Ive played 10 games, and here are my plus points and bad points.
Good Points :
1) The appearances - WOW.
2) No loading times, straight into the action from the moment you press kick off, which is extremely impressive.
3) Slower gameplay, most definitely noticeable, the ball still zips about like in 09, but there is absolutely no way you will get from one end of the pitch to the other in a few seconds.
4) Much harder to score, i played the first four games on top player as Liverpool against Barcelona and scored just twice, and other than hitting the woodwork with a superb Aurelio free kick, i didnt manage to trouble Valdes.
5) The newer feel - i guarentee no gamer will be able to pick this up in their first few games. Its taken me a good hour of playing to get accustomed to it.
6) Throw ins - Invisible barrier has gone !!!
7) The shooting - its close to perfect, if you catch it just right with Stevie G, its unstoppable, really easy on the eye this year.
8) Jostling - Much more realistic this year, all 6ft 3 beast of Martin Skrtel can now hold off the nippy little Leo Messi for much longer.
9) The little things - Everything from untucked shirts and the noises of the crowd (as someone mentioned, when the away side score, the silence is deafening, its great). The new way the goalkeepers take their kicks, and the way they bounce along their line on a penalty. There are so many delicate little touches that you will notice as you go along.
10) Hard to win the ball back - This is something i really was impressed with, on top player, if you lose it to Barca (which with this new 360 control will happen believe me) they will knock it around you with first touch passes for a good while, and you usually have to go ugly to win it back.
The Bad
1) Reaction times - Maybe its just me, but they are a fraction too slow for my liking, hopefully this will be rectified in the final release.
2) The sliders, and changing line up, they have overcomplicated a very simple thing, perhaps it will take some time to get used to but i thought it was unneccessarily OTT.
And other than that, there wasnt a whole lot that i didnt enjoy about it, its a great game and your going to really enjoy it if youve not played it already. When you first see it you will fall in love, but the gameplay will take a while to grow on you.
I'd give it an 8/10 so far, and theres a LOT of potential there for the final release, id like to think this was 80-90 per cent complete.