So consistently being able to make quality passes with Xavi ruins the experience of the game somehow? Do you even watch football at all? I can't remember ever seeing Xavi make a bad pass or get caught in possession (although I'll admit it probably has happened plenty of times but the positives far outweigh the negatives).
It ruins the experience when I can do it 7 times per game, without failing, yes it ruins the experience.... and yes, you would know why that is, if you knew half as much as I know about real football.
There's a thin line between the user using the STATS to his advantage, and the STATS doing the work on their own. In PES11, the STATS do the work on their own, it is completely automatic.
PES10 was also fully automatic, but gave you the option of breaking the COM script, and actually allowed the USER to dictate his own script.
Both PES10 and PES11 are outdated video games. But PES11 is straight out stupid, too easy and too predictable.
Have you ever seen Xavi Hernandez not playing any build up play? Well, in PES11, you never see Xavi playing build-up play, because in PES11, build-up play is nonexistent: this is what, somehow, ruins the experience for me... the fact that it is a ping pong arcade game with zero build up play, zero substance where it matters the most.
Therefore, I take Xavi Hernandez, and I consistently split the defense wide open; no build up play required.... after a week of the same shit, I turned off the game and sold it.
Do you even watch Football at all? You should be embarrassed for suggesting that PES11 plays anything like real Football.
In regards to having less strategies to choose from, PES 11 actually gives you a lot more freedom in this aspect. Personally I got much better at the game when I deleted every strategy that was set for me in the 'Management Edit' section of game plan and went straight to 'Team Strategy' and created my own.
No, PES11 actually gives you a LOT less freedom in this respect. You would know why you are in FACT wrong if you actually understood what I know, PES10 gave you more freedom in this respect; PES11 is completely automatic, completely COM dictated, it does not offers any freedom in terms of strategies.
I tested all the strategies, played the game, the strategies system is for noobs. It is a completely automatic system, it is outdated, a step backwards as far as I'm concerned; to make it worst, it is attached to the select button, which is not an accessible nor intuitive button.
The freedom in terms of strategies is the reason why I can play PES10 every now and then; the complete lack of freedom in terms of strategies is the reason why I sold PES11.
You are talking to me about something that I tested in both PES10 and PES11: the system that PES10 used provided a lot more freedom and control to the user, was a lot more advanced.
The problem for me with the pre-set strategy options was that they automatically came into effect which meant even with a 1-0 lead your team will go straight to a defensive playing style leaving you open to get bombarded by the opposition. Most games I don't want to sit back after a 1-0 lead and want to continue in the same style and get a few more goals before I'm satisfied, only in the odd tight game against top teams do I need to go defensive after taking a lead because you're forced to defend it in that scenario.
The pre-set strategy was the thing that worried me the most about PES11, because it suggested that PES11 was an automatic and insubstantial video game.
When I played and tested the SELECT STRATEGIES of PES11, I confirmed my worries to be true: the pre-set strategies suggested a lack of ideas from Konami, because pre-set strategies are, quite simply, a stupid and automatic concept.
When I used the SELECT STRATEGIES, I found out that the select strategies (Custom Settings A and Custom Settings B) are now fully automatic and out of your hands; like the pre-set strategies, a stupid and automatic concept which requires no skills.
You cannot do the same range of things you could do with the L2 STRATEGIES of PES10.
PES11 is perhaps the easiest football sim I have played in my life time, the intent of Konami is clear, they are aiming for an insubstantial and pretty game for the masses.
PES10, for all its faults, had a diamond of a concept hidden beneath all the rubbish. Instead of taking that diamond and polishing it, Konami eliminated the only area where PES had actually improved, and made it entirely automatic and COM dictated.
PES11 plays a lot like FIFA09, it plays like a mix between PES5 and FIFA09: a pretty game for the masses, zero substance where it matters the most.
Best thing to do is to play around with the custom strategy options and that's where you will have total freedom with your plan A and plan B with C being either 'All Out Attack' or maybe 'Possession OFF/DEF' depending on what you're after. I mean you have the option to tinker with every aspect that's important such as defensive organisation, attacking style, closing down opponents and more that I haven't remembered. In Pro 10 the strategies were pre-set (essentially the CPU had more control than the player) and the custom tactics weren't executed that well. But here on PES 11 the pre-set strategies take a back seat to custom tactics because of how well refined the system has been made now to give you the freedom to really customise your team's playing styles to your tastes.
That is false, that is not true, that is bullshit, I can prove you wrong with FACTS: because I can post it on YouTube.
Actually, I will post it on YouTube, when I find the time.
PES10 gave you freedom. The select-strategies system that PES11 uses are entirely automatic and COM dictated, completely out of your hands; the fact that you describe the select-strategies system that PES11 uses with the word "freedom" is proof that you have absolutely no idea about how Football should be played from a wide view perspective.
Here is your problem: like the vast majority of fans, you do not know how to make the most of the L2-strategies of PES10, you do not know how to use the custom strategies in PES10.
In PES11, the custom strategies are so and so refined, that the USER has absolutely no control of when it all plays out, because the USER has no control over anything: the USER is always reacting to COM dictated circumstances.
The custom strategies in PES11 work ok in certain ways, but here is the problem: it does not require skills because it is completely automatic, the USER has zero control over WHEN strategies are used, the USER has zero control over WHERE the strategies are used.
In other words, the USER has zero control over TIME and SPACE. On the other hand, the L2-strategies that PES10 uses provide more freedom to the USER, total control over TIME and SPACE; if you actually knew how to make the most of the L2-strategies, because it was a substantial system, it actually required skills because it was not automatic.
In PES10, I could dictate horizontal movements, from ONE individual, WHEN I wanted, WHERE I wanted; not when the COM wanted and not where the COM wanted ....
The strategies system of PES11 is automatic, it is not responsive, it is completely out of your hands: the COM decides when, and the COM decides WHERE, the COM dictates the circumstances, and the USER reacts to the COM dictated circumstances.
In PES10 you could dance around the COM dictated script, by using the L2-strategies; in PES11, you have no options, you are forced into playing an automatic system where the USER is always reacting to COM dictated circumstances, and where the USER cannot choose to neglect the COM dictated script.
If you do not understand why, you do not understand how Football should be played from a wide view perspective, and obviously, you do not understand why PES11 is such a lousy football simulation.