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Other European clubs


Registered User
Unfortunately I do not know. I am a former creator of PESCZEMOD, but I only created kits. Two colleagues were in charge of the player, but they gave up, so I ended the project. Maybe I will resume the project next year.


Registered User
That's a shame, you guys made great patches. I used many of your teams in PES 2018. Perhaps we can collaborate on Sparta? I will take a look at the squad to see if it's possible. I think they have Sparta in fifa nowadays, so I can use the converter here on the forum to translate the stats for the players. The appearances are the issue :(

edit: from the players that play/played earlier this season for Sparta, I found 9 players already in the game, and two more should be in reliable patches I know of. I am certain that many of the players were in last year's patch from you guys or from CYPES, so we can record and recreate their apperances. I will get started, let me know if you are in. The kits look fantastic btw.


Registered User
Yes Sparta is in FIFA19. I now not created teams and players. I am tired from creating last more years creating czech league. Lost very time editing game, but minimum played games (etc 100 matches in PES 17 and PES 18), now only play game and little bit editing for me (I'm fan Slavia). And thank you.

Edit: Btw i have all kits czech Fortuna liga for season 18/19, but no players, no squads and other. Only kits and logos.


Registered User
Ok, I know what you mean. It's too time-consuming. I may still start working on this in the future if I feel up to it. Do you know what your friends did for stats of the players?


Registered User
I think they just rewrote names, age, height, weight, and so on. Attributes stayed as they were, just picking the right players.
