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Pes 2010 demo feedback!

Are you happy with the demo, chief?

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Registered User
Well Im a PES fanboy and I think that Blog post is spot on!
Another thing, why are so many people obsessed with grpahics, I would rather have a Footy game play like the real thing rather than look nice!

Like you say though combined the two and we have one hell of a footy game here.

I think the graphics have alot to do with it, if you want to have that ultimate realism! if the game looked like FIFA 98 doubt that many people would buy it! It defo has to have both gameplay and crisp realistic graphics for it to truely be a brilliant football game!


Registered User
why are so many people obsessed with grpahics,

it didnt use to be that way, not when FIFA had the better graphics. Now it seems to be the only thing to hold onto for die hard fans, cause this demo doesnt do the old games any justice. shit the barely updated ps2 versions have been twice the games of all the next gen ones!


Registered User
PES10 demo, my thoughts

1. Graphics are good. Player faces looks fantastic.

2. The gameplay feels better but can improve.

1. The gameplay still feels a little stiff.

2. The way the players receives the ball is a little stiff. And they should be able to mix it up a bit, not just always track the ball at feet. Maybe run towards the ball. The players always wait for the ball!.

3. The new penalty system, just doesn't work. Take the old one and improve it.

4. The players looks a little bow-legged and crooked when they run with the ball, it's very annoying. Up to PES 08 the players never looked like that.

5. The crowd isn't alive. More details. They sound weird, specially between the club teams. National teams are ok.

6. It would have been cool if you could get the national anthems in to the game. And all the players sing it's not realistic, in real life some sing higher than others and some doesn't sing at all. Put some individuality to the players.

7. Before, when running with the ball you could hit the ball a few touches in front of you pressing the directional button once or two times in the direction you run. In the demo when doing that, the player does a dragback Feint/dummy. Allthough I like the dummy it shouldn't be at the expense of the little touch you could do in the previous series.

8. Continuation from point 7. If you could implement the dragback dummy/feint with three touches instead of two, both options could be in the game. The dragback Feint/dummy, hitting the directional button three times and the small but longer touch with the ball, hitting the directional button twice.
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Registered User
Well Im a PES fanboy and I think that Blog post is spot on!
Another thing, why are so many people obsessed with grpahics, I would rather have a Footy game play like the real thing rather than look nice!

Like you say though combined the two and we have one hell of a footy game here.

Well I bought a ps3 (or a X360) for both gameplay and graphics. So they are both important.


Registered User
For the first time since Fifa99 i played the fifa demo. i really like the fifa loading screen where you get to play 1-on-1 against the keeper. Very good idea. Anyone agree?


Registered User
Pes Demo

Played the demo, I think it plays much better than 2009. but is still not as good as older pes versions.
To be honest its all about become a legend!! I havn't even played any other mode in 2009 since I got it just become a legend all the time its realistic and awsome to play (offline havn't even played online)

So I dont care about the whole game as long as become a legend is still awsome!! in 2010!!!


Registered User
For the first time since Fifa99 i played the fifa demo. i really like the fifa loading screen where you get to play 1-on-1 against the keeper. Very good idea. Anyone agree?

It's good! but PES 2010's loading times are non-existant, so wouldn't work for PES!


Registered User
yeah, see its simple ideas like that that i have been looking for konami to implement for a while. Although i'm sure when the game is released all the little bugs will either be ironed out or a patch will be released very soon after.

It's good! but PES 2010's loading times are non-existant, so wouldn't work for PES!

i disagree. i think it would be a clever addition.
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Registered User
Would be copying thou! I prefer just getting straight into the match! once you have played the arena afew times u just start skipping it and going straight to match mode!


Registered User
I see it as a pre-game warmup tbh. More than often you end up with one of the better players of the team you are using, so it's nice to have a little kickabout before a game. Especially if you're just starting your first game.


Registered User
I Agree!!

Ive played 10 games, and here are my plus points and bad points.

Good Points :

1) The appearances - WOW.

2) No loading times, straight into the action from the moment you press kick off, which is extremely impressive.

3) Slower gameplay, most definitely noticeable, the ball still zips about like in 09, but there is absolutely no way you will get from one end of the pitch to the other in a few seconds.

4) Much harder to score, i played the first four games on top player as Liverpool against Barcelona and scored just twice, and other than hitting the woodwork with a superb Aurelio free kick, i didnt manage to trouble Valdes.

5) The newer feel - i guarentee no gamer will be able to pick this up in their first few games. Its taken me a good hour of playing to get accustomed to it.

6) Throw ins - Invisible barrier has gone !!!

7) The shooting - its close to perfect, if you catch it just right with Stevie G, its unstoppable, really easy on the eye this year.

8) Jostling - Much more realistic this year, all 6ft 3 beast of Martin Skrtel can now hold off the nippy little Leo Messi for much longer.

