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PES 2009 FULL GAME impressions (including Dundon's from page 5)


Registered User
actually I've Checked The Ip Addresses And Don't Believe That Your Brother Is Using The Other Account Leaving Me With A Decision Which I've Taken.

I Also Find It Quite Remarkable That One Minute Its Your Brother's Account And The Next Your Following Post Says I've Cancelled Some "poor Buggers Account...which They'll Probs Take Up With You". Either Way, No Account Sharing Ip Addresses With Yours Will Be Allowed.

As For Messaging Me, I've Had Nothing And Would Prefer It To Remain That Way.

End Of Discussion.

You Idiot


Registered User
I don't think that the game is all that bad. I've been really enjoying the master league and the champions league section.
I haven't tried it on-line as I can't be bothered to wait for the latest PS3 version to download and install.
Tried 'become a legend'. So far I am not a fan, I get so frustrated when the fools not passing me the ball (yes I am calling for it) I either end up chasing back to my own pen area or I get myself sent off. I know it will take time and I'll keep working on it.

There are floors in general game play but hey, no games perfect.


Registered User
I just get PES2009, and my girl is already yelling me that only I play ;-)

I can say that I am not dissapointed, after demo I thought I will be, but no. Is work for me 99% ok.

I will point CONS only or what I saw as an error, maybe there is a list somewhere where someone will fill it up.

1. If I play away from home, and I win, the crowd is the same level if the home team win, usually only a small amount of people will be happy, the gallery of the away team.
2. If I hit PS button in the game, will not pause, will continue to play (this is a bug). Should pause automatically.
3. I still miss the export to MPG or YouTube format (PS3).
4. Red cards are too easy, far to easy to get.
5. The refferee never do mistakes. Especially in hard position of offsaids. In both way, when it was and not given or viceversa.
6. I saw clearly stopped ball with hand and referre does not see. I wish to see more like this when is stopped with hand, 11 meters, cancel a goal because of hand, etc.
7. With licensed teams, licensed gallery music, sounds. It is nice to hear AC Milan with his himn for example from gallery in the game.
8. Players are too fair play. Some teams in real life can even do a small battle, add to players his attitude. Even get red card for this if is a real fight or yellow.
9. Easter Egg (or random funny stuffs). For example a guy from tribune to run into stadium, or a dog and refferee stop the game.
10. On some team gallery, some attitude, like trowing objects then get suspended stadium, with no people inside for X matches, especially in Master League.


Registered User
Does anyone played the full version on Playstation2? I heard that the Champions league license is not included in that version. I really have to know if it's true. That's the thing i'm most eager about. Please let me know if there's champions league on PS2 please please please!!!!!!!1


Registered User
Hey ceysin, how are you man. i was just wondering if all that good stuf u said about pes 09 full game, weather you are talking about the PC GAME or X360 or PS3? getting it on PC, so i hope its better then demo..i would appreciate u replying back tbaks alot my friend.


Registered User
PC pes09?

Just finished having a relatively quick game for the PC version. Never played a PC version before but i am fucking loving this. I had a few games and all the things i was dissapointed about in the demo have gone, for example, no more does the ball stick to the grass, the ball seems lighter than what it did in the demo, and most importantly the ball no longer sounds as though it is popped.

Edit mode is fantastic, PES really is back to it's best. I edited the Chelsea home kit and it looks like it is a licensed team.

Haven't been on ML or CL modes yet but as soon as i have i will say what they are like.

Hey is it erally that good on pc version? is it even out on pc yet? oru dl the torrent? can u atleast do a simple 1-2 and get a return ball? can u atleast do a simple trough ball without it being over hit, or going some other retarderd direction? thanks dude..


YEs it is that good. I prefer the PS3 version though as my pc is crap, the game itslef is a lot smoother, the ball doesn't stick to the grass, it isn't as heavy and players move a lot freer.

Passing is slower but i prefer it being slower because in PES2008 they just twatted the ball about, now the passes are more controlled and accurate. I haven't tried doing a 1-2 to be honest though, but i can say i haven't noticed the ball going off in stupid directions.


Registered User

Yes its out on PC, and the PC version is the cheapest!

