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PES 2012 new thing revealed


It is happening again
I'm not saying that you will want problems with the game, so no need to take what I say personally unless you are one of these gamers that I'm referring to.

We know there are people here who crave to bash the game for the hell of it. Sometimes over frustration because they fail to understand the dynamics of the game or are not willing to give it the time to master it.

They will be buy it just so they can puff themselves up so they can feel indignation in making claims that konami ripped them off out of their £40.

Then they'll be in here making a big announcement that they're moving on to fifa 2012, when in reality they could have skipped all the nonsense and just brought fifa straight away, the easy game that caters towards their short attention span.

I think you could compare buying PES every year, to buying a season ticket every year at an under-performing club. You'll bitch and moan throughout the season about your players/manager/tactics/fellow supporters. But you'll still stay loyal, and still buy a season ticket the next season! :)


Registered User

Don't get it?


Are we supposed to control this second player with out mind, the third hand or the feet?

This sounds like a utterly crappy idea, but everything depends on the way it's implemented ofcourse. I would like more to see an analogue sensitive movement stick, so I can choose my running speed. Because no players run around the pitch at either full speed or 3/4 speed at all times.


Registered User
Don't use it, if you don't like it. But at least wait until you play it, before you give your final verdict.


Registered User
Are we supposed to control this second player with out mind, the third hand or the feet?

This sounds like a utterly crappy idea, but everything depends on the way it's implemented ofcourse. I would like more to see an analogue sensitive movement stick, so I can choose my running speed. Because no players run around the pitch at either full speed or 3/4 speed at all times.

You will control his movement with the right stick. It seems pretty good AS AN IDEA. However, the way they implement it and make it work is the key of success.


Registered User
i'll first learn to master it on training mode like i did with the penalties then i'll use them at every oppurtunity if i can master it.
Once you master it, it'll be very likely for you to win


I think you could compare buying PES every year, to buying a season ticket every year at an under-performing club. You'll bitch and moan throughout the season about your players/manager/tactics/fellow supporters. But you'll still stay loyal, and still buy a season ticket the next season! :)

The difference is I support my team through thick and thin. Even if they fall short within reason, i understand that every year we can't be the best. There will be tweaking and changes, sometimes a transition period where I have to remain patient instead of throwing toys out of prams like a spoilt child.

Also I understand I'm a mere fan, not a player, not a manager who can do their job better.

Now a lot of people talk a good game in how they think they know what is required to make the right changes, but if they were so good they'd be the managers, the player or the game developer.

Too much criticism for the sake of it isn't healthy nor necessary. Sometimes you have to accept things for what is when you are getting something out of it that benefits you.

Ok if something falls well below par, for example if my team doesn't put in any effort at all, you can't see any noticable progression and the managers heart clearly isn't in it then yes you can criticise. like with the game - if the konami are selling the same product with absolutely no changes just different modes and gimmicks then yes bash the game, bash the team. it's happened before and there was a backlash amongst the fanbase. Notably back when pes 2010 was released, the game was garbage, the production didn't even try anything groundbreaking, just supped up the graphics from 2009 and expected us not to notice they were just repackaging the same junk.

However last year when 2011 was released we all saw noticeable changes, a new system a great online mode and a new base to work from. Yet still people weren't happy because of nets because it was too difficult even though a year prior complaints were made that it wasn't challenging. Obviously I'm aware of the cheating online, the poor refs, cursor change etc, that was overlooked, but not intentionally. Not enough for me to give up on a game with so many more positive aspects to it

Now you know full well that is something of a sweeping generalisation, I won't pay full whack for PES and regardless of whether I enjoy the game I won't be switching to FIFA.

Even if I love PES I'm still going to play devils advocate as perfection should always be sought ... but never achieved.

You've become awfully defensive over something which wasn't directly aimed at you. I'm questioning those who will come on here to complain and they will, about non issues like nets and licences, and say how evil and dastardly konami are because they can't move messi a certain way and bulldoze through defenses any more and can't just press triangle with xavi to pass the ball through a 5 man defense to a striker.

