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Pes 14 opinion thus far


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[MENTION=56198]myzer2005[/MENTION] [MENTION=190734]Mal0n515[/MENTION] [MENTION=178833]skickahit10[/MENTION]

PC gits lol, the game on PS3 is dreadful... My moaning has nothing to do with learning new stuff, as there isn't actually that much to learn. I played it for 2 days solid, winning 90% of games, it's just the buggyness on consoles is well, it's unplayable at times... The fact I went and played MLO on 13 today and was smiling whilst playing through ball spammers says it all... I prey for a huge patch for consoles because this is the problems I encounter... And I've never played the game without patch 1.01, so this is all with the patch in place, this is consoles, don't know if it is as bad on PC:

1. I've tried all pass assist types and I can't seem to do a firm pass, they are all slow and just seem to get cut out left, right and center, everyone passes the same.
2. God the rubber banding, everytime I'm through on goal :(
3. Everyone seems to be able to run like C. Ronaldo.
4. Everyone shoots the same.
5. I can turn like Messi, even when I'm Crouch.
6. The CPU tackling is ridiculous, they seem to be able to tackle me in situations where I'd give a foul away, like from behind lol.
7. The AI runs are dire
8. The AI defending is dire
9. Switching players is shocking
10. CPU Throughballs and my defenders just watching them walk through to get onto it.
11. With the super soft passing, the receiving player then just stands there and I have to force him to move towards the ball by pressing R1 and R2, by which time the CPU has already responded and cleared it.
12. Advanced shooting and throughball don't work, they are broke and you have to switch them off.
13. To manual run a player off ball or manual switch you have to press L1 and the right analog, but when I do this, whatever player I am seems to stutter and then I get tackled.
14. CPU seems to walk through my tackles, even if they are jogging straight at me head on.
15. you can't seem to over hit crosses, corner kicks and freekicks, and yes, this is a bad thing lol, thats not realistic.
16. Is there a referee in this game? I must have played 40 odd games and only ever seen 5 fouls and some rather bizarre offside rulings.
17. I've had the player from the opposition come and takes my corner for me bug 3 times... how kind of him.
18. Stats seem to make no difference... I am just as good with my beloved Palace as I am with Real Madrid.
19. Even though the tussling thing idea is good, and can be good, sometimes they tussle when they just wouldn't and it makes it a bit ping pong like. The amount of times a cpu holds my arm from behind, makes me stagger, gets the ball, and I don't receive a foul is bad.
20. The putting their hands up for offside and standing still is bad on ps3 aswell.
21. I can't seem to commit a foul using slide, I either win the ball, even from slightly behind, or I just fly past both the player and ball unless I lunge in when I'm directly behind the player.

And now things in the game in general that bug me:
22. No stadium editor
23. The painful wait for it to load graphics
24. No more editing player curves :(
25. No base copying
26. there seems to be less options in EDIT this time, I can't build faces as good as I did on pes2013 or as easily
27. Added to Master League, but then took away some stuff I liked, like coaches etc, I liked it when my player would retire and then come back as a coach ;-) 6* Coach as well.
28. Less faces
29. where the options to how they wear their kit? I can add accessories, but where is the long sleeve, tuck shirt in and out options?
30. Lack of seasons and weather options
31. Lack of stadiums
32. The outlay of the game in general is painful to look at.


1. 360 turning
2. Better lighting
3. switch teams in master league and can play as international
4. The fact when I start the game it has the Crystal Palace logo and my favourite player come up.

That's the only things that I prefer to PES 2013


Registered User
This game has taken quite a few steps backwards when compared to PES 2013, but I will point out only the ones that bother me the most.

- Lack of stadiums, even generic ones.
- No stadium creator to make up for them.
- Limited and confusing options when editing a player's face, nothing like the intuitive options of PES 2013.
- Slow interface, slow loading overall.
- Shameful opposition and teammate AI. Still haven't been able to fix this for some years now.
- Removal of existing features from Become a Legend and modification of existing features (calendar, for example) that is pointless, when last year's version was good enough. Only a few touches were needed, and Konami couldn't get that done right. Now the calendar is extremely confusing when compared to PES 2013's.


Registered User
Now I've got into face editing because I dispice the game itself, even I now feel like the editor is bad, theres things you could do on the other one you can't do on this one, it's almost impossible to make someone with a thin jaw line, you either have to squash the whole face, or change the skin type and if you do either, it doesn't look like them... not to mention on the ps3, the previews look nothing like the face you just created. if i push the jawline in on the first page, it seems to push the bottom half of his face out, and then i cant push them bits in any further because they are already on -7... PES2013 is better in every way apart from the general player movement (turning etc) and that is it.

