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pes 2010 response time


Registered User
although pes 2010 has many flaws but i think the bad response time or what's called "INPUT LAG" or "BUTTON DELAY" , this issue is the main factor IMHO that ruins the game completely , i think it's very frustrating for a footy game so that some players takes seconds to pass or to shoot
also the one touch passing is so difficult in tyhe narrow spaces due to this obvious input lag problem
the game feels more stiff and rigid and the played move like robots

i wonder why konami did not fix these serious issue before the final release or at least they could fix them by patches after the game was released

they should fix the response time issue in the current game pes 2010 at 1st , even before they think about the upcoming pes 2011


Registered User
Totally agree with you. The button delay has made me stop playing BAL because I keep on getting tackled just as I'm about to shoot.


Registered User
totally agree, sometimes you have to press pass 3 or 4 times before they actually pass the ball, very frustrating when you have pressed pass, nothing happens and then you are tackled as a result of the button lag, or pass just not happening at all


New Member
Nothing more to add. The joy of dribbling and being ahead in response is being nullified in this edition. Before the ball comes it's being intercepted, driblling simply has become running because everything responses slowly. You guys have added so much good in this edition, why did you take out the most important aspect that PES has to offer.

There has been many suggestions to customizations, online play, league additions etc which may be highlighted in polls and seem relevant. But don't forget to fix the essence of this game which is by far the most important issue.


With all due respect, I'd like to make a humble request which I believe 90% of PES gamers would appreciate. And that is to replace Eredivisie with Bundesliga since we have to patch it subsequently anyway. If at all possible, and if it's not too much trouble on the part of the developers to implement the same in future editions. PES still rock!


Registered User
i posted this thread in the official zone because i believe that many pes fans all over the world know very well about the response time issue in pes 2010 since the demo version and till the final release

but i'm afraid konami does NOT know "or even does NOT hear about" this issue
very frustrating


Registered User
Nothing more to add. The joy of dribbling and being ahead in response is being nullified in this edition. Before the ball comes it's being intercepted, driblling simply has become running because everything responses slowly. You guys have added so much good in this edition, why did you take out the most important aspect that PES has to offer.

well said , man


Registered User
Are you guys playing the same game as me?

Am only half kidding, am lucky to play the PC version of PES10 and there is little unacceptable lag.

Like, if the ball is 4 steps in front of my player and I press right, then I wait for him to take those 4 steps and then he will turn right.

I *am* aware however that most of the awesome TVs that you guys can afford (and I can't!) add on 5-20+ms of lag. That doesn't sound like much, but my other hobby is music production, and when I set my system to 20ms latency, I start to hate recording live takes as it just messes with one's brain.

Some people have reported improvements on changing TVs to "Game" mode, or playing on a mate's new fangled "fast" TV


Registered User
With all due respect, I'd like to make a humble request which I believe 90% of PES gamers would appreciate. And that is to replace Eredivisie with Bundesliga since we have to patch it subsequently anyway. If at all possible, and if it's not too much trouble on the part of the developers to implement the same in future editions. PES still rock!



Registered User
The funny thing with PES and the controls is, if you play on the lower to mid settings, the response from the controls and the players is pretty good, with some nice free-flowing movement. As soon as you crank it up to 4 stars and above the game seeks to hamper you with terrible response times from the players and numpty passes, as if that's how they chose to make it appear harder. It just makes the game a drudge to play.

OK I'm not the best PES gamer in the world, but there's a massive jump in control response as you move through the difficulty ranges. The game isn't really harder, you're just forced to make decisions earlier to compensate that either will or will not pay off. And I hate that.


Registered User
try master league- hit the byline pull the ball back- how many time does it happen when you hammer the X button and they don't shoot first time? Benzema take a touch then either promptly passes it to the keeper or get halfed by the centre back... Such SIMPLE things to fix to make HUGE improvement!


Registered User
How can I compare EA fifa14 to KONAMI pes14 when the pes download does not not download The new patch what is your excuse this time KONAMI?

Answer on the Internet Newspapers Magazines and postcards to pes fan and fifa fan on line please and xbox360 players and PS3 consoles please KONAMI ?


Registered User
I have no lag issues on the 360 version, surprisingly even online is fine for me.. but I've had to get 50meg bb just for a smooth game. :(

is this button lag only an issue on the PS3 version? If so would saving the game into the HD help??


This is a very bad gripe with this game actually. Too often I rush towards the ball while prepowering the shot only to see my player touch the ball once, twice or more before shooting.

If I want a player to try a volley, I want it to happen always. Doesn't matter if he blows it sky-high, as long as he does what I tell him to do.

On regular moving and passing it's only players with really low Response stat that is useless, below 70 and they are completely useless for a human player.
In my opinion the response time from "key to screen" should be nearly zero and equal for all players, while the other part of the Response stat should remain as it is. (How fast they react to loose balls, feints, through passes etc.)


Registered User
Did I Jion in 2008 did i konmi lol at KONAMI try 2005 and try pes05 pes06 fifa07 pes08 fifa09 pes10 fifa11 lol at KONAMI


Registered User
KONAMI why is when you play online on pes2012 when players are BEATING you THUMPING you 1-0 10-0 20-1 when a player see the Game out then you come back on play the SAME Players again and you start scoring GOALS into them they QUIT out and you the player that has played FAIR gets RANKED POINTS TAKING OFF of to you will noticed EA fifa12 have sorted this PROBLEM out this year if they QUIT QUIT they should get RANKED POINTS if you done this any were in the world you would get chucked out the league`s in that right PESKING AND SEABASS ?
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