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Pes 2010 demo feedback!

Are you happy with the demo, chief?

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Registered User
Ive played the demo alot and like it but it seems kinda hollow. There arent many ways of playing other than counter attackingly.

Im talking about pes


Registered User
delay ..delay..dealy...thats all thats wrong with the game at the a second later it responds....that sucks.


Registered User
ive spent alot of time on fifa demo to give it a chance like i do every year and dont understand people who actually thinks its good

but gr8 commentary though

and of course if you personally dont like something espicially when fifa and pes are concerned you get labelled a fan boy ..but i make my own judgement every year and fifa 09 ,10 are hollow games with fabulous commentary;)

Nah, it's far from hollow. The manual controls have been improved this year and that on it's own elevates it way above Pro Evo where the manual passing is still rubbish. When you add to that the true 360 dribbling, you feel a certain freedom and sense that ANYTHING can happen that you don't get in Pro Evo. The 360 dribbling just isn't really there, and the d-pad is still the best way to play. The animations are amazing as well in Fifa, when in a physical battle the players react perfectly to every touch. They've improved in Pro Evo too to a certain degree, but they're still well behind.

Aside from that there's little touches that don't improve the gameplay but are really nice anyway, such as the ref jumping over the ball to avoid it when a pass comes his way.

I was praying Konami would give us something spectacular this year because i was as diehard Pro Evo as anyone until this time last year, and it's still kinda where my heart lies, but it's not to be.


Registered User
At 1st I didn't notice the 360 dribbling until I discovered I was being far too harsh with my thumb. So I became more gentle and surely enough it's there, alive and well. The slower u go and better dribbler u have, the more noticeable it is. I think people who don't notice are ones who have their sprint button taped down or people who are being harsh on the stick like I was.

I also like the distance between ball and feet when dribbling, especially when sprinting. Dribbling is more realistic and challenging now unlike the past where your cleats are magnetic and the ball is metal.

Still a shit demo but you have to admit that there is a lot of potential for a solid game. I'm going to be optimistic and believe that an amazing game will come out of this. I mean I have nothing to lose for thinking that way and it sure beats believing a shit Pes game will come.


Registered User
I think its hard to tell from a demo as limited as PES is in demo to see how good it will be in the long run. I hope they have a good base to refine later editions rather than starting all over. As long as the master league is good I'll be happy. The master league is miles better than anything on fifa. Although the gap between the two has shortened.


Registered User
I wasn't too happy with the demo, to be honest. I like that there are new animations and the game moves more smoothly, but what's with the slow button response? It takes ages from the time I press the button to the player actually passing the ball, that troubles me because it makes it almost impossible to play the one or two-touch passes I like to play in the game. Not to mention, players still run funny.

...And then I downloaded the FIFA demo and remembered exactly why I left the series. The graphics are terrible and not at all detailed, and the game plays more like ice hockey than football. Fun game to pick up and play but anyone who thinks this is a realistic football sim is deluding him or herself.


Registered User
^Better that, than PES. If PES were to come out today, I wouldn't buy it. :no:

I don't understand how a game can get worse. Does it bother anyone else that the PS2 games of the series are better than what Konami has released so far for the PS3.:faceplm:

*Gameplay matters more to me than graphics


Registered User
^Well pes 10 certainly isn't worse than pes 09 and 08. Even the incomplete demo feels 10* better than the last 2 pes games.


Registered User
^Well pes 10 certainly isn't worse than pes 09 and 08. Even the incomplete demo feels 10* better than the last 2 pes games.

That sadly says a lot about the lag of development in the PES series doesn't it?
I know I've been uncharacteristically harsh in my views these last days, and I'm sorry for that - honestly! But I just don't get how PES could get to this state? Yesterday I gave it another long go. I even tried the fix about setting my xbox to 720p - and nothing really changed - I'm sorry to say. I couldn't feel a change.
It's not like I think the game is bad or sucks. It's just that I think that Konami has left so much out that would make a far better game.

For instance:
Am I the only one who can't trigger player runs like you used to in other PES games?

I keep pressing LB (left bumper - which it tells me in the overview of the controls - is the button I have to use when setting up 1-2 passes) and nothing happens? If I then hold down LB and press pass - then the player who just passed the ball will run forward. But up untill this year you could always make a player run forward by pressing LB!? I just can't make it work in my demo - and THAT is really what triggers me to starting to get annoyed. It's such an important part in the game.

From then on I just start to realise just how much else the cpu is controlling for me. That be passes, through passes, crosses and to some degree shots on goal?

Also the lack of struggeling/jostling for the ball animations is by now not acceptable it isn't in the game.