Yeah, I agree entirely!

I think the faces look like a face creation from the game SIMS or something! Anyway, I'm sticking with PES2013 until I see the next gen version!


Registered User
How does the US version play on PS3. Offline and online. Anyone have it yet ??

bro, i have it , and its rubbish...bess you wait out on some patches or something. everything everyone complained about is present , even after 1.01. hold ah strain and keep banging out pes 13


Registered User
Too many cry babies here... *waah* They changed a lot of things and now I have to start again with learning how to play the game *waah*.

I have had a good old session playing Master League today, and there are times where I absolutely love the new game, but other times where I am left frustrated and hate it.

Don't get me wrong, the game is not perfect by any means. There are still things that bug me so I will list them here:

- Player switching. At times it just doesn't want to switch at all, it's annoying as F*** when I know I want to switch to a player who is in a better position but for some reason I am stuck to the one player I don't want be.

- Players just letting the ball run past them. This is the worst one, (along with players ALWAYS putting their hands up for offside haha) This is so annoying, my players at times will just stand still and let the ball run past them, shouldn't happen, wouldn't happen EVER... It's just silly. lol.

- Pin-point CPU through balls... This is how the CPU score against me 90% of the time.

- Elastic banding. This doesn't seem to be much of an issue after the last patch (?) Not sure if that actually improved anything, unless it's because I have a few more better players for my team it doesn't seem to be that noticeable... However I do think it is still there at times but it doesn't seem as bad as it was.

I think that is it, other than the fact they took away quite a lot of editing options like the stadiums and stuff. Which sucks for someone like me.

I like the new jostle thing with the right stick, I love the new shooting and build up play. I am kinda glad they nerfed the lob through ball also.

Overall I feel like this game is a step in the right direction, it plays better than 2013 by far, I expect a lot of hate saying that so don't bother I will not reply, but that is my opinion. The game feels and plays a lot like REAL football, and if you play in real life you will appreciate the game more.

If you are only here moaning about players faces (which can be fixed with a mod if you use a PC) or the shooting, then go and play Fifa. There is no skill in Fifa, it's a casual gamers football game - But if you want a mans football game get PES 2014 ;)


Oh also I nearly forgot - I don't see how people are having problems with lag? The only lag I have come across was on the PS3 demo? The full game doesn't have any lag at all during gameplay. (Maybe during the entrance scene - but I never watch that so it doesn't bother me).

I play on PC with a mediocre rig and play on Max settings using 1080p.

So you have no issues with the ref or goalkeepers ? LOL.

and you talk about skill like PES 14 doesn't have pin point passing accuracy or a precision shot that scores every time ( something FIFA got rid of ages a go), but yeah, PES needs mad skills cause you can't tackle, can't change to the right player, and your keeper acts like a spazed out 12 year old.

The game is broken. How anybody can come here and say anything different is mind boggling.

Also, I found the shooting harder on the FIFA demo than I have found in full PES 14.


Registered User
So you have no issues with the ref or goalkeepers ? LOL.

and you talk about skill like PES 14 doesn't have pin point passing accuracy or a precision shot that scores every time ( something FIFA got rid of ages a go), but yeah, PES needs mad skills cause you can't tackle, can't change to the right player, and your keeper acts like a spazed out 12 year old.

The game is broken. How anybody can come here and say anything different is mind boggling.

Also, I found the shooting harder on the FIFA demo than I have found in full PES 14.
I agree with all of what you said apart from one thing, set shooting and passing to manual and it can be harder than FIFA... If I'm jinxing in and out of players and then have to quickly snap shot and press a direction, sometimes I end up hitting the corner flag, worse case scenerio, I've had a shot go off for a throw in lol.... but the game is broke and unplayable, so all this doesn't matter.


Registered User
I agree with all of what you said apart from one thing, set shooting and passing to manual and it can be harder than FIFA... If I'm jinxing in and out of players and then have to quickly snap shot and press a direction, sometimes I end up hitting the corner flag, worse case scenerio, I've had a shot go off for a throw in lol.... but the game is broke and unplayable, so all this doesn't matter.

Why does it need setting to manual when LT is manual passing/shooting ? have I missed something ?

Yeah, I'm not saying shooting is easy exactly. Just that in general I'm finding it easier than in fifa 14. Although maybe the keepers being useless has corrupted my judgment ?


