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News about PES 14


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Registered User
Wether I buy the game again, depends on two things...

1. If you can change clubs during a ML season (Why they can't put this in is beyond a joke now)

2. If they have fixed the stupid Player Development which see's every player turn into Messi after 3 years.

How hard can it be to offer a few more options? Look at what FIFA pile into their game. I know it has plenty of faults but you can change clubs, transfers are realistic, player growth isn't stupid and you have a proper youth team. Plus they have hundreds more teams on the game, it's almost as Konami just make half-arsed efforts at times.

Anyone know if these two things will happen, as if not Konami has lost another customer cos' they are making the game more and more limited.


Registered User
sorry, but you obviously never played pes6 on ps2 mate. back then skills decided who won the game, nowadays a long pass from a rookie can win a game

I did play it yes, but if you play it now, it doesn't feel as much like real football, as much as PES13 does. I totally agree about the through ball to Ronaldo thing, but I think the rest of it is pretty good.

I would improve:

-the slowness of the keeper animations
-screen goes black when throwin and resets your players (think this has been solved)
-through ball bug
-tone down Ronaldo. Think they did well toning down Messi from 12, he is still amazing but rightfully so as he is the worlds best player
-Graphics I don't care
-Some new animations would be ok

I hope they don't do a 2008 and make it shit, I feel its heading in the right direction.

Saw a video of PES2 the other day, there are flares and camera men, gameplay was good, hate the way they take stuff out, had hours of fun on that game


Registered User
Ignore Video Title. This is PRE-E3 presentation.

Very good things in here. Hopefully we have more info at the real E3 presentation.

In regards to "Heart" being scripted, then what is the advantage of playing at home? What if you wanted to establish a fortress ala Anfield, Old Trafford, Highbury...those were fortresses back in the days. Did I also mention Galatassaray and their signature "Welcome to Hell"?

Its not called scripting, rather it gives home players an advantage and a drive over the away team. Doesnt necessarily mean that they will automatically win.


Registered User
Well, PES2014 does not look promising, in fact, I just know it's going to be shit, but that's hardly sticking my neck out because we all know that they mostly release shit games now.

They've made an already over complicated, button mashing mess, even more of an over complicated, button mashing mess. I mean seriously, I now have to control my players body with one stick, and his feet/ball with the other stick? And don't even get me started on the home and away bullshit. How the hell is that ever going to work when we already have an absolute cluster fuck of random mess with player arrows. So now, if we're away from home we're fucked. There is just absolutely no way they can implement this properly without it being a frustrating mess, just like most of the recent versions. No, NO, NO, KONAMI. For fuck sake, NO. Do KONAMI ever listen to the fanbase? Have they ever? My mind is blown at this point, and not in a good way. They seem to have completely forgotten what made them the best football game around, and it wasn't an over complication of controls, too much randomness, or silly little tricks that you barely see in reality, it was simple, and realistic football. JUST SIMPLE AND REALISTIC FOOTBALL, KONAMI. Get back to basics and stop trying to piss down my back and tell me that it's raining with all your bells and whistles.

After being a loyal fan from day one, I think I'm finally done with this franchise.

Rant over.


Registered User
In regards to "Heart" being scripted, then what is the advantage of playing at home? What if you wanted to establish a fortress ala Anfield, Old Trafford, Highbury...those were fortresses back in the days. Did I also mention Galatassaray and their signature "Welcome to Hell"?

Its not called scripting, rather it gives home players an advantage and a drive over the away team. Doesnt necessarily mean that they will automatically win.

A slight advantage from playing at home is fair enough, in fact I already think this appears in the game as away games are usually that wee bit harder. An invisible script if you like, which is the way scripts should be, based in realism, logical and not blatantly obvious.

The concept of "heart" as it was explained earlier is something else entirely and my worry is that it could be used to explain away all manner of scripted events within the game.
How do you quantify a player's "heart"? How is it any different from the random form arrows which exist at the moment? I presume it will work on the same principle, take a percentage off or add a percentage on to your stats as and when it likes? Is this progress?

By the way, the teams you mention all have one thing in common; They are top teams in the leagues they play in. Go a bit further down the tables in any league and you'll find that home advantage isn't always that much of a big deal.

Why cant Konami just let us play the damn game? If the home ground of the team we are controlling becomes a "fortress" then it should be because WE rarely lose a game there! Why do we need a "heart" stat to quantify this when we already know it? Why do we need a reward of some kind when we are already satisfied by the knowledge we are hard to beat at home?

