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Right, the thread is ready and open for business
Lawn Care Service of Cedar Park 100 E Whitestone Blvd Ste 148, #166 Cedar Park, TX 78613 (512) 595-0884
Enough talk, are you ready to get destroyed? Whats your user id so we can get this over with.
Dont get scared now. I'll let you score the first goal to give you the chance to know what it feels like to be leading against me if you want?
Amateur you are wound way too tight lol. I can imagine how unbelievably boring it would be to have a face to face conversation with you. Loosen up a bit and stop thinking too much about Pes, especially since you no longer play it. Go out there and try to find a sense of humour too.
Oh piss off, you can not do pin point through passes with the standard master league default players like valeny. There is a clear difference in quality between good and shit players. Play it on top player then talk because you clearly dont have any idea what your talking about and are just another one abusing the game on beginner level then wondering why everything is not how it seems to be.
The only glitches are where sometimes selecting the cursor on a player there is a delay. Also sometimes defenders can easily catch up with some of the faster players where in real life that wouldn't happen. Thats not a plethora of bugs so stop exaggerating like an ignoramus just to try to put your point across. Most games have a few bugs, and a few with game breaking bugs like pes10 did have last year
Stop with the bs, there are a few glitches one or two but not something that is highly noticeable that prevents you from enjoying the game
Again talking nonsense, how many games have you honestly played? I've played the game for a good month now and know for a fact teams play differently. You're not going to pull the wool over my eyes. Some teams play defensively but a lot of the good teams take the game to you and are capable of scoring a variety of goals. You're just another kid that gets frustrated because you can't consistently score 5-10 goals past the computer
Oh here we go, you can;t win every game so it must be a cheat, glitch and exploit according to your backwards logic.
I've contributed more to this thread then your drama queen pointless commentary
You've proved yourself a fool iby thinking amateur represents a pure pes fan and trying to set up some exclusive gay club that only allows yourself amateur and dieci so you can bore eachother to death and blow smoke up each others arse about how great pes2010 is.
I can enter any thread I want to son, you have no authority over me, so stop acting like your something when your just some random newbie that struggles to string two sentences together.
Let me throw in my opinion on the subject:
For me PES 2011 is better than PES 2010. There were added contents which added depths to the game. I believe most of you already know so I will move on to the next one.
In terms of game play, manual passes really opened up the game. It felt good everytime I nailed beautiful passes which led into goals/good shots. Other than that of course both games have bugs but in my opinion they are not game breaking (although I would love to see them get fixed)
I had to admit, the first week was the hardest. I really felt like hating the game especially the new passing system but as it grows on me I started to like them very much. And to this date I feel like I could continue playing the game until the next version come out.
I don't know whether it is me getting used to it or the game play is really that good but as long as I feel good, it doesn't really matter does it?
Well, it is hard for me to really describe my feelings when playing the game. But I hope you get the idea. The bottom line is, I love PES 2011 and I don't think I can go back to playing PES 2010. That would be all.
For me PES 2011 is better than PES 2010.
In terms of game play, manual passes really opened up the game. It felt good everytime I nailed beautiful passes which led into goals/good shots. Other than that of course both games have bugs but in my opinion they are not game breaking (although I would love to see them get fixed)
I had to admit, the first week was the hardest. I really felt like hating the game especially the new passing system but as it grows on me I started to like them very much. And to this date I feel like I could continue playing the game until the next version come out.
I don't know whether it is me getting used to it or the game play is really that good but as long as I feel good, it doesn't really matter does it?
Well, it is hard for me to really describe my feelings when playing the game. But I hope you get the idea. The bottom line is, I love PES 2011 and I don't think I can go back to playing PES 2010. That would be all.
so they improved the penalty taking?
what about seeing all player stats in 1 page, they fix that too?
and can you search by player ablities in master league now like in 2009?
they have changed the camera angle and made it worse, you cant even score crackers anymore, where is your honour seabass?
Maybe it's just because the PES 2011 gameplay is still new and fresh to me and I played PES 2010 to death, but there's absolutely no way I could go back to playing PES 2010!!
It had broken referees, terrible computer opponent AI and you could score about 50% of your long shots!
Maybe I'll feel the same way about PES 2011 in 6 months time, but at the minute I'm still loving it and think it's a big improvement on PES 2010.
Pes 6. Truly a great great game . Pes 2010 ? I dont think so , I thought it was good but now Pes2011 is here.
I think it is more realistic because if you are a tiny bit off balance then BAM goes your shot over the bar !