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PES 2012 News, Screenshots & Videos [Index In First Post]


Registered User
I find pes 2011 a way more challenging game than pes 4,5,6 as the graphics and gameplay are better. I got bored of pes 4 after a month or two and still find pes 2011 excitIng apart from the AI and i think the only reason people think pes 4,5,6 is better than pes 2011 is because fifa was crap at those times - eg if fifa was better than pes 6, everyone would say pes 6 is worse. I fifa were crap this year, everyone would say pes 2011 is better. However it hink outside the box and ignore fifa and pes 2011 for me is one fof the best games konami have made (including other genre games)
BTW, this is my opinion, not yours so don't insult me if you don't agree


Registered User
I find pes 2011 a way more challenging game than pes 4,5,6 as the graphics and gameplay are better. I got bored of pes 4 after a month or two and still find pes 2011 excitIng apart from the AI and i think the only reason people think pes 4,5,6 is better than pes 2011 is because fifa was crap at those times - eg if fifa was better than pes 6, everyone would say pes 6 is worse. I fifa were crap this year, everyone would say pes 2011 is better. However it hink outside the box and ignore fifa and pes 2011 for me is one fof the best games konami have made (including other genre games)
BTW, this is my opinion, not yours so don't insult me if you don't agree

When was the first time you played PES5?

I think PES5 and PES6 were good enough for their time, the stats concept was still relatively innovative at the time, the game felt like it was going places, etc.

But then five years down the line, you notice that the game has not fundamentally improved at all. So I think it's mostly a matter of when you started supporting the PES series. If you had never played footy sims, and you suddenly play PES11, you will think that PES11 is an innovative video game with addictive gameplay.

On the other hand. If you have played the ISS series, the PS2 versions of PES, then you might find that PES11 is not innovative at all, not good enough considering the potential of current gen consoles, particularly after five or six years of development have passed since video games like PES5.

Anyways. I will not insult you for having an opinion. It's when you use your opinion to argue points such as how high or how low my expectations are, that your opinion becomes an annoyance. Other than that, I have no problem at all with your opinion.


Registered User
Yeah your probably right, im not much of an experienced player and my first pes was pes 4 then pes 6 and that was 4 years ago. But the graphics were very terrible i definitely know


Registered User
Yeah your probably right, im not much of an experienced player and my first pes was pes 4 then pes 6 and that was 4 years ago. But the graphics were very terrible i definitely know

I also started at PES4 or PES3, more or less at the same time as you, and I just cannot find PES11 as innovative as PES5 was five years back. Anyways. It's just a matter of opinion.


Registered User
PES has alway's been like an arcade game if you want to play it like that! but imo pes 2011 is fucking amazing when you play someone who plays build up football. The only thing that spoils it is you can't hold your defensive line you've always got to be tracking back with a player because you can't rely on the defender to track the attacker when facing a clever player, who always get the timing right on ther passes.But for slow technical football pes 2011 is so far ahead of every other pes that preceded it.I've played so many online game and i'm still seeing new thinks nearly every match.That's why i've always loved pes the random things that happens.Also i'd still say i'm still improving my game.
If they fixed the cursor switching / Defender tracking player's better /through balls on the ground toned down it would be class.
Yes the series has been been quite dissapointing on next gen consoles apart from pes 6 on the 360 .But come on you cannot say there's been noimprovement since last years 2010 game.The improvements have been huge.
Single player is shite though and referees i don't remember ever being this bad on even iss.
Pes 5 the stats were still relatively new ?Really:/.
Compare pes 3 too 6.
Pes 2008 to 2011.
The series is more innovative than you give it credit.
But they will never top the innovation of pes 2 too pes3 .


