Well, PES2014 does not look promising, in fact, I just know it's going to be shit, but that's hardly sticking my neck out because we all know that they mostly release shit games now.
They've made an already over complicated, button mashing mess, even more of an over complicated, button mashing mess. I mean seriously, I now have to control my players body with one stick, and his feet/ball with the other stick? And don't even get me started on the home and away bullshit. How the hell is that ever going to work when we already have an absolute cluster fuck of random mess with player arrows. So now, if we're away from home we're fucked. There is just absolutely no way they can implement this properly without it being a frustrating mess, just like most of the recent versions. No, NO, NO, KONAMI. For fuck sake, NO. Do KONAMI ever listen to the fanbase? Have they ever? My mind is blown at this point, and not in a good way. They seem to have completely forgotten what made them the best football game around, and it wasn't an over complication of controls, too much randomness, or silly little tricks that you barely see in reality, it was simple, and realistic football. JUST SIMPLE AND REALISTIC FOOTBALL, KONAMI. Get back to basics and stop trying to piss down my back and tell me that it's raining with all your bells and whistles.
After being a loyal fan from day one, I think I'm finally done with this franchise.
Rant over.