9) The little things - Everything from untucked shirts and the noises of the crowd (as someone mentioned, when the away side score, the silence is deafening, its great). The new way the goalkeepers take their kicks, and the way they bounce along their line on a penalty. There are so many delicate little touches that you will notice as you go along.

10) Hard to win the ball back - This is something i really was impressed with, on top player, if you lose it to Barca (which with this new 360 control will happen believe me) they will knock it around you with first touch passes for a good while, and you usually have to go ugly to win it back.

The Bad

1) Reaction times - Maybe its just me, but they are a fraction too slow for my liking, hopefully this will be rectified in the final release.

2) The sliders, and changing line up, they have overcomplicated a very simple thing, perhaps it will take some time to get used to but i thought it was unneccessarily OTT.

And other than that, there wasnt a whole lot that i didnt enjoy about it, its a great game and your going to really enjoy it if youve not played it already. When you first see it you will fall in love, but the gameplay will take a while to grow on you.

I'd give it an 8/10 so far, and theres a LOT of potential there for the final release, id like to think this was 80-90 per cent complete.

I agree 100%. with your assessment!

I play the PC version and I noticed a huge difference from the 09 version:
Graphics are better
Gameplay is better
Opposition is much stronger
Passing is more precise (with 360 control)
Shooting is far improved
Crossing seems more accurate
The throw-in barrier appears to be gone (on one of my throws, the opponent slipped in between the thrower and reciever and stole the ball).
Penalties are very different. With a horizontal (side) view it is a very different feel (both kicking and defending).

I have owned every version of the EA Sports FIFA series since its birth in 1994. I have always played on the PC. In 2007, I made the switch to PES and was instantly hooked. graphics, gameplay, everything was like real football. On PC, FIFA just didn't compare. I still bought FIFA in 07, 08, and 09.

Last year I bought FIFA 09 and PES 2009 for the XBOX also. FIFA 09 was the far superior game both in graphics and gameplay. This year, I have tried both demos on the XBOX 360. My opinion is that PES 2010 is the far superior game this year. The graphics are phenominal! The gameplay is 10 times better than last year. don't get me wrong, FIFA 10 is excellent, but if the demos are anything liek the released versions, PES will win again this year.


Alive in the superunknown
wow I really don't understand some people's points of view on here.

I don't get this big deal about "no" loading times... There blatantly are - it's just happening in the background of the intro videos, when the camera is flying around the pitch with the team names in front, you can't skip it, or the players in the tunnel. It is better than a "loading" screen though, but it's the same ammount of time cleverly disguised.


Registered User
i played a few games and i must say i like it. after watching youtube videos of fifa 2010 i must say it looks poor and primitive and is in no way a alternate for PES


Registered User
Played the demo, I think it plays much better than 2009. but is still not as good as older pes versions.
To be honest its all about become a legend!! I havn't even played any other mode in 2009 since I got it just become a legend all the time its realistic and awsome to play (offline havn't even played online)

So I dont care about the whole game as long as become a legend is still awsome!! in 2010!!!

I totally forgot ML because of BAL..
Only played CL once or twice but rest of the time just Become A Legend.
I badly hope to see improvements in this mode.


Registered User
Should i stay or should i go??? Man in TURMOIL!!!!

For the first time since Fifa99 i played the fifa demo. i really like the fifa loading screen where you get to play 1-on-1 against the keeper. Very good idea. Anyone agree?

i totally agree, FIFA 10 Demo is impressive, i love the one on one where you can try new tricks, especially where it takes you to the stadium for a pre match warm up.
saying that the pes 2010 demo is nice as well. whats with the big ray of sunshine by the corner flag and why are the skin tones messed up?

i loves pes 2009 but 2010 isnt too different and i wonder it freeze when i add my own music???

i'm seriously considering FIFA 10, commentary is class and it gives something different - no need to edit!!!!. i have never even considered switching before.
i'm in turmoil, i feel like a man wanting to leave him family for a younger more attractive woman on the outside!
But will she give me the years of happiness the PES has????

as it obviously has been reviewed by a FIFA fanboy, what do you expect! I think FIFA's gameplay is really nice! but graphically doesn't match up2 PES!

Let's just conbine the 2 games! FIFA gameplay and PES graphics then it would be the ultimate footballing game!

Yeah, hopefully, theres some rich Arab/Oligarth in Manchester who want this as much as the rest of us!!!
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Registered User
I just tried the PES 2010 demo for PS3, there are my impressions:

-The gameplay is harder than 2009, which is good, is more realistic, specially on driblings, however if you play with the arrows will be very difficult and 'd-pad players' would have advantages over your.

-Graphics are incredible, animations and players faces are very real, even the facial hair is a photographic design, I think for licensed teams there won't be a cartoonized animations at all.

