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Registered User
Is it just me or is the only way to score penalty's by just hitting them straight down the middle? any time i try to put it anywhere else it flies miles wide. I've tried with numerous players and not one has got even remotely close. It seems to be a glaring error.

I've played all previous versions of PES so its not me being an idiot newbie.


Registered User
basicly the analog stick if u press down it should go to the right and if u go up it should go to the left and making sure u dont hold down circle to much and hold the analog stick for long either


Registered User
^ Does it matter - there shit anyway. Should have left them the way they were. Why change something that doesn't need changing is mad?


Registered User
its easy press shoot a little for the the height 2 much and it will go over theres no power bar gotta quess, then when they start run up ad little direction and this should work theres a video on pesfan.


Registered User
its easy press shoot a little for the the height 2 much and it will go over theres no power bar gotta quess, then when they start run up ad little direction and this should work theres a video on pesfan.

Exactly. managed it after a shootout with my friend. Lucky i didn't get one in ml and missed. I actually like the new way even though it seems awfully difficult placing the bal in the upper corners. Can only get it low or in middle height to the sides.
However i would love it if they'd included a shooting bar like free kicks.


Registered User
it's better once you get used to it isn't it?? all the people who insist on bitching about it are big girls' blouses
