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[PC/PS4] WEHK Option File/Export Data


Registered User
Features of version 0.1 & version 0.1.1
* 42 competition logos
* All club emblems
* Kits for ALL NATIONAL TEAMS in game
* Kits for English Premier Division, Championship (updated in v0.1.1), Juventus and La Liga
* Banner, manager photo, stadium settings and shirt-name fix for Kitchee SC (AFC Champions League club)
* Home ground name of English Premier Division, Championship, Juventus and La Liga teams
* Manager names of China PR, Japan, Korea DPR and Korea Republic

The export data has used kits from the following makers:

* 4N63L_77 []
* Albiore []
* Angeltorero [] ^
* CDKitMaker []
* ggdaris []
* Hawke []
* jason_y [https://www.facebook/com/pesjasony]
* Lucas RK []
* Victor Jara []

^ Inlcuding PES2017-converted kits from the following kit makers:
^ * klashman []
^ * NemanjaBRE []
^ * [MENTION=45671]Fer[/MENTION]choPuyol (PES NOS UNE) []
^ * Txak []

Special thanks to the PES Kit Creator from PES Master [].

... and some others

Download Link for Full Version
via MediaFire
via MEGA
(version 0.1.1, updated on 2018-09-08)

v0.1.1 upgrade pack (for those who installed 0.1 and aim for Championship kits)
via MediaFire
via MEGA

Do not post it to any paid URL shortener (e.g. :angry:​

Export Environment
* Version stated on PS4: 1.01 (1.02 for Championship kits)
* Game version: 1.01.00 (1.01.01 for Championship kits)
* Datapack version: 1.00 (1.01 for Championship kits)

Tested importing time (version 0.1)
* Importing all teams: 12 minutes 31 seconds
* Importing all competitions: 2 minutes 2 seconds


Registered User
Some pictures

Korea DPR kits in game (home & away kits by Angeltorero)

UAE kits in game (kits by Angeltorero)

Juventus & C. Ronaldo with the white Juventus logo (kits by Hwake)


Registered User
Thank you! This is incredible that you guys did it so fast and it's way more stuff than the other day 1 patches!

Can you please share the Hong Kong NT export when you have it?:)


Registered User
Thank you! This is incredible that you guys did it so fast and it's way more stuff than the other day 1 patches!

Can you please share the Hong Kong NT export when you have it?:)


Sure :tongue: We must make the export faster this year


Registered User
No-one has done a list of all the fake national teams. I've seen correct versions of Bosnia & Serbia, but not the rest of the world. :)


Registered User
Siuming, many thanks for this.

1 quick question: will this import kits as 2048x2048 or 1024x1024?

Just being wary on slots ~317 for L kits.


Registered User
I remember that last years file didn't correct the manager names or add manager pictures, is this in this year or will it be added in future?


Registered User
I remember that last years file didn't correct the manager names or add manager pictures, is this in this year or will it be added in future?

We will change the manager (including photos and names) once the Live Update is available

Oldham Going Up

Registered User

Cheers. Guess I'll have to wait.

I wish OF makers would concentrate on the basics before worrying about the cosmetic stuff. Fake names and duplicates are game breaking for me. Kits are neither here nor there as you can barely see them anyway. How long does it usually take for someone to release a patch that corrects all player name and remove duplicates? PESFan used to release a day 1 patch that did this but it looks like they've gone by the wayside.


Registered User
Cheers. Guess I'll have to wait.

I wish OF makers would concentrate on the basics before worrying about the cosmetic stuff. Fake names and duplicates are game breaking for me. Kits are neither here nor there as you can barely see them anyway. How long does it usually take for someone to release a patch that corrects all player name and remove duplicates? PESFan used to release a day 1 patch that did this but it looks like they've gone by the wayside.

Why not do it yourself then?? Then you'll find out how long it takes.

Oldham Going Up

Registered User
Why not do it yourself then?? Then you'll find out how long it takes.

I’m aware of how long it takes.....less time than it does to make all the kits and less time than it does make sure that Messi has his latest hairstyle and boots.

I just wish the old school PES editors were still about, the ones you could depend on to get the basics done first such as player names and removing duplicates, then less significant cosmetic stuff like kits, boots, hairstyles, later.

I can’t start a ML whilst there are two Gareth Bale’s in the game.
