Wow im shocked at almost everyone here mentioning things like fix nets and stuff when the real problem is gameplay, I mean im all for fixing small things like that because it makes a lot of difference but the MAIN thing they need to focus is gameplay, simple as.
And some people saying 6 star difficulty, really? that stupid ? u want AI to have 200ish stats or what? that isn't the solution , fixing the AI itself is.
the biggest problem I see in gameplay atm is the fact that the higher difficulty you make the AI the better stats they have, they don't play smarter or better soccer , they just get better stats.
Thats one of the biggest things to why BAL sucks so much because ur teammates are so dumb, because the higher difficulty simply makes better superhuman stats instead of making them smarter and better players.
They simply need to get the tactical part right, for example if Man Utd is going to battle some lower tier club in the Premier League I don't want them to be superhuman even tho im still going to beat them easily because its so exploitable, no I wan't them to be smarter and have better tactics, in such a case if the team is so much weaker they will play ultra defensive and will be hard to break them down.
Also one of my biggest issues is speed, speed in this game means nothing, and I get why because KONAMI wants to prevent cheating but honestly lets be serious, if Walcott goes 1 on 1 against a really slow defender , lets just imagine that for the sake of argument ok, if hes 1 on 1 and with alot of space hes going to push the ball forward and outpace him like lightning, here in pes thats impossible and thats simply not realistic...
Now because most teams will play defencive against Arsenal that obviously would not be possible to do, but if theres a team like lets say barca who plays really high up the pitch then a situation like that or a through pass would be possible and someone like Walcott would murder Maxwell for example, now obviously when hes going to reach his ball he will get slower because he cant run as fast with the ball but on the open field speed should matter soooooooooo much more than it does now.
what should also matter more is strenght, now if someone is physically really strong he should be able to outmuscle someone who is weak easily, if he just happens to have a dual with him with body/hands, and then its up to the ref if he lets the rough play go or not.
Also other things about gameplay that other mentioned like set pieces , refs , offsides .... it needs a huge revamp , really Pes has HUGE HUGE potential, KONAMI has all the right tools they just need to THINK and use their brain and make those improvements that are needed and PES 2012 could beat Fifa to the ground.