-Shooting is great, the sound is improved and direction is a key to used to.

-The ball is a little heavy, sometimes seems that you are playing with a basketball.

-Again, if you play with the arrows you will feel that you need to play with d-pad in order to do what the game provides, I think is something PES2009 started and I am sure Konami folks only think on 'd-pad players'.

-Penalty Kicks are weird, I will wait for the game to spend sometime practicing it, I don't completely disagree with changing the camera angle, but the shooting seems to be very hard.

-Marking is different, there are no super player that are unstoppable from the defenders, in PES 2009 if you run with Eto'o, Messi, Ibrahimovic, Kaka or Robinho and you know how to handle them you can have 'easy goals', I think is fixed. (I am happy with that because my brother usually runs with Ibra and is very hard to stop him, thim time he need to think how to prepare a play).

-Keeper 1 on 1 dribbling, is harder and different that older versions, this times the GKs are smarter and you won't have an easy 1 on 1 dribbling 90% of the time.

In general terms the game is great, I would give a 8.5 out of 10 score, if someone says that FIFA is better so is a person that never kicked a football and never played a 'real match'. I tried FIFA for 5-6 games and they look like bloody monkeys, the only thing I love from FIFA is the PKs, the rest is for non football fans. (I do this comparisson since my non-football fan friends buy FIFA and the dudes that play football in real life buy PES).

Jahromi 10

Registered User
Well guys, I Think PES 2010 is amazing it feels all new the appearence and gameplay, the ball moves perfectly etc.
I Think PES Has got it this year!!!!!!

The Liverpool Way

Registered User
My PES2010 Demo Review:

As soon as I heard the news, I couldn't wait to get my hands on the Demo. I was sure that it would be an amazing Demo with the 360 Dribbling and alot of other features.
I was right :) The Demo is amazing! I enjoy it! I have even stopped playing FIFA09 for the past week just because the PES2010 Demo is so good!
OK, there are some issues with response and stuff like that, but overall it is amazing.
I know that there are some people who are dissapointed with the Demo, I was amazed once I got onto the forums after playing the Demo to see many people saying its like PES2009. It is like PES2009, but not much.
The 360 Dribbling is a great addition, the faces on players, the graphics, the menus, the sounds, the pitch, the staduims, the music and the improved gameplay - It's just great! :)
I could not have asked for anything else!
OK, for some people the demo isn't 'Wow' or 'Amazing', but for me it is Amazing.
All I ask is for Konami to fix response issues etc etc and the game will be perfect, bring on October 23rd!

Thanks for reading ;)

I just tried the PES 2010 demo for PS3, there are my impressions:

-The gameplay is harder than 2009, which is good, is more realistic, specially on driblings, however if you play with the arrows will be very difficult and 'd-pad players' would have advantages over your.

-Graphics are incredible, animations and players faces are very real, even the facial hair is a photographic design, I think for licensed teams there won't be a cartoonized animations at all.

-Shooting is great, the sound is improved and direction is a key to used to.

-The ball is a little heavy, sometimes seems that you are playing with a basketball.

-Again, if you play with the arrows you will feel that you need to play with d-pad in order to do what the game provides, I think is something PES2009 started and I am sure Konami folks only think on 'd-pad players'.

-Penalty Kicks are weird, I will wait for the game to spend sometime practicing it, I don't completely disagree with changing the camera angle, but the shooting seems to be very hard.

-Marking is different, there are no super player that are unstoppable from the defenders, in PES 2009 if you run with Eto'o, Messi, Ibrahimovic, Kaka or Robinho and you know how to handle them you can have 'easy goals', I think is fixed. (I am happy with that because my brother usually runs with Ibra and is very hard to stop him, thim time he need to think how to prepare a play).

-Keeper 1 on 1 dribbling, is harder and different that older versions, this times the GKs are smarter and you won't have an easy 1 on 1 dribbling 90% of the time.

In general terms the game is great, I would give a 8.5 out of 10 score, if someone says that FIFA is better so is a person that never kicked a football and never played a 'real match'. I tried FIFA for 5-6 games and they look like bloody monkeys, the only thing I love from FIFA is the PKs, the rest is for non football fans. (I do this comparisson since my non-football fan friends buy FIFA and the dudes that play football in real life buy PES).

I agree on most of that.

Although the FIFA comments are not true. FIFA is a game for football in general, whether you be a fan, a player or just a gamer - Its the ultimate football experience.*

PES is the same, for football in general, for fans, players or gamers - It is too the ultimate football experience.*

I should know since I play both PES and FIFA, I am a Fan and I play football every week :D And of course I love my gaming :)

*In gaming ;)
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Registered User
^I would fix the response issues and some through balls and then it would be great. :)
Right now it is still better than pes 09, but the demo feels incomplete.