THAT is football. Not some shitty stat or form arrow which turns out to be completely random anyway no matter what we do.

I've said it before and I'm going to say it again: Konami need to stop with the gimmcky shit and go back to basics. Concentrate on the FOOTBALL for a change. I mean they cant even get the fucking fixture lists right at the moment so why are they wasting time on nonsense like "heart"?

PES is not an RPG. It's FOOTBALL.



Registered User
Well, PES2014 does not look promising, in fact, I just know it's going to be shit, but that's hardly sticking my neck out because we all know that they mostly release shit games now.

They've made an already over complicated, button mashing mess, even more of an over complicated, button mashing mess. I mean seriously, I now have to control my players body with one stick, and his feet/ball with the other stick? And don't even get me started on the home and away bullshit. How the hell is that ever going to work when we already have an absolute cluster fuck of random mess with player arrows. So now, if we're away from home we're fucked. There is just absolutely no way they can implement this properly without it being a frustrating mess, just like most of the recent versions. No, NO, NO, KONAMI. For fuck sake, NO. Do KONAMI ever listen to the fanbase? Have they ever? My mind is blown at this point, and not in a good way. They seem to have completely forgotten what made them the best football game around, and it wasn't an over complication of controls, too much randomness, or silly little tricks that you barely see in reality, it was simple, and realistic football. JUST SIMPLE AND REALISTIC FOOTBALL, KONAMI. Get back to basics and stop trying to piss down my back and tell me that it's raining with all your bells and whistles.

After being a loyal fan from day one, I think I'm finally done with this franchise.

Rant over.


You must have been typing that rant out at the exact same time I was mate!


Registered User
Ignore Video Title. This is PRE-E3 presentation.

Very good things in here. Hopefully we have more info at the real E3 presentation.

In regards to "Heart" being scripted, then what is the advantage of playing at home? What if you wanted to establish a fortress ala Anfield, Old Trafford, Highbury...those were fortresses back in the days. Did I also mention Galatassaray and their signature "Welcome to Hell"?

Its not called scripting, rather it gives home players an advantage and a drive over the away team. Doesnt necessarily mean that they will automatically win.

You make a fortress at home by playing well ffs. Not because of some stupid fucking AI advantage, which is scripting, which is the worst feature of these games.

Whatever happened to winning because you're the better football player. :realmad:

I mean how can anybody who wins at home really take any credit? Or if you play at home online, how can it ever be taken seriously if there is a home advantage? HOW CAN IT EVER BE A FAIR GAME?


It is happening again
So where is this new gameplay engine? Looks exactly the same as PES 2013 to me.


Registered User
So where is this new gameplay engine? Looks exactly the same as PES 2013 to me.

It really doesn't... Faces look improved, animations way more fluid, to me this looks like it could be a massive improvement. I think I would play a slightly higher game speed but looks good to me!


Registered User
The new engine clearly isn't going to be as game changing as many people thought it would be.

Slightly improved faces and animations are what we would expect if they were still using the old engine.


Registered User
Funnily enough I actually think the PES 13 image looks more like Neymar! :D

Anyway, I really couldn't give a damn about how detailed the faces are because you only ever see them during the game intro or replays. Who cares?

Isn't everyone always saying that it's gameplay that matters and not graphics?

Sure I want to see the game look good but that is best served by making the animations a lot better during play rather than making sure Neymar's facial hair is in place or putting beads of sweat onto a player's forehead.


It is happening again
It really doesn't... Faces look improved, animations way more fluid, to me this looks like it could be a massive improvement. I think I would play a slightly higher game speed but looks good to me!

Yeah... because that's really what I look out for when the next PES comes around. :rolleyes:

I'm sorry, but in terms of gameplay it looks exactly the same to me. Even has the crappy tickle passes where it looks like they're kicking the ball with the sole of their foot.


Registered User
So where is this new gameplay engine? Looks exactly the same as PES 2013 to me.

It really doesn't... Faces look improved, animations way more fluid, to me this looks like it could be a massive improvement. I think I would play a slightly higher game speed but looks good to me!

Yeah... because that's really what I look out for when the next PES comes around. :rolleyes:

I'm sorry, but in terms of gameplay it looks exactly the same to me. Even has the crappy tickle passes where it looks like they're kicking the ball with the sole of their foot.

But the new game engine has brought better graphics you n00b.
And the gameplay does not look the same. Seriously, it's so different to 13.
