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Online Lag for PS3


Registered User
Hi guys

Does anyone still have lag when playing online on PS3?

I still experience this problems even on PES2009 but is just slightly better. Is there any way that could solve this problem?


Registered User
I seem to get a better connection when I host a game, but if I join a match it seems to be terrible...
There are the occasions when I have a bad connection while hosting, but not very often.


Registered User
i get lag in most games i play online, but obviously it is worse in some than others, i think due to the connection quality!!!

something i have noticed in EVERY game i play is that it takes a while to restart play after the ball has gone out of play!


Registered User
I seem to get a better connection when I host a game, but if I join a match it seems to be terrible...
There are the occasions when I have a bad connection while hosting, but not very often.

Yes, I am guaranteed a solid lag free game 90% of the time when I host. But when I quick match it lags constantly.

Paolo :)

Registered User
I think its unfair when someone with a bad connection hosts...I'm lucky enough to have yellow/green 90% of the time but when I play against someone with red sometimes its so bad I just quit.Its especially annoying because you'll suffer the defeat although its their fault :/


Registered User
Yeh the lag can make you get beat but you have to think that they got lag aswel so you got to just get on with it

Paolo :)

Registered User
Hmm, has it ever happened to anyone that : your connection is perfect and your opponents is red yet the lag completely effects you more, today was so crazy(luckily it was a friendly) I kicked the ball from my keepers hands and it kept springing around in the air until it basically spun around my keeper and they scored an open goal. It seemed they could play fine and it just sucked for me, I think the person with the better connection should host its much more fair.