Registered User
Ok I forgot about how the ref loves to give fouls against me but not for me, it happens quite a lot actually and it is frustrating but use the right stick and you will find out that you don't give away as many fouls as you used to.

However if you use it wrong you will give away fouls lol. :)

The Goalkeepers are hit and miss really, one moment they will be making wonder saves and knocking it onto the woodwork, but the next they seem to have no reaction time and let in goals that should never have gone in. But stranger things have happened in real life and it isn't a major point, hence why I didn't say anything about it.

We can come here and say it because that is OUR opinion. I enjoy the game and I don't see how so many people can hate on the game because it has changed quite a lot since 2013 - But I accept people have their own opinions, if they don't want to play the game then stop playing it if it is that bad for you. However I enjoy the game and I will continue to play it :)

tremolo arm

Registered User
Let's face it - the game has pros and cons aplenty, but for me it comes down to the overall experience - do I feel excited playing it, do I punch the air when I score and do I think it looks realistic. I think that for the best part - the answer to those questions is yes.

Yes you do get moments of total frustration, mainly due to players not wanting to switch or defenders that just won't run regardless of how long you press the buttons.

For me - most of these moments are when I defend (or try to).

Playing defense feels like a lottery at the moment. I am not sure what Konami had in mind here, but playing defense feels like herding cats. Whilst my AI-controlled teammates seem to hold a decent shape when the CPU controls the ball far from goal, they seem to lose all awareness when the CPU is just outside the area. Defenders just stand there, with no urgency to tackle or get in front of the ball. If I attempt a manual switch, more often than not the switch will actually slow the switched player down and the recovery time is absurdly long. Staying on the recovery time topic, it is also absurd how players recover (or not) after being tackled, even if they have remained on their feet. This is not realistic. If you lose the ball, you should not have to wait for 2 seconds before you're in a position to try a tackle. In Konami's book, a player who has lost the ball is out of the equation for the entire sequence.

There's been a number of situations where I have applied pressure on the CPU's player with both AI-controlled teammates and my controlled player and it feels like the CPU has some sort of invisible shield around, preventing any contact. My defenders are just strolling around, whilst the CPU just advances unobstructed. This is even more annoying when the CPU is making no effort to either sprint of dribble. It just feels (and looks) daft.

The third example of questionable defense programming is pin point through balls from the CPU, which split my defense no matter how hard I have tried to maintain team shape. It just feels like a punch the gut when you have controlled the game, had 65% possession, maintained discipline and shape and then one of these undefendable through balls results in you being on the losing side.

As a result of all these things, playing defense can be a very frustrating experience. Unless someone is able to crack this nut and enlighten us on how to play defense, I predict many will lose interest in the game quite rapidly, despite the other interesting features (namely controlling the ball, build up play, passing, etc. ).


Registered User
Why does it need setting to manual when LT is manual passing/shooting ? have I missed something ?

Yeah, I'm not saying shooting is easy exactly. Just that in general I'm finding it easier than in fifa 14. Although maybe the keepers being useless has corrupted my judgment ?

The reason they allow you to do it on L2 or LT as it is on your console is because when playing a football game, alot of people like the passing and shooting to be more based on the players skill, rather than their ability to press a direction on their left analog stick... Both on FIFA and PES, on fully manual, players stats seem to mean nothing when passing and shooting and it is really all down to you, where as at least on PES13, when you had it set to pass assist 2, you could actually feel the difference in players and you are still able to miss place a pass... It felt the perfect balance, where as when I stick it to manual, I can pass just as well with anyone, or just as bad depending on the game I was having. But pass assist 2 felt perfect on PES13, as you really did feel like you was the player, rather than yourself and when people play PES, thats what they want, to feel like the player. It's just a shame they have messed all this up in 14, as even on assisted everyone passes, shoots the same etc, you might as well have it on fully manual, and even then, everyone seems to pass and shoot with the same power, kicking power 55 or kicking power 99... But yes, the rubbish keeping is what makes it easier, not the shooting its self... The amount of times I smashed the ball with Rooney only for the keeper to let it go past him, even though the ball was more or less brushing past his arm when it was down by his side.


Registered User
Let's face it - the game has pros and cons aplenty, but for me it comes down to the overall experience - do I feel excited playing it, do I punch the air when I score and do I think it looks realistic. I think that for the best part - the answer to those questions is yes.

Yes you do get moments of total frustration, mainly due to players not wanting to switch or defenders that just won't run regardless of how long you press the buttons.

For me - most of these moments are when I defend (or try to).