Registered User
PES has alway's been like an arcade game if you want to play it like that! but imo pes 2011 is fucking amazing when you play someone who plays build up football. The only thing that spoils it is you can't hold your defensive line you've always got to be tracking back with a player because you can't rely on the defender to track the attacker when facing a clever player, who always get the timing right on ther passes.But for slow technical football pes 2011 is so far ahead of every other pes that preceded it.I've played so many online game and i'm still seeing new thinks nearly every match.That's why i've always loved pes the random things that happens.Also i'd still say i'm still improving my game.
If they fixed the cursor switching / Defender tracking player's better /through balls on the ground toned down it would be class.
Yes the series has been been quite dissapointing on next gen consoles apart from pes 6 on the 360 .But come on you cannot say there's been noimprovement since last years 2010 game.The improvements have been huge.
Single player is shite though and referees i don't remember ever being this bad on iss.

First of all, my apologies for my exaggerated reaction a few posts back, I have a bad habit of overreacting, particularly when discussing PES.

As for PES. I agree with the point that PES11 offers more than the PS2 versions of PES. My main frustration with the series is that you can still play it like an arcade game if you want to, Konami is still trying to be appealing to as many people as possible, and that's a massive limitation on the evolution of the genre.

There has been improvement, but in my opinion the improvement is in unimportant areas, the fundamental areas remain as flawed as ever. To be honest, I would be completely satisfied with PES11 if I had not discovered the hidden tricks that PES10 offered.

Once I experienced the massive difference, of knowing that when I hold the L2 button + tap the short passing button: this player will move horizontally (without the ball) across the width of the pitch, towards the left flank of the pitch. And I also know that by doing the same thing again, the same player will move horizontally (without the ball) across the width of the pitch, towards the right flank of the pitch.

It gives you the freedom to create great passing angles, it gives you the freedom to determine where you begin your attack and where you finish your attack: PES10 offered that freedom, hidden underneath all the shitty animations, and the potential is impressive.

There is simply no way I will ever be genuinely entertained by just controlling the ball carrier and nothing else, because I already experienced just how fun it is to control the ball carrier and to control the script that determines the options of the ball carrier. PES10 is the concrete evidence on which I base most of my criticism.

If the idea of dictating the script of the game, works extremely well in a video game that was not designed to function around user-dictated scripts; that is, a video game where the computer does not know what the script will do, a video game where the computer does not control the amount of times that the script can be bended/manipulated by the user, etc.

If it works surprisingly well in a video game that was not designed to function around user-dictated scripts; imagine how well it would function in a video game that revolves around the idea of user-dictated scripts?

The result would be a video game where the computer would in fact know what the script will do. Therefore making it a video game where the computer, on the defensive end of the game, would automatically cursor change itself -- therefore getting rid of the necessity of pressing a button just to change from one player to another player, getting rid of the time that it takes to press one button in order to do something that does not add anything to the entertainment value of the game -- in order to give you actual control over the game, because that second that was previously used on something redundant, would now be used for something that would add a great deal of depth and structure to the game.

The player in possession of the ball, would trigger the script that he designed. And the computer would know what the script will do before the script is triggered. And as a result, the gamer who does not have possession of the ball, would not need to think about cursor changes, because the computer would automatically do it for the gamer, and as a result, the gamer whom is not in possession of the ball would actually focus on playing football.

Something redundant

Tap the L1 button, you change from one player to another player, and directing the left analog stick literally determines the direction in which the player runs without the ball.

And since the gamer plays the game from a wide view perspective. The players on the pitch move like human beings with radars for brains. It destroys the essence of football, which is the fact that off the ball movement is determined by the position of the ball, instead of determined by the movements of one button.

Not substantial at all, because it's so blatantly obvious, that as a gamer you never actually think when it comes to playing without the ball. From the wide view perspective you can see where the play will culminate, you know that the play will culminate at Point B, and as a defender you move to Point B without thinking about anything, because directing the left analog stick literally determines the direction in which the player will run without the ball.

Something substantial

The gamer in possession of the ball would be in control of attacker-one (the ball carrier) and attacker-two (without the ball). On the other hand, the gamer who is not in possession of the ball would be in control of multiple defenders at the same time: in the middle of the pitch, the L1 button would be permanently attached to defender-one who would be the key defensive midfielder, and the R1 button would be permanently attached to a secondary defensive midfielder.

