions as never done this for someone else before......

1. happy with that
2. happy with that
3. Which font do you recomend? - or is it best just for me to chose when i do it? as i dont know the colours for all the teams - suppose i could go through the current option file and right it all down - would that be best??

Lastly - what do you want the file called??
OH and im happy to do this anytime - just give me a shout when you want help with anything.


I usually go for font type 3 for most kits.
It depends on which patch you are playing with, to choose the others.
jonboyo's last one had type one in the Premiership fonts so all english team set to that would be good. Most of the others should already be in a good font and may just need a colour adjustment to make it more easily visible.

some adidas kits have font type 2.
And Madrid and Anderlecht have type 4.

Call the file what you want. Something along the lines of what it is called now plus add PATCHED onto the end.
Post it as an attachment.


Registered User
Z - thanks for the info mate....

I have done all the national teams and classic team.....
I will try and do the club teams tonight, if i dont have time i will do it 2mora and hopefully have it uploaded before the weekends over :D



Registered User
Z- havent finished this yet mate..... had a really busy weekend.

I am halfway there so will get it done asap :D



Registered User
It's a great file for PES3.

I'd love to see it on WE7i.

(Ignore the attached's a early test conversion of a PES3 file for WE7i


Registered User
i was reading the readme and i saw


Lynch - Webber (ENG)
Pugh - May (ENG)
Wallace - Stewart (SCO)
Nunez - Ricardo (SPA)
Bellion - Blanc (FRA)

y is bellion being replaced with blanc when he plays in qatar


I think it's the other way around.
The ones on the right have been replaced with the ones on the left?


Well in the game, I think United have 3 keepers already and probably Ricardo won't be playing much (if at all) so they got rid of him.


Registered User
Z is right....... united will probably be letting Ricardo go all together at the end of the season.

only 1day to go until the file is up :D


Registered User
and thnx, is the option file for a patched version of the game or unpatched? if it is for the original one, is there any way of gettin real kits wizout patchin the game?