I also have the PC version, its got ups n downs but its still great fun nether the less. The console players seem to be having a few problems online, but I haven't experience any of the sort with the PC version. As for torrents, I don't think the MODS will appreciate people posting likes for that. ;)

PES on PC is as cheap as chips and worth the money. Try the demo, if your still not convinced, maybe try "acquiring" it, then if your happy buy it.


Registered User
YEs it is that good. I prefer the PS3 version though as my pc is crap, the game itslef is a lot smoother, the ball doesn't stick to the grass, it isn't as heavy and players move a lot freer.

Passing is slower but i prefer it being slower because in PES2008 they just twatted the ball about, now the passes are more controlled and accurate. I haven't tried doing a 1-2 to be honest though, but i can say i haven't noticed the ball going off in stupid directions.


Thank you! Now maybe some people can see I'm not being bias towards PES09 If they even bothered looking at my signature, they will see I have it for PC, but just as some of the people here are quick enough to make the assumption PES is shit, even though an update is due very soon, they still wont take much notice... feels like banging your head against a brick wall some times :)

I have no problems with the game, maybe small problems but maybe the update will fix those. If not, I'm not bothered. I enjoy it.


Registered User
ok thanks for your replies guys, ill be getting it on pc, cause u can mod the game more then console. i was annoyed at how the players run like turtles when tehre on the wing, like speedy dragon ball z bezerk little creatures. anyways, that better not be in the game, cause even small stuff like that will make me not get it.
but so far, i like what im eharing, thanks for your replies guys. appreciate it


Registered User
This is the point I've been trying to make in another topic. Don't buy the game based on what we say, buy the game because you want to buy it. PES09 has a couple problems, its by far perfect. Just don't buy the game and its not what you expected. :)

The demo is available, just Google it. The full game is different, but you will get a glimpse of what you'll be letting yourself in for. Others (mainly console players) say its shit, I enjoy it. So only you can make your own mind up. Don't let others do it for you ;)


Registered User
I will tell you now, The player expressions are amazing is PES, you see the player pull different facial expressions when jumping for a header, kicking and running... The animations I think are great and good to look at.

As for players running like turtles?? lol... Well... Ermm... I don't really like running at players or running much with a single player on the ball, but I don't see any problems in that department.


Registered User
I'm really hoping that PES doesn't go over to the whole 3D facial mapping anytime soon. PES' character models are just a step above EA. Their character models move realistically but they just don't look life like for me. Feel like I'm watching a virtual reproduction of a player wrapped in syran wrap and not an actual person. PES, from the right angle in HD and I really feel as though I'm watching a match. They just seem more life like.


Registered User
Its really good the way they have done it though, because I was there for a good 10mins looking at the facial movements when trying to take a picture of my legend. :)

As for real players... Some players look amazing, others look ...

To name a couple who's face does look good... C.Ronaldo's face looks great, Gerrard's does also.


Registered User
i have been off work at the moment so i have played the game for 5 days straight. Overall i am pleased with the game. The game play is the most crucial part and the game uses some of the aspects of the ps2 games which makes it more of a simulation than last year, this was the direction the game had to go in. The game is a bit to fast but the good thing is like the best ever pes games this can change depending on the match you are playing. I like the fact it is harder to score from range as you have to rely on clever build up especially with weaker teams. For me the game play isn't really discovered until playing master league with a weaker team on top player. I am doing a master league with dynamo Kiev and it is a real challenge, they have some great youngsters,(yussuf,aliyef, ninkovic) and it has been one of my best master leagues ever. I really feel that game is only a challenge when using a team like this but this doesn't bother me as i am only these sorts of teams. I am a united fan and i haven't done a ML with them since iss evo 2. The graphics for me are superb and the pitch is amazing. The graphics look best during a match and everything is very realistic. In terms of player models they do look great and especially since more shirts come untucked during a match which makes them look even better. Another point on the game play is that every player feels much more defined unlike last years game. Stats actually make a difference this year when last year every player felt the same and it was possible to run through with every player. I haven't played BAL as i am not interested in it but the master league is as engrossing as ever. Player appearances are great to, i would go as far as saying the amount of players who faces in the game is revolutionary and all this adds to the realism. Overall the game is certainly going in the right direction, although there could be improvements to the game play i certainly feel pes is back. I would although sacrifice and online mode altogether for improved game play and more stadiums next year.