If attacker-one passes the ball to attacker-two, the gamer who is not in possession of the ball would need to read the game and make decisions before attacker-two has his first touch on the ball. In other words, there would be a window of time for you react as a defender, after that window shuts it would be impossible to determine movement without the ball.

For example. If attacker-one passes the ball to attacker-two. As a defender you would need to read what attacker-two will do with the ball. The window of opportunity to make decisions would be the time span between, when attacker-one passed the ball, and, when attacker-two had his first touch on the ball.

1st -- Tapping the short passing button before attacker-two has his first touch on the ball, would mean that defender-two would run after attacker-two after attacker-two passes the ball.

2nd -- Not tapping the short passing button before attacker-two has his first touch on the ball, would mean that defender-two would stay put, defending the space that he already occupies.

At times the 1st option would be the correct choice, other times the 1st option could be a horrible mistake. And most importantly, the left analog stick would not determine the direction in which the player runs without the ball.

The only player who would have the ability to move in accordance to one button, would be defender-one, the key defensive midfielder, and it would only work once per pass: by directing the right analog stick in one direction, the key defensive midfielder would move towards the given direction. The R1 button would determine the off the ball movement towards the given direction. And most importantly, it would only be possible to determine one direction of movement only once per pass, therefore making it impossible to exploit.

The bottom line is, you would get rid of the insubstantial act of tapping one button just so you can cursor change from one player to another player, and you replace that with a new system that requires you to tap different buttons in order to close down the team in possession of the ball.

This is the FUNDAMENTAL area where we have not seen any improvement at all. The tactical end of the game remains an arcade game, where directing the left analog stick and pressing the sprint button, is all you need to think about when playing without the ball.

Like I said at the beginning of this essay: my main frustration with the series is that you can still play it like an arcade game if you want to. Therefore, Konami is still trying to be appealing to as many people as possible, and that's a massive limitation on the evolution of the genre.

Because we see improvements in terms of GIMMICKS... GIMMICKS such as more passing directions, more fluid animations, better graphics, etc, etc. But the FUNDAMENTAL areas of the game: the off the ball movement that determines what the ball carrier can do with the ball, the defensive system, remains the same old flawed system. I have not seen any innovation in the FUNDAMENTAL areas of the game. That's my argument.


Registered User
I find pes 2011 a way more challenging game than pes 4,5,6 as the graphics and gameplay are better. I got bored of pes 4 after a month or two and still find pes 2011 excitIng apart from the AI and i think the only reason people think pes 4,5,6 is better than pes 2011 is because fifa was crap at those times - eg if fifa was better than pes 6, everyone would say pes 6 is worse. I fifa were crap this year, everyone would say pes 2011 is better. However it hink outside the box and ignore fifa and pes 2011 for me is one fof the best games konami have made (including other genre games)
BTW, this is my opinion, not yours so don't insult me if you don't agree
no one should insult you just because of your opinion, i agree but saying PES 2011 is one of the best games konami has made is really looking for it.

the first look we got from pes 2012 is a video in which seabass himself sums up a few but mostly the important reasons why pes 2011 isn't what you'd expect from a football game especially with a slogan like "engineered for freedom".

Now, seabass is telling us we will be able to play the game in any which way we like with the improvements he made.

what the hell did the "engineered for freedom" stand for then?

so if pes 2011 is the best you've played you really should consider a trip down memory lane (pes5, pes6 and we9) cause they can still, till this day blow everything away which came afterwards.
do not just judge the game according to the graphics cause yes in that department pes 2011 edges it.
they still play a fantastic game of football though

i'm a pes fan in heart and soul cause the other alternative has been bull as far as i'm concerned, but pes 2011 by no stretch of the imagination is one of the best.

most of the things we've asked for and will be present in pes 2012 were already there in the three i just mentioned so no wonder pes 2011 was such a disappointment for a lot of us.

we just expected more a lot more.

