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To: AnD3RSon: Please , please ,please send me an online invite!!!!!!


i would really like to play against someone who is Derby. That would would bring my total of different teams played against online to 5 !!!

are you on pc? if so i'll play you some time mate:)

I've never seen someone play as Derby before. Wonder why...


Registered User
From my experience, I've found that using a sweeper system doesn't make much of a difference.

The only way I've found to consistently counter the Barca/Brazil/Inter noobs with their run and cut backs, is simply to learn how to defend. After you neutralise their dribbling, you tend to see that they don't possess any real skill.

Some general strategies I've found useful for defending are:

1) Don't always simply run at the attacker. You will actually find your defending success rate increases a lot if you try to defending without using r1 (try to only use r1 to get in the vicinity of your opponent).
2) Learn when to use the 'extra defender pressure'. If you always use it, or use it incorrectly, you'll find that players will be drawn out of position and that is why a lot of times you see the opposition's striker completely free in your area. As a general rule, I tend to only use the extra defender when there's a cluster of defenders i.e. when your defenders are close together.
3) Also, to defend against cutbacks, try this - when he/she is dribbling down the byline use the 'extra defender pressure' to defend against the dribbler, whilst you control the other defender to mark the player he's trying to cut back to.


Registered User
i have been playing using Celtic for the last ten games or so, and I've beaten a few barca and inters using them too, so its not impossible.

I'm on pc too and I'd be up for playing against anyone here with derby or Celtic or similar. Pm me if you up for the challenge.


Registered User
A21US, it seems there are lots of people who do not play with those teams and dont try that pass goal but at the end of the day as long as your winning they can try what they like if they annoy you dont play again!!
if thats the only way to score then ill always score more as im sure you will 2!!!


Registered User
Hi fellas (and lasses...although i've never met one girl who's played pro evo in my life)...haha

Totally agree with everyone on here regarding inter/barca....they are such effin losers! What satisfaction do they get out of beating anyone with the best teams? Anyone can get henry/messi/ronaldinho/eto on the ball, keep hold of down the wings (pretty much unchallenged) as most defenders just can't defend against the pace or strength of them overrated players, and cut back and score. BORING!

The whole point and beauty of Pro evo is being able to pass, move and create the perfect goal. I don't mind the odd cutback, a goal is a goal, no complaints, but it's very bitter conceding to a Barca player. They are wimps, total wimps who are not confident in their own abilities. I absolutely hate them! But nothing gives me greater joy than beating them as well though.

I'm mostly Rovers (Blackburn) online and the times I DO play a barca player, he'll even have the nerve to laugh (L1 - HAHAHA) at each and every goal? I mean cmon, get real!!!

I usually just create a match room and try to avoid them but if they do come along, I pick the same team as them and absolutely destroy them. I don't mind playing with any team, but it's much more fun playing with the team you support. But saying that, they're are some genuine Barca supporters, does that mean they can't be Barca now? It's all Konami's fault, I don't blame the players...if you're not as confident, you're going to choose Barca obviously, that's the easy option.

Anyone ever fancy a game online, let me know, im a total PES geek, played over 1000 games online :S (guilty!) lol...don't know how to add users etc, but you'd have to tell me the times you're going to be on and I could create a room or you could create one and I'd search for you.

As long as it's fair teams, I'm up for a challenge anytime...i'll accomodate for you when picking teams.

Look forward to whooping some ass boys! :D


Registered User
Just my 2c.

Firstly when up against a team with fast wingers.. eg barce or manutd..
try not to have your fullbacks join the attack. Take out their forward arrows and if it requires you to do so.. change them to CB rather than LB or RB. So you will end up have 4 CB's.

Secondly, against teams with fast wingers.. you really have to concentrate on your defending ALOT.

Im not sure if many people use this method of defending.. but when the ball goes down the wing eg when ur opponent gets the ball to c. ronaldo. I (as arsenal) tend to select and control my left back clichy. With him holding the position and covering gaps... i hold down square and have my left wing chase after ronaldo.
with him twisting and turning.. you can wait for a correct momment to double team him and snatch it away.
If he attempts a one-two, most of the time you will be able to cut out the return pass with the LB youre controlling.

Practice practice this method of defending.. together with concentration.. i really dont have much problem playin against teams that cuts back to score goals.


I've gotta say defending is as much a part of PES than attacking.

And why would anyone playing online pick a shite team anyway? Barcelona are a good side, therefore they get picked frequently. Whats the point going online to pick a shite team and then inevitably losing.


Registered User
i ALWAYS select a team at random, dont care who it is i wud rather play as a shite team then the same team over an over again

i have had real madrid a few times at random but also had derby the other day

winnin 3-1 against man u so the person left the game

a good player can win with any team


Registered User
I accidently chose Fiorentina this morning, played against Arsenal and managed to win 3-2.... I didnt want to play as them, but he chose Arsenal first, and I went to click my normal team, but pressed too early and chose Fiorentina instead.


Registered User
u mean your normal team being inter milan!!

another boring player, i played before 5 games played barca 4 times an man u once

won all 5 games and think the best team i got out of them all was dynamo kiev (beat barca 3-2 last minute)

also went st etienne and beat barca 6-5...was losing 2-0 to an absolute gimp who scored an kept goin hahahahahaha got it back an every time he scored he kept quiet as he knew he was a shit player (all 5 goals run run run pass across the goal)

im just to good :p

[email protected] <<< msn if u wanna arrange a game

scouse_god <<< pro evo user name invite me to play a friendly


Registered User
why not challenge me yaself??

an if u notice the :p it means im messing

although i know im good at the game, not sayin im the best but will give anyone a good game!

an i put me addy an that on here as everyone in here is moanin about playin barca all the time and i ALWAYS pick random so more than likely i wont be barca (if i am its luck!)


Registered User
u mean your normal team being inter milan!!

Yeah, but as I said elseware I dont play how the majority of people play who choose Inter/Barca/Brazil... I build my play up, pass it around, I dont just pass it up to one player and thats all I do!


Registered User
i play pes 2008 online most nites on the ps3 an im sick of pricks goin barcalona all the time gettin the ball running down the wing an then tapin it acros the goal mouth to a striker whoopy!!!!!!!!!

wat a goal if u wana do that go by fifa,pro evo is for football players not muggy little tossers!!! ok fare 1 its guna heppen from time to time but comon lets ava bit ov variation boys this is shit!

if u dont agree with what i am sayin give me a shout an if ur a ps3 online player were sort out a game

It can be annoying, but if it happens "all the time," do something to combat it.

If they keep running down the wing, where's your winger and wing-back to stop them?


Registered User
It can be annoying, but if it happens "all the time," do something to combat it.

If they keep running down the wing, where's your winger and wing-back to stop them?

If you have read the posts, People have tried to counter this, it is the same teams and same players that we have a problem with. Please, if you can tell me what i can do to stop someone like adriano running clean through my winger then clean through my wing back, leaving them sat on their arse, while he carrys on unhindered. Myself and many others would love to hear your suggestion........


Registered User
i have played against barca now in the last few games and have won them all

i dont know if i am doin something right or if the players are just crap

u need to learn how to play, most people who go barca always do the same thing run run run. i usually use square and get players over to him and use the control of another player to get ahead of the man runnin an when close use the X button

holdin square and X seems to be helpin me as well an they cant get through.

and i have been really rubbish teams like vitesse!

once u learn how to beat one person who just runs its simple to beat the rest of them, and its funny 2 as u can tell there gettin so wound up an they keep tryin to pass the ball across your box!

i also love playin against hte people who think they know where ur goin an u see ther eplayers runnin off to cover the man and u pass it the total opposite way