And of course those who will declare their pride in moving to buy fifa. I don't believe you're one of those people.


Registered User
You've become awfully defensive over something which wasn't directly aimed at you. I'm questioning those who will come on here to complain and they will, about non issues like nets and licences, and say how evil and dastardly konami are because they can't move messi a certain way and bulldoze through defenses any more and can't just press triangle with xavi to pass the ball through a 5 man defense to a striker.

And of course those who will declare their pride in moving to buy fifa. I don't believe you're one of those people.

I agree with the main body of your post - but - your first sentence is, well, nonsense. You misunderstood my unyielding attitude towards 'calling it as I see it' with PES as being defensive.

I cannot abide FIFA, I bought FIFA2011 and detested it. Suffice to say I didn't keep it long.


Registered User
It is a good idea, but the most important thing is the execution of the idea. The most positive thing about it, is that it shows a clear intention to progress past completely automatic off the ball movement.

Though personally, I think the right analog stick is not needed at all, because I think the gamer could design preset scripts via the team settings, and then press and release the L2 button in order to trigger each sequence of the script, and that's it.

It's more comfortable in my opinion, if the center forward moves automatically one second or ten seconds after the gamer pressed and released the L2 button. You then alternate between scripts.

Script A: the center forward automatically moves from Point A to Point B, four seconds after the gamer pressed and released the L2 button.

Script B: the center forward automatically moves from Point A to Point B, ten seconds after the gamer pressed and released the L2 button.

It would do the same exact thing that the right analog stick can do, but it would be impossible to exploit, and it would be much more comfortable to use because you do not need to be directing the right analog stick in order to determine the movement of the 2nd player, and at the same time direct the left analog stick in order to dribble with the ball carrier.

Bottom line. I think it's a great albeit obvious idea, and above all, I'm just glad that Konami has finally made the first decisive action to distance themselves from completely automatic off the ball movement.

However, I do not like the idea of moving the right analog stick in order to determine off the ball movement, because I think the execution could be simpler and better.

For example. With a preset script that cannot be affected when in possession of the ball. This would mean that on the defensive end, the computer would know how to automatically cursor change, which means that the split second that was required in order to manually cursor change would not be necessary anymore, which means that the computer could easily contain the team in possession of the ball via simple execution that revolves around TIMING.

In other words. You would replace the manual cursor change button, with a new system that would force you into making mistakes and yet would be easier to use.

On the other hand. With the right analog stick system, the team in possession of the ball has manual control over two players, the 1st player can do anything at any given time, and the 2nd player can do anything at any given time. On the defensive end, how does the computer contain such a system if the computer does not know what the team in possession will do?

The right analog stick is good for giving directions, but it isn't exactly a responsive button. What factor would determine the TIMING of the off the ball run? What factor would determine if the center forward reacted a little too late or a little too early? What factor would determine if the center back anticipated the play or if the center back did not anticipated the play?

I'm guessing that this is where the right analog stick becomes redundant, because this is the area of the game where the "Active AI" takes over the game and decides if the "center forward reacted just in time" or if the "center forward reacted too quickly and was caught offside" or if the "center forward reacted too late and the chance was lost" or if, etc, etc.

Above all, I see it as something positive because it serves as a starting point on which they can build on. However, I can see a lot of flaws with the right analog stick system. Because although it adds something new into the game, it also does not fix any of the core flaws -- "center back reacted too late and was caught off guard" or "center forward reacted too quickly and was caught offside" -- of PES.

With a preset script system, where the gamer determines the exact TIMING of the run, the core flaw of PES would no longer spoil the game.


You will control his movement with the right stick. It seems pretty good AS AN IDEA. However, the way they implement it and make it work is the key of success.

So with which stick do we control feints and dribbles then?

With our minds? :p


Registered User
^I don't know. Maybe by holding L1 you will disable the selection, and go into dribbling mode.
