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PES 2009 FULL GAME impressions (including Dundon's from page 5)


Registered User
I'm going home late tonight I'll try to make a video but if I can't tomorrow evening I'll do for sure..
Grafix are too sharp and hi-quality ( in game) .. Cutscene grafix are not that good.. ( who minds cutsceness...) .. As soon as u get the copy.. make an exhibition match with following options between two licensed teams.. (e.g : arrange a match between Inter & Milan at San siro)

Time of day : Afternoon
SEason: Summer
Weather: Fine

U'll get shocked with what u see on screen.. Epic...
U'll get shocked t


Registered User
what i dont get is how IGN can give it such a crapy review, even though i dont giv a monkeys about what they say.


Alive in the superunknown
well it's nice to hear a "veteran" praise the game!

Looking forward to it, think I'll be getting it in the post tomorrow :)


Registered User
How many chants can you assign per team? Is it only 1? I saw you made one big .mp3 file which is why I am asking. thanks


Registered User
what i dont get is how IGN can give it such a crapy review, even though i dont giv a monkeys about what they say.

Hype for PES is always too much.. Therefore small details and problems are always ahead of improevements... People can't see the Whole picture beacuse of looking at tiny details...
The whole picture here is :
- PES 2009 is the best PES ever
- Neceseraily best football game ever
- Obviously deserves better than a 8.5 ( even though 8.5 is not a bad score)..

I'd give it a 9.4 in my parameters...


Registered User
does it loop or mix into the default crowd noise?

for instance, come on you spurs, will it play through the whole match or just now and again?


Registered User
I've got the game as well, it's out in Holland -=)

Rocks big time, bit different but near perfect, haven't found a flaw yet.



Registered User
would someone put me out of my misery. start a ML and see if you can add the other leagues c teams.

this is the sort of info i thought would flood in once it was released, things everyone wants to know that havent been mentioned yet.


Registered User
its seems like the demo was an early early build after all, according to this review.

I honestly doubt whether the demo will be much different from the full release.

The guy is just getting over excited about the game and seeing things that aren't there etc.

never has been in the past and the full game has been completed before the demo was available to download. The delay in us getting the full game is just a matter of logistics.

Red Owl

Registered User
Sounds exciting! I am very interested in the rain effects.

Are you sure they haven't gone completely from PES2008 style running past everyone to FIFA style where you cannot actually get past anyone?


Registered User
^^No. He's not getting excited. You need to see reality. I saw many more comments saying that the full game is better. The thread starter is not the only one to say this. Can you stop being pessimistic about pes. This indeed is the best pes ever, even if it's the same as the demo. Now, I'm confident that the full game is even better than the demo (becasue of what I read on the forums today, not just this one). Also the demo is an early build and the full version can be better. The full game can't be like the demo. The demo is never part of the full game, it's always an early build.


Registered User
forgive my dumbness, when you say no imports does this mean the 360 only has the default crowd noise. theres no way of adding real ones.

is this the same for the emblems and so on.


Registered User
I guess so. No mp3. Maybe with the november update, the 360 will get imports. You can only draw with pixel paint. But it'll still be pretty good.


Registered User
^^No. He's not getting excited. You need to see reality. I saw many more comments saying that the full game is better. The thread starter is not the only one to say this. Can you stop being pessimistic about pes. This indeed is the best pes ever, even if it's the same as the demo. Now, I'm confident that the full game is even better than the demo (becasue of what I read on the forums today, not just this one). Also the demo is an early build and the full version can be better. The full game can't be like the demo. The demo is never part of the full game, it's always an early build.

I expect the full game to be a bit more polished up than the demo...

...but I am taking most of the OP's excited claims with a pinch of salt. when someone is passionate about a game they tend to see all kinds of things about it that aint there and often interperate flaws as somehow being an intentional strength of a game. One of my mates is a FIFA fanboy and i get that sort of crap from him all the time....."it dont lack responsiveness, it just wont perform the move till the animation has executed" etc etc etc.

For example....I doubt whether the long balls are any better than the crap that they have been in PES for years or whether the floaty shooting is any different either. I hope I am wrong.....but past experiences tell me that I will be right.
