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PES 2009 ULTIMATE OF (PSP,PS2,XbOX360&PS3 See now !!!

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Registered User
mate there aint no ps3 option file in here at all and the icon's say it's for 2008 pro evo !!!!!

there is a ps2 and a psp one but no ps3.......

whats in the option file i downloaded it but nothing at all lol shame


Registered User
Firstly, this should go in Completed Files. I'll move it there now.

Secondly, could you please edit your first post explaining what this does/doesn't include. It's one thing calling it an "ULTIMATE" option file, but it'd be nice if everyone knew what's in it. :)


Registered User
Thread closed. Two of the same threads in both PES Editing sections and you've given absolutely no information whatsoever on them.
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