Amateur has an agressive way of saying things and the long posts put some of you of but when he says PES HASN'T CHANGED FUNDAMENTALLY over the years(atleast not for the better) i agree with him and though we don't see eye to eye in how the change should take place we both want the game to move forward.
sometimes i wonder if the reason some moved to FIFA isn't the fact that they offered something new, something fresh other then something better.


Registered User
I played pes 2011 right now and i don't agree on what i said. It's just too automatic, if there is no manuel shooting, it's harder to put away one on ones and computer is too stupid so now i agree, pes 5 gameplay is better but it wasnt manuel
pes 2011 is just too robotic and the computer AI is too crap and is more arcadey

Dean Richmond

Registered User
First of all, my apologies for my exaggerated reaction a few posts back, I have a bad habit of overreacting, particularly when discussing PES.

As for PES. I agree with the point that PES11 offers more than the PS2 versions of PES. My main frustration with the series is that you can still play it like an arcade game if you want to, Konami is still trying to be appealing to as many people as possible, and that's a massive limitation on the evolution of the genre.

There has been improvement, but in my opinion the improvement is in unimportant areas, the fundamental areas remain as flawed as ever. To be honest, I would be completely satisfied with PES11 if I had not discovered the hidden tricks that PES10 offered.

Once I experienced the massive difference, of knowing that when I hold the L2 button + tap the short passing button: this player will move horizontally (without the ball) across the width of the pitch, towards the left flank of the pitch. And I also know that by doing the same thing again, the same player will move horizontally (without the ball) across the width of the pitch, towards the right flank of the pitch.

It gives you the freedom to create great passing angles, it gives you the freedom to determine where you begin your attack and where you finish your attack: PES10 offered that freedom, hidden underneath all the shitty animations, and the potential is impressive.

There is simply no way I will ever be genuinely entertained by just controlling the ball carrier and nothing else, because I already experienced just how fun it is to control the ball carrier and to control the script that determines the options of the ball carrier. PES10 is the concrete evidence on which I base most of my criticism.

If the idea of dictating the script of the game, works extremely well in a video game that was not designed to function around user-dictated scripts; that is, a video game where the computer does not know what the script will do, a video game where the computer does not control the amount of times that the script can be bended/manipulated by the user, etc.

If it works surprisingly well in a video game that was not designed to function around user-dictated scripts; imagine how well it would function in a video game that revolves around the idea of user-dictated scripts?

The result would be a video game where the computer would in fact know what the script will do. Therefore making it a video game where the computer, on the defensive end of the game, would automatically cursor change itself -- therefore getting rid of the necessity of pressing a button just to change from one player to another player, getting rid of the time that it takes to press one button in order to do something that does not add anything to the entertainment value of the game -- in order to give you actual control over the game, because that second that was previously used on something redundant, would now be used for something that would add a great deal of depth and structure to the game.

The player in possession of the ball, would trigger the script that he designed. And the computer would know what the script will do before the script is triggered. And as a result, the gamer who does not have possession of the ball, would not need to think about cursor changes, because the computer would automatically do it for the gamer, and as a result, the gamer whom is not in possession of the ball would actually focus on playing football.

Something redundant

Tap the L1 button, you change from one player to another player, and directing the left analog stick literally determines the direction in which the player runs without the ball.

And since the gamer plays the game from a wide view perspective. The players on the pitch move like human beings with radars for brains. It destroys the essence of football, which is the fact that off the ball movement is determined by the position of the ball, instead of determined by the movements of one button.

Not substantial at all, because it's so blatantly obvious, that as a gamer you never actually think when it comes to playing without the ball. From the wide view perspective you can see where the play will culminate, you know that the play will culminate at Point B, and as a defender you move to Point B without thinking about anything, because directing the left analog stick literally determines the direction in which the player will run without the ball.

Something substantial

The gamer in possession of the ball would be in control of attacker-one (the ball carrier) and attacker-two (without the ball). On the other hand, the gamer who is not in possession of the ball would be in control of multiple defenders at the same time: in the middle of the pitch, the L1 button would be permanently attached to defender-one who would be the key defensive midfielder, and the R1 button would be permanently attached to a secondary defensive midfielder.

