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Pes 2010 demo feedback!

Are you happy with the demo, chief?

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Registered User
Understand your point perfectly m8. But as to the often mentioned "they wil fix this and that for the final release of the game" - Seabass has several times been saying that he would implement and improve specific feaures in the pes games, with a lack of truth :(

I know what you mean but you have to accept that were not gonna get that special game we can all imagine. We have to play with the cards that are delt and the sooner you just let your displeasure go and try to like the game the sooner you'll realise its not that bad. I hated it at first and flamed it down here and on fifa forums but its grown on me and others aswell.

If you dont like it i suggest trying these things:

- Play with Germany or Italy
- Dont touch the tactics
- Play one two's
- When your clear 30 yards out hit it (The goals you can score are so good)
- Play with 2 upfront
- Try and play as quickly as you can
- Try not to run straight at people
- Play in Normal Long

I just scored a wonder goal to add to my early collection. Corner, head out, ballack passes back first time to Frings who first time passes to Trochowski who hit a volley on the bounce and absolutely drills it past Reina from 35 yards out at an angle.

Ive lept off my bed about 5 times so far today from scoring screamers. The ball just flies off the boot.


Registered User
Im really looking forward too the full game..ike the demo few kinks that need ironing out.
even last year when the game was played right online or just multiplayer i had loads of epic matches and i can see the battles when 2010 comes out being quality


Registered User
Just intercepted a Gerrard pass to Torres with Piquenbauer and danced up the field as he does, slid it through to Bojan who rounded the keeper and stuck it over the bar. Bastard.

Undecided on the demo, at the minute. I will still buy the game even if, again, its shit but I just want online to work and Ill be happy.


Registered User
Undecided on the demo, at the minute. I will still buy the game even if, again, its shit but I just want online to work and Ill be happy.[/QUOTE]

im not sure about you guys ,but i can remember the best pes's 1-3-5-6(imo) hating the game at first but after a week or so it clicks , and other releases that ive enjoyed straight away,but got stale quicker..
when i first played the demo i really disliked it and was like a headless chicken trying to pass it about but really enjoying it now:)


Registered User
im not sure about you guys ,but i can remember the best pes's 1-3-5-6(imo) hating the game at first but after a week or so it clicks , and other releases that ive enjoyed straight away,but got stale quicker..
when i first played the demo i really disliked it and was like a headless chicken trying to pass it about but really enjoying it now:)

It will take a few ours of playing the demo before anyone really takes to it.

Im playing it now and just dinked the ball through to Messi via Ibra and he (Messi) chest passed it to Iniesta and I scored. It was beautiful.


Registered User
just have to say I dont like it.

Been a defender of PES for years against fifa but this to me is crap.

The players feel slow and unresponsive and the lack of off the ball movement is shocking (this is playing as barca too, a free flowing footballing team)

I will probably get it, and persevere with it because I want to play BAL.

but come on Konami.


Registered User
i love the demo, only problem is the 2 second delay of passing or shooting from pressing the button lol overall theyve improved vastly on 09 i think but still needs work.


Registered User

Ditched the xbox360 for the new ps3-slim. I was just wondering, are the controls different form xbox vs ps3??? Cause i am really shite on the PES 2010 demo. I've never played PES on the new slim, until now and can't get the ball off Spain & Barcelona- their possession is unstoppable. I can't even reduce the men in my wall when they have a free kick- L2 + Left stick down, does not work.



Registered User
After a while ive stopped noticing the response time issue.

That is because you are adjusting to it and playing around it. It happens with any game if you play it long enough. You learn how to play around the flaws, and even how to use them to your advantage, to the point that it appears that they are no longer present, or that they ever existed at all. It's difficult to re-learn how to play so that they are present to the eye, again. It does not change the fact, though, that response times (and all flaws) should not be there.

PES 2009 had many but, I mastered the game and its flaws to settle on quite an enjoyable experience but, not an experience that could claim to be anywhere close to the calibur of that found in PES 5, PES 6, and PES 2008 (PS2).

You can either accept a game, flaws and all, or swap it up for a rival. Many choose the former due to familiararity, as I did with PES 2009. FIFA 09 was simply too much of a culture shock, for lack of another term, and had a few quirks in gameplay that I would have taken time to adjust to, and I simply found them too different to be comfortable. But this year FIFA has found a more natural agreement with me, one that needs a bit more time but, is looking promising. PES really needs to be drastically different, and drastically better, to compete.


Registered User
myself and my mate played around 7 games of pes 2009 (Inter v United) are always our games.... we had some exciting games on pes 2009 couple of stalemates 0 0 with some good defending, and the normal 3 2's etc.. all close and exciting games..

Then we played a best of 3 on pes demo 2010... the excitming level totlaly dropped..
much slower, even playing with Barca.. some things were better, tackling etc.. but we found it kinda boring after playing pes2009 all day.. i cant put my finger on it, maybe boring is the wrong word... but certainly not as exciting as pes2009/. could be the camera angle which we dont use play it on the LONG camera..

would prefer to play the finished game really before judging.. hope the sluggish movement if fixed by the full release..


Registered User
I found a big bug

whenever you give a sliding cross, hit the ball and it goes out of bounds, you'll get the possession.

I was playing with carragher, he was tottaly free, i pressed the sliding cross button, he managed to touch the ball before it went out, i got the throw in!

when you're losing the game and the opponent holds the ball next to the corner flag, I send my defender to mark him. the opponent protects the ball while you try to steal it. then, a weird bug happens: the opponent trembles, it's SO weird. it should be corrected.

i was taking a look at today's game, and the pace of the game now is much more real.
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Registered User
I like the demo, it's easier to keep possession and the wee slider tactic things work to great effect, the shooting and lob shooting is better as players seem to shoot like they would in real life people with power have power and people who dont dont instead of it depending on how you connect with the ball with any player. The new skills which seem to occur now and again look great to, seems to be a fair few new tricks. Once the game comes out and I have a few weeks on it I think it's a lot better than the last few games. 4 weeks to go!


Registered User
that is because you are adjusting to it and playing around it. It happens with any game if you play it long enough. You learn how to play around the flaws, and even how to use them to your advantage, to the point that it appears that they are no longer present, or that they ever existed at all. It's difficult to re-learn how to play so that they are present to the eye, again. It does not change the fact, though, that response times (and all flaws) should not be there.



Registered User
PES Demo Review here - speaks the truth...

as it obviously has been reviewed by a FIFA fanboy, what do you expect! I think FIFA's gameplay is really nice! but graphically doesn't match up2 PES!

Let's just conbine the 2 games! FIFA gameplay and PES graphics then it would be the ultimate footballing game!


Registered User
^True. So far the fifa demo is better. But the final product is what counts because the pes demo obviously is of an old build and has the potential to be great.


Registered User
This demo sucks. You don't feel that you have control over the players because of the friggin' delay:( Everytime you press a button the guy takes 5more steps before he does anything. I would have preferred 2009 gameplay with 2010 graphics.

The dribbling is horrible, it doesn't matter who you are using, even Messi has no control over the ball, they just kick it 10m ahead on every step and it's annoyingly easy to take the ball away.


Registered User
as it obviously has been reviewed by a FIFA fanboy, what do you expect! I think FIFA's gameplay is really nice! but graphically doesn't match up2 PES!

Let's just conbine the 2 games! FIFA gameplay and PES graphics then it would be the ultimate footballing game!

Well Im a PES fanboy and I think that Blog post is spot on!
Another thing, why are so many people obsessed with grpahics, I would rather have a Footy game play like the real thing rather than look nice!

Like you say though combined the two and we have one hell of a footy game here.
