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I am a big fan of player individuality, which is why I was such a big fan of the PS2 versions of PES; I cannot see neither how nor why everything manual would produce an adverse effect on the player individuality.
I am 100% sure that more control over the game would only increase the player individuality.
Example: an average center forward would give a very OBVIOUS indication just before he runs from Point A to Point B, thus making it very easy for the defender to read the game. On the other hand, a world class center forward would not give any OBVIOUS indication about anything, therefore making it more difficult for the defender to read what the center forward will do.
Example: average midfielder CANNOT move in certain ways, average midfielder CANNOT move at certain times. On the other hand, Xavi Hernandez can move in an unlimited range of directions, Xavi Hernandez can move at any given time.
That is player individuality applied on the tactical end of the game; the same thing that determines technical attributes such as passing, dribbling, and shooting, can easily be applied on the tactical abilities of the players.
That level of depth does not exist neither in PES nor FIFA. So I could easily say that player individuality is shit in PES, simply because player individuality does not exists in terms of tactical ability.
What you are saying is something that I completely disagree with. So if Xavi Hernandez is an intelligent player, he should do intelligent things without my input?
Therefore, making it virtually impossible to, as a manager, make incorrect use of an intelligent player. Therefore completely undermining the tactical end of the game, completely undermining my footballing brain, since an intelligent player will always react intelligently because that's what the "team play" stat says.... I disagree with that.
If Lio Messi is a great dribbler, he should dribble past three defenders without my input? No. He should simply have more tools than the average player, but he shouldn't automatically dribble past three players regardless of how shit you are at playing the game.
Anyways. I completely disagree with you, I think your point is very negative and outrageously simplistic: "semi-automatic" is just another word for "scripted", and I think scripted gameplay is outdated. I think tactical stats and technical stats should determine the range of things that each player is capable of, however, I do not think stats should determine how I use the stats.
I respect your opinion, but your argument about "every player will be the same" does not make any sense to me.
That is impossible. You cannot decide what you want when everything you do is predetermined by a script that you have zero control of.
Statistics can and should decide how good the player is at moving without the ball; however, in a video game where the gamer is in control of the entire team, statistics SHOULD NOT decide *when* the statistics work, because doing such a thing, not only undermines the ability of the gamer, but it also undermines the player individuality.
When I sign Samuel Eto'o, I expect a fast player who can run past defenders; yet in PES11, regardless of the fact that statistically Samuel Eto'o is a very fast player, somehow, slow defenders such as Fabio Cannavaro can actually catch up with Samuel Eto'o after Samuel Eto'o ran past them. That sounds like the computer decides to undermine the stats.
When I sign Samuel Eto'o, I expect him to at least run when it is obvious that he should run; but that does not happen in PES11. In PES11 Samuel Eto'o becomes a dumb zombie *when* the computer decides that Samuel Eto'o should be a dumb zombie, regardless of the fact that the statistics say that Eto'o should be a tactical genius. That's what happens when the game gives it to you according to the team's stats.
What's the point of having Samuel Eto'o when the computer can decide that Eto'o will make the run a little too late this time or a little too early that other time, only to watch how the very same computer decides that an average center forward will move at the right time and will score a goal as a result.
That's how the computer makes it possible for an average team to attack once and score once, and for a world class team to attack countless of times with no end result. Because the computer decided that the world class team would have dumbed down center forwards, and the computer decided that the average team would have Romario as the center forward.
That's scripted gameplay. That's what happens in many occasions when you play PES11 and FIFA11. I think it is an outdated concept precisely because it CANNOT fundamentally improve, it can only improve in terms of visuals and in terms of gimmicks, but not fundamentally.
i don't think you read my earlier post or you just chose to ignore it but i won't sum it all up again, i'll just say this, a one two pass is basic so i love how that is being implemented in the game but giving a gamer that much control like you are talking about doesn't make the game a simulation anymore if you asked me.
the challenge is to find a formation or playing style that suits you and using the abilities of you players to get the most out of that formation.
so depending on all the stats of the day,fitness,mentality,the total teamwork depending on players that are on the field there will still be room for surprises,challenges but you won't be able to constantly force certain runs and will have to be on the look out for the players runs according to their abilities at that given time, on field situations and your selected formation.
at least that is my opinion on how a simulation should be implemented for a football game.
your great players should excel on their own by making intelligent runs depending on the situation and you should be on the look out for these runs especially when in control of a great passer but to constantly be able to force the issue doesn't sound too good to me and will make the game boring within weeks.
but if i'm right what you are hoping for is already implemented in the PES games on the wii console so you would have a blast if you bought one.
the ratings for these wii games are also high so gamers seem to appreciate that amount of freedom but for me i just can't see how this can be a simulation.
too give you an example: someone with a footballing brain that spots gaps in a defense easily would be able to take a team like Wigan and beat another gamer with a less defeloped footballing brain all day long even though that guy was controlling BARCELONA because he would be able to trigger runs that the real players of Wigan probably wouldn't dream of cause of their stats, formation or teamwork ratio.
the outcome of every game would be fully depending on the skills of the gamer and not on the selected team or players.
it would be the same like when you select a viper in a GT game and can beat the F1 all day just because you had the skill, because the selected vehicle didn't matter.