Registered User
Demo 2 has won me over. Best PES for years.
I'm looking forward to Sept 21st.
I'm looking forward to Sept 21st.
Lawn Care Service of Cedar Park 100 E Whitestone Blvd Ste 148, #166 Cedar Park, TX 78613 (512) 595-0884
I think you are an asshole, maybe other people don't agree, but I've seen just about enough to make up my own mind.
I do not like the people/internet persona who, like you, believe that their subjective perception actually amounts to something objective. You claim things like "The new Physics based Run system ( far beyond anything PES has ever done)" when in actual fact, many people will disagree with you, and with good reason.
I get it though: you think you know better than most of the people in here. Good for you. But after suggesting that I should write shorter posts (even though my longer posts are very few if you search through this thread) and also accusing me of having labeled you a "racist", is it any surprise that I think you are an asshole?
After also accusing Shaun7 of being "biased in favor of PES" even though it was blatantly obvious that Shaun7 was being completely honest and objective with his views; after accusing me of "forcing" my opinion on to others when in fact I have only argued with people who have responded to my posts; after accusing me of perpetuating bullshit just because I responded to your very own bag of shit of a response; is it really any fucking surprise that I think you are a fucking douchebag asshole?
In this thread alone, you have described other members as "biased" just because they don't agree with your own opinion about FIFA, you also managed to say that I should write shorter posts (after about just four or three long posts), and you also managed to wrongly accuse me of "labeling" you a "racist". I think that maybe, just, maybe, you should spend a little more time looking at your own damn writing style rather than telling people that they are biased or that they write long posts, etc.
I might be loud (and boring) with my own personal views, but you won't hear me telling people what they should like or dislike, nor how they should write, nor that they are "biased" simply because they don't think that FIFA is as good as I think it is, nor that FIFA or PES are better since both are essentially the same D-PAD turd, but of course, the only thing you will notice about me is that I write long shit and that I try to "force" my opinion on to others, even though I fail to see how I have forced anything on to anyone. Oh well.
Amateur, you're taking it too far. You can hold left analog stick a direction, make a dead stop nor not, and pass the ball in a completely different direction than you're facing.
You can also dribble in another direction than your left stick is pointing, but only for a short time. Obviously there are limits to what you can do with a controller, but it is a computer game after all.
I see your points, and I don't completely disagree with you, but it's not as bad as you would have it either.
So the Fifa 13 Demo is out...
It's really not that good.
Fifa 13 Demo discussion is taking place here: we make a FIFA 13 demo discussion thread on here?
i want to make 1 but am a bit like erm shall i
they have a thread for PES 13 demo on the EA fifa 13 forum
again i think youre over exaggerating a bit
defending 1v1 really isnt that unbalanced as you make it sound. im perfectly comfortable jockeying with R2, using A contain to get into position, tapping team mate contain a few times when needed, and double tapping A to tackle. it's really not as un balanced as your making out.
howwever i do i agree about cursor changing, as anyone will know that ingeneral is oftenannoying to work. but its really not as bad as you make it, and like ive said, i think the majority of the problem could be solved with individual player instructions and then more indepth team instructions, like fm, so my players know just how i ant them to behave.
howwever i do i agree about cursor changing, as anyone will know that ingeneral is oftenannoying to work. but its really not as bad as you make it, and like ive said, i think the majority of the problem could be solved with individual player instructions and then more indepth team instructions, like fm, so my players know just how i ant them to behave.
i have an important question here, have you played full manual on demo2? as in, taping your manual button down so it is actually full manual always? because you keep talking about 99% acurate easy passes to forwards, when in manual this is not the case at all. in fact because youre in conrol of aiming fully you are very wary of passing to a midfielder if an opposition player is somwhere inbetween the pass, as it is very easy to mess up and get it intercepted. so, have you played full manual ?
So whats the general opinion of the fifa demo? Compared to Pes.
So whats the general opinion of the fifa demo? Compared to Pes.
- stop acting like its a fact when its not. your intial statement was defender was to complicated, i disagreed. it doesnt matter if defending has more buttons, im perfectly capable of using those defending buttons and feel its not complicated at all.
- thats not good logic. there are a lot of things ea couldve implemented but dont. a basic mechanic like player movement, for one. BASIC individual tactics would certainly not be hard to implement. aka, pes had this 6 years ago with simple arrows and defensive workrate. how is stuff like that hard to implement ? tell how often to run, where to run, where not to run, something simple like drawing out an oval/circle on the tactics board to show what zone a player should work in....
- yes, passes are full manual. i aim somehwere, it goes there. who said manual gives an advanatage over assisted? because it doesnt. and so what ? im not getting into that, i dont really need to, its a simple arguement - assisted is the problem for this arguement, not manual.
Amateur, have you played the Fifa 13 Demo yet?