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online joy at last


Registered User
finally theyve cracked it konami:shocking:

its a joy too play online even when playing someone with a s***y connection

no more transporting player :cool:

the only lag that ive faced was a slight stutter in one game, for a second it just froze but there was know advantage to be gained by anyone ,,ive played 8 games and thats the only problem ive faced

the mighty bordeaux march on undefeated:realmad::D


Registered User
finally theyve cracked it konami:shocking:

its a joy too play online even when playing someone with a s***y connection

no more transporting player :cool:

the only lag that ive faced was a slight stutter in one game, for a second it just froze but there was know advantage to be gained by anyone ,,ive played 8 games and thats the only problem ive faced

the mighty bordeaux march on undefeated:realmad::D

congratulations... i like many others have said that the online seems to be much improved after the demo.. so fingers crossed it'll be like this if not better for the forseeable future..

Mr Darkstar

Registered User
finally theyve cracked it konami:shocking:

its a joy too play online even when playing someone with a s***y connection

no more transporting player :cool:

the only lag that ive faced was a slight stutter in one game, for a second it just froze but there was know advantage to be gained by anyone ,,ive played 8 games and thats the only problem ive faced

the mighty bordeaux march on undefeated:realmad::D

I am actually so excited its unreal!

I am going to get my copy in a matter of hours, i can not wait to play lag free online, i can finally claim my throne at the top f the pes world with out lag!!! :) :ninja:


Registered User
I am actually so excited its unreal!

I am going to get my copy in a matter of hours, i can not wait to play lag free online, i can finally claim my throne at the top f the pes world with out lag!!! :) :ninja:

Hey Hombre- keep it warm till i splatter ya.

The Liverpool Way

Registered User
I haven't got the game yet, but i'll have it in a few hours.

I'm glad to hear so many people talking about the online and how good it is :D


Registered User
oh yes finally it hasnt been since pes06 that ive had a proper game online, cant wait to get my copy. Cant get it till tomorrow afternoon though.


Registered User
finally theyve cracked it konami:shocking:

its a joy too play online even when playing someone with a s***y connection

no more transporting player :cool:

the only lag that ive faced was a slight stutter in one game, for a second it just froze but there was know advantage to be gained by anyone ,,ive played 8 games and thats the only problem ive faced

the mighty bordeaux march on undefeated:realmad::D

Hey - whats that yellow card for? Just wondering


Registered User
Hey - whats that yellow card for? Just wondering

previous previous thread of mine......

just played some more games,damn this game is the dogz online,,
serious its getting better n better

heres my online rank and stats

previous previous thread of mine......

just played some more games,damn this game is the dogz online,,
serious its getting better n better

heres my online rank and stats

sorry admins its not letting me edit:eek:hmy:


Registered User
Think some of you better move with the times. Way i see it, you're putting your practice into an empty hobby.

You'll be like those people in the american arcades having donkey kong battles when you're 40.

Konami better pull it's finger out or there'll be no more market for PES I think.
