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PES 2010 Poll

PES 2010

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Alive in the superunknown
Just so it's plain to see in black and white...

Now we've got to grips with the same, is it HIT or MISS. Try not to sit on the fence.


Registered User
Miss. Due to shockingkly poor AI when playing against the computer, resulting in defenders backing off at wrong times / all the time. Plus computer attacks with no real vigour. All on top player. (Apologies for mini-rant)


Registered User
Not good enough again. Agree with TW7 on the AI is poor even on top player. Referees are shocking this year. Still love the game, just dissapointed.


Thank you for reading.
Hit. I'm not voting though because I'd put it somewhere between the 'great' and 'average'.


Hit. I'm not voting though because I'd put it somewhere between the 'great' and 'average'.

Pretty much this. I'm enjoying it, but it's not great. It's good, despite some of its failings. I just created a Master League team last night, but only played one game, so my definitive decision on how I rate this game depends on how enjoyable ML is. I haven't tried online yet, but I'm not expecting much. It's really FIFA that I use for online gaming, even though it isn't perfect.

Anyway, PES 2010 has been good, so far.


Registered User
I've been playing almost non-stop for the past two days, and I think it is absolutely brilliant. However, this is the first Pro Evo game I've ever played, so I didn't go into it with any prejudices or huge expectations. I didn't play PES '08 or '09, which were apparently a disappointment to most, nor did I play any of the PS2 games from what were apparently the glory days of PES.

The first time I ever even laid eyes on PES gameplay was when I started up the demo. I played both the FIFA10 and PES2010 demos extensively, initially thinking it was a no-brainer and that I would buy FIFA. But the more I played both demos, the more certain I became that I would get PES. FIFA may have the smoother animations and more precise control (though I actually prefer the controls in PES) but Pro Evo wins hands down in the gameplay department. In my opinion, it strikes the perfect balance of realism and fun (it is a game, after all), and its virtues far outweigh its flaws.

I can certainly understand why people are so divided over this game, though. I know what its like to have followed a game franchise year after year, expecting or wanting certain improvements and not getting them, or not seeing the game evolve the way I would want it to. If I had played previous versions of PES, I might feel completely differently than I do now. I don't think I would, but who knows?


Registered User

i love pes2010. i think its better the pes2008(last one i had) and also 6

although it seemed a bit slower at first and well theres one or two minor flaws appart from them i love the game
have been constantly playing it for the past 6 days i have had it


Registered User

i love pes2010. i think its better the pes2008(last one i had) and also 6

although it seemed a bit slower at first and well theres one or two minor flaws appart from them i love the game
have been constantly playing it for the past 6 days i have had it

Yh there are flaws but the game as a package and the core gameplay is really good. Today was the first time i looked at the disc :) ...and the disc looked good!


Registered User
you can clearly see they've made ALOT of changes to the very fabric of the game engine, so 'teething problems' are inevitable.

however, these problems are just too severe for me to ever give it a really good grade and raise serious questions about konami's testing policies (if they have any!)

i hate to be wishing my life away already, but from what i've observed, PES 2011 should be awesome....


Registered User
Hit. I'm not voting though because I'd put it somewhere between the 'great' and 'average'.

same its a game that i will play and it is good but theres also something that i dont like but cant work it out yet so i wouldnt say its an amazing hit but its not a failure


Registered User
Its missing one thing...a quit option in the pre match online menu.

Just played 11 matches online. Played Madrid 8 times, played Barca 3. I was left with 9 losses and 2 wins and a broken HI FI controller out of sheer frustration. Its a fucking joke beyond belief. Im so frsutrated im finding it hard to think straight and write this.

I wanted to use Lazio, Palermo, Man City maybe and everytime i did bang Madrid popped up. There's nothing you can do against them. I played 7 at the back on occassions but nothing can stop Ronaldo. Im so pissed off and want to punch something hard that im going to stop writting this now as im actually speachless and so angry i need atleast an hour to calm down.


Registered User

Konami always promise so much but deliver so little, they've even managed to mess up the master league. I can't even bring myself to play a full game without getting bored. Seriously, what is the point of even trying to add things to the game like improved graphics, 360 movement etc when they completely forget about the gameplay?

Mr Darkstar

Registered User
Its missing one thing...a quit option in the pre match online menu.

Just played 11 matches online. Played Madrid 8 times, played Barca 3. I was left with 9 losses and 2 wins and a broken HI FI controller out of sheer frustration. Its a fucking joke beyond belief. Im so frsutrated im finding it hard to think straight and write this.

I wanted to use Lazio, Palermo, Man City maybe and everytime i did bang Madrid popped up. There's nothing you can do against them. I played 7 at the back on occassions but nothing can stop Ronaldo. Im so pissed off and want to punch something hard that im going to stop writting this now as im actually speachless and so angry i need atleast an hour to calm down.

Ye i manually quit as the opponent had a shit connection and then they picked real so i quit usi nthe middle button and it counted as a loss :|

But my philosiphy on your problem is if you cant beat them join them!