If attacker-one passes the ball to attacker-two, the gamer who is not in possession of the ball would need to read the game and make decisions before attacker-two has his first touch on the ball. In other words, there would be a window of time for you react as a defender, after that window shuts it would be impossible to determine movement without the ball.

For example. If attacker-one passes the ball to attacker-two. As a defender you would need to read what attacker-two will do with the ball. The window of opportunity to make decisions would be the time span between, when attacker-one passed the ball, and, when attacker-two had his first touch on the ball.

1st -- Tapping the short passing button before attacker-two has his first touch on the ball, would mean that defender-two would run after attacker-two after attacker-two passes the ball.

2nd -- Not tapping the short passing button before attacker-two has his first touch on the ball, would mean that defender-two would stay put, defending the space that he already occupies.

At times the 1st option would be the correct choice, other times the 1st option could be a horrible mistake. And most importantly, the left analog stick would not determine the direction in which the player runs without the ball.

The only player who would have the ability to move in accordance to one button, would be defender-one, the key defensive midfielder, and it would only work once per pass: by directing the right analog stick in one direction, the key defensive midfielder would move towards the given direction. The R1 button would determine the off the ball movement towards the given direction. And most importantly, it would only be possible to determine one direction of movement only once per pass, therefore making it impossible to exploit.

The bottom line is, you would get rid of the insubstantial act of tapping one button just so you can cursor change from one player to another player, and you replace that with a new system that requires you to tap different buttons in order to close down the team in possession of the ball.

This is the FUNDAMENTAL area where we have not seen any improvement at all. The tactical end of the game remains an arcade game, where directing the left analog stick and pressing the sprint button, is all you need to think about when playing without the ball.

Like I said at the beginning of this essay: my main frustration with the series is that you can still play it like an arcade game if you want to. Therefore, Konami is still trying to be appealing to as many people as possible, and that's a massive limitation on the evolution of the genre.

Because we see improvements in terms of GIMMICKS... GIMMICKS such as more passing directions, more fluid animations, better graphics, etc, etc. But the FUNDAMENTAL areas of the game: the off the ball movement that determines what the ball carrier can do with the ball, the defensive system, remains the same old flawed system. I have not seen any innovation in the FUNDAMENTAL areas of the game. That's my argument.

You write far too much its clogging up the whole forum!

PES 2011 is by far and without shadow of a doubt the best Pro Evo game ever made, in fact the best football i have ever played. The gameplay, the graphics, the master league everything, is amazing. And for anyone who thinks PES 5 is better really hasnt played it enough. I hate it when people play ONE game and make a judgement, because on first play it isnt as good as say, a few months play!

I loved it at first, then hated it, tried getting into fifa (dare i say it), hated that too, fifa 11 is really bad! than played PES 11 again, and it was awesome. I just love the fatc that every game is different, every goal is different and its soo much fun to play. Yes it has a few flaws (what game doesnt?), but hopefully they will be fixed in 2012 to make 'The greatest football game ever made'


Registered User
Onlyproevo, is it possible to know when the next peice of pes 2012 info, screenshots, gameplays etc.will be coming out as you did before


Registered User
I am not so sure about more screenshots, gameplay videos or anything like that.

But the next batch of impressions are bound to come in from the PES Rankings play test this weekend. I will be there with 31 other individuals, so there's sure to be a lot more first impressions to be posted next week.


Registered User
^I actually posted about that, BUT THAT MAY BE DUE TO THE FACT THAT THESE WERE ONLY SHOW OFFS. When I see real gameplay, I will judge.


Registered User
Videos like these are probably on 1-star to almost guarantee the move you're demonstrating will be executed.


Registered User
Nah, it'd probably be on normal difficulty as the defence looked tight and the playtest is just tomorrow so onlyproevo, get our questions please from the other post and keep 'em in ya head and try your best to answer them please