Playing defense feels like a lottery at the moment. I am not sure what Konami had in mind here, but playing defense feels like herding cats. Whilst my AI-controlled teammates seem to hold a decent shape when the CPU controls the ball far from goal, they seem to lose all awareness when the CPU is just outside the area. Defenders just stand there, with no urgency to tackle or get in front of the ball. If I attempt a manual switch, more often than not the switch will actually slow the switched player down and the recovery time is absurdly long. Staying on the recovery time topic, it is also absurd how players recover (or not) after being tackled, even if they have remained on their feet. This is not realistic. If you lose the ball, you should not have to wait for 2 seconds before you're in a position to try a tackle. In Konami's book, a player who has lost the ball is out of the equation for the entire sequence.

There's been a number of situations where I have applied pressure on the CPU's player with both AI-controlled teammates and my controlled player and it feels like the CPU has some sort of invisible shield around, preventing any contact. My defenders are just strolling around, whilst the CPU just advances unobstructed. This is even more annoying when the CPU is making no effort to either sprint of dribble. It just feels (and looks) daft.

The third example of questionable defense programming is pin point through balls from the CPU, which split my defense no matter how hard I have tried to maintain team shape. It just feels like a punch the gut when you have controlled the game, had 65% possession, maintained discipline and shape and then one of these undefendable through balls results in you being on the losing side.

As a result of all these things, playing defense can be a very frustrating experience. Unless someone is able to crack this nut and enlighten us on how to play defense, I predict many will lose interest in the game quite rapidly, despite the other interesting features (namely controlling the ball, build up play, passing, etc. ).

Yea but in PES 2013, if you chose not to throughball spam and set up your tactics well, where the AI was better, the build up and passing play was 5X better. If I was playing someone who was good at defending, I could string like 50 passes together before I finally got the chance to shoot and where players runs were better and the response time was better, I would have a mental fit when scoring these goals lol


Registered User
Ugh, I have a Nvidia-card, my luck... :crymore:

do you know if you can do that on Nvidia-cards?

I believe you can do it with nividia inspector. Open nividia inspector. click on Configure. Go to common and change the FPS limiter string to your desired FPS.


Registered User
I bought the game over GTA last week. Im seriously regretting that now, I cant update my game with the new data pack, limiting me to an outdated game, my PES13 was more updated. Now I have GTA as well but im short money for the month because of it. I'm not one to rant about the game but why would they bother releasing it with so many problems and issues. I would have happily waited another 2-3 weeks for an updated game that worked. A shame really.


Registered User
Ugh, I have a Nvidia-card, my luck... :crymore:

do you know if you can do that on Nvidia-cards?

You can download nvidia inspector which is a light application that has a frame limiter in it. if your monitors refresh rate is 60hz then limiting it to 60fps should make a difference, they say if you limit 1 or 2 frames less though you get better performance so for instance 58 or 59fps. Good luck.


Registered User
I believe you can do it with nividia inspector. Open nividia inspector. click on Configure. Go to common and change the FPS limiter string to your desired FPS.

You can download nvidia inspector which is a light application that has a frame limiter in it. if your monitors refresh rate is 60hz then limiting it to 60fps should make a difference, they say if you limit 1 or 2 frames less though you get better performance so for instance 58 or 59fps. Good luck.

Thanks for the heads-up guys! Will try this tonight and see if it works out! :)


Registered User
bro, i have it , and its rubbish...bess you wait out on some patches or something. everything everyone complained about is present , even after 1.01. hold ah strain and keep banging out pes 13

thanks for the heads up. This is the 1st time I haven't purchased PES on launch day, thank you Konami for releasing it in Europe 1st (sorry Euro peeps) and for giving us in the US this premier demo which is basically the full game so I could see how dreadful it really is and save my money. I will wait for patches and DLCs, if they patch the gameplay and give us stadiums and update the faces I will buy it, but not until then and honestly I won't hold my breath on the gameplay bugs, they may give us faces but thats about all.... I'll stick to PES2013 and hope that PES2015 for PS4 is the game we all want. Konami really dropped the ball with this mess, especially after all the hype they created.... what a big mistake wow!


Registered User
my opinion of pes2014 ps3

this game is very poor needs a hugh overhaul of even the basic elements as for online WHAT ONLINE its a complete joke lag,cursor,positioning,shooting,passing,gk,freezing,cant see offside screen to slowto catch up and when i go to quit game after being online my ps3 beeps and resets.

konami are taking us for fools its not the first time they stiff us removing the good and inserting the bad (no 2v2 friendly online) either they dont give a hoot about europeans or they havnt got a clue what work and what dont