Notice I haven't commented on the slow response? It's because I don't find it as troublesome as all the above mentioned issues. After a few games you start to adjust (but let's be honest - that shouldn't be the case and solution in the first place) and you can make your game flow better.

The overall gribe I guess I have is: That FIFA served so many good ideas for things to implement in a classic game of PES, Konami could just pick them up and implement them in their own setup - and you would have an almost perfect game. License is and never has been a major issue. But now when some key gameplay issues has started to turn arcady and others are plainly missing, I find it hard to stay optimistic.


Registered User
Finally deleted it off my hard drive last night, just not worth keeping.

A real shame.

Had a listen to WENB podcast and a read of the blog entry on the front of this site...i think its about time people took responsibility over the handling and the truthful opinions on a game such as Pes. Fortunately for me i can afford a mistake. Unfortunately for others they cannot. So responsiblity lies at the feet of those who have the loudest voice, your opinions force sales, so do the right thing and think.


Registered User
Turn it to 576p and it's much better. I know, though, it feels incomplete, but the response is much better.
BTW in the full game the response in HD is supposed to be fixed.


Registered User
Yeah as more of you mention, there demo has indeed a great potential. However the shooting is awesome. So let's just hope that konami not only changes the colors of the boots from the demo to the full game this year :)


Registered User
Turn it to 576p and it's much better. I know, though, it feels incomplete, but the response is much better.
BTW in the full game the response in HD is supposed to be fixed.

This is getting ridiculous now.

What next, turn off the television to make it run properly?


Registered User
This is getting ridiculous now.

What next, turn off the television to make it run properly?

What's next? Me ignoring your every post.
In 720p I already said that there's no difference, but in 576p (non HD resolution) it truly becomes better.
So before you speak, read my posts otherwise I'll ignore you.


Registered User
played the demo and was not happy, gameplay felt really really slow. the keepers are worse then 09's and cant save some of the most simple shots.the passing is so delayed my player runs almost half the field befor he will even pass it off n majority of the time he gets tackled. the through balls feel more like a regular pass as the ball doesn't even go in front of the player which makes it impossible to break the defense. first touch ball control is absolute rubbish seeing how in real life players ball control are a lot better. the graphics have improved but doesnt do much for me seeing how it doesnt make the feel of the game better. the formation feels like fifa seeing how u cant go in to much detail in the formation. it feels like pes has tried to copy fifa, which to me feels that they've gone backwards, cause fifas gameplay is absolute shocking. hopefully the online has been fixed. in my opinion 09 is alot better then 10, not by graphics n looks but by gameplay


Registered User
played the demo and was not happy, gameplay felt really really slow. the keepers are worse then 09's and cant save some of the most simple shots.the passing is so delayed my player runs almost half the field befor he will even pass it off n majority of the time he gets tackled. the through balls feel more like a regular pass as the ball doesn't even go in front of the player which makes it impossible to break the defense. first touch ball control is absolute rubbish seeing how in real life players ball control are a lot better. the graphics have improved but doesnt do much for me seeing how it doesnt make the feel of the game better. the formation feels like fifa seeing how u cant go in to much detail in the formation. it feels like pes has tried to copy fifa, which to me feels that they've gone backwards, cause fifas gameplay is absolute shocking. hopefully the online has been fixed. in my opinion 09 is alot better then 10, not by graphics n looks but by gameplay

Me thinks you will need to play around 10 games of the demo to start to really appreciate it. What I have read from you sounds exactly how I thought! lol

I love it now apart from the niggles in the gameplay which does definitely have. If these are fixed in the full release Ill be very happy


Sin City
Absolutely love the game. I loved Fifa 10, and then played this and my love for PES just shot right back up again. It just reminds me of PES 6 but on the current gen consoles. If they sort out the response time, then this game will be even greater. I think this year is a sucess for Football games, as Fifa 10 plays nicely too. I also love it how they've slowed PES down as it takes more of a thoughtful approach to attack now instead of just trying to beat 4/5 defenders each time with one man.


Registered User
It's interesting to read different people's views. It's all about preference - some like PES 2010 and some don't. Konami and FIFA can't please all of the people all of the time. Personally I like the feel of PES 2010. It's slower and reminds me of PES 5. It is more realistic that it takes 3-4 touches to control the ball and turn 180 degrees. In PES 2009 you could spin and run to easily. Also you could retain the ball really easily. The worst things about PES 2009 was a) the cheating/momentum shifts and b) players having rubbish stamina in master league.

Played PES 2010 demo a lot on extended time and have hardly noticed any "cheating". Also I've read that the level of physio that you hire in master league dictates the stamina of your players.

I am happy so far about the new version.
