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PES 2012 News, Screenshots & Videos [Index In First Post]


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Really wish I would read something about the ability to shield the ball. Someone on this site mentioned it and since that time I am infatuated with wanting that ability. Tired of being pickpocketed in the corner with my back turned to the defender.


Registered User
Personally, I haven't noticed the floaty shooting from long range. I've always mastered that ability and when it's done right, it can look great when it hits the net.


One of the best pieces I gathered from the WE blog is how much better improved PES has gotten for 2012 and how FIFA 12 seems to be a recast from 2011.


Registered User
Seems positive, but then again I won't trust previewers. However there seems to be something this year because apparently a lot of annoyances have been fixed. Even the shot feint and defenders catching up. If so, I would be REALLY HAPPY.


Registered User
Seems positive, but then again I won't trust previewers. However there seems to be something this year because apparently a lot of annoyances have been fixed. Even the shot feint and defenders catching up. If so, I would be REALLY HAPPY.

I don't trust previews as much as I used to, this is due to last year and some of the bullshit that was spouted by various outlets. FIFA was called football perfection:huh:, whilst one preview accused pes of 8 way movement and it seemed the mainstream media judged PES after a week of play.

I expect PES 2012 to receive a great reception, this is down to how highly I rate pes 2011 and I trust konami(despite some of the shit they have produced) to build on this, in other words I think some of the hidden depths of 2011 will shine greater in 2012 if that makes sense.


Registered User
I just find the previewers unreliable and make everything sound positive when in fact it's not - last year, they said pes 2011 AI and goalkeeping has vastly improved and remember a few previewers saying in podcasts that it has the edge to fifa when pes 2011 didn't turn out as good as i expected


Registered User
the PES 2011 shout was "the king is back" and in my opinion that was the biggest lie in gaming preview and review history as far as i am aware off, yes i truly think that PES 2011 is that bad.
now they are almost saying the same thing about PES 2012 but just leaving the "king" part behind, so i can honestly say i am a little worried.
the only things i hang on to are the specific things Seabass and most previewers say are improved which really set PES apart from the other football games in the past, all the ingredients that were missing in PES 2011 but are essential if you really want to play football.
other then that everything else sounds too familiar.


Registered User
Well in my opinion, the king is back part was not a lie because it was better than fifa 11 for all it's flaws.

@SDP. I also don't trust previewers because they tend to exaggerate the positives.


Registered User
Football Life is likely to be Konami's response to Career Mode in FIFA. Player/player manager/manager transition.

I read the impressions from WENB and apart from shooting all sounds great so far. I hate having to wait even longer for Master League news :realmad:

Though I bet it is much the same as last two years.

Is there any substance to the rumour of a UK September release date?


Registered User
Well in my opinion, the king is back part was not a lie because it was better than fifa 11 for all it's flaws.

@SDP. I also don't trust previewers because they tend to exaggerate the positives.

it has always in my opinion been better then FIFA so you can't see that as a standard to reach or to surpass.
KONAMI were the ones who set the footballgaming standards and with all the things missing in PES 2011 how the hell could they,the previewers and reviewers say the king was back.
every PES game has its problems but PES 2011 is by far the worst.
i still have every PES game i ever bought and believe me it is the worst i've come across and has received less playing time of them all.
saying the king is back a year ago and then mentioning all the problems i felt in my first ten games a year after:shocking::no: come on who are they kidding.
the only thing which you can say that has improved at KONAMI is their marketing skills, cause they are really doing it like FIFA nowadays, were when the final product is in your hands it is nowhere near that what they promised it would be.
the biggest problem is that the previewers that we would like to be on our side or helping them, but hey money talks so who could blame them.


Registered User
to be honest, i wouldn't say pes 2011 is now where near the worst - it's more like a step to the right direction after pes 2009 was so horrible and 2011 is more like a turning point. before pes 3, players in master league did not develop so that was so boring and in pes 2011 they indroduced or revamped a lot of game modes so it's a stepping stone TBH


Registered User
to be honest, i wouldn't say pes 2011 is now where near the worst - it's more like a step to the right direction after pes 2009 was so horrible and 2011 is more like a turning point. before pes 3, players in master league did not develop so that was so boring and in pes 2011 they indroduced or revamped a lot of game modes so it's a stepping stone TBH

for me the gameplay is the worst it has ever been and that's the most important part, so all the other area's, game modes may be interesting, polished and improved but when the whistle sounds and the game begins its just sh**.
so at the moment PES is just like FIFA and that is terrible.
on second thought maybe not because they are trying to imitate FIFA so they are on the right track, sucks for me though.


Registered User
I reckon the game will be out on the 7th/8th of october or konami will release the same day as fifa(30th).

I hope they dont fuck with the shooting mechanics in pes 2012 to much, loved the shot system in pes 2011.


Registered User
i heard pes 2012 is gonna be a week later from the release of f*fa 11 but not sure anout the demo.
The shooting in pes 2011 felt too much automatic so you had no control over your shots and couldn't really place it and instead blast it. i heard in pes 2012 the shootings a bit more floaty and less powerful howver you still don't have enough control over your shots unlike F*FA


Registered User
I need a nice image of the new square nets for some soft porn, konami keep teasing me with snippets but I want full on nets uncensored:w00t
