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PES 2013 Demo 2: Feedback, Impressions, Discussions etc.


Registered User
I have played a bit more of both offerings (PES13 and FIFA13), and just wanted to write what I think about both games.


Like it's been the case since PES11, you can see material to make a decent game, but unfortunately, as with PES11 and PES12, that decent material is overshadowed by too many massive flaws.

Off the ball movement is particularly inexcusable: static/nonexistent movement by the forwards in the situations that require more lively off the ball movement, yet at the same time the forwards go one step further in fucking the game up, by moving very quickly and positioning themselves in an off-side position, in the situations in which you expect them to move just as slowly as they move 90% of the time.

Due to the off the ball movement being (by all means) incomprehensible, I feel forced into constantly having to use the right analog stick off the ball gimmick: this effectively injects a bit of life into an otherwise life-less system, yet at the end of the day, fails at what really matters, which is actually adding to the enjoyment value of the game.

Player ID? Same old shit with a different cool-sounding name.

If the game actually offered something worthy of the "Player ID" tag, then the "link feints" system, which is very simplistic, would have preset untouchable settings for each star player, with each star player having unique dribbling animations which are triggered by holding the L1 (cursor change) button + directing the right analog stick.

Unfortunately, that is not the case with PES13. For all the "Player ID" bullshit that Konami has talked about, the "link feints" system is the same identical copy-paste for all the players on the pitch, meaning that the "link feints" of Antonio Cassano, will also be the "link feints" of Andrea Pirlo, because the 11 players on the pitch (GK included) all have the same identical "link feints" animations. So much for "Player ID" when Buffon and Pirlo end up doing the same exact things with the ball....


The one area where many people will agree, PES is better than FIFA. That being said, though, is it really all that difficult to beat the bizarre-looking cartoon-like creatures that we must pretend look similar to human beings when we play FIFA13?

Balanced play?

Actually, that is something that PES13 appears to achieve quite successfully, though in my opinion, it fails at the most important thing: the enjoyability factor.

Manual shooting? Manual passing? Dribbling? First touch?

Same old shit, slightly tweaked, but not worthy of any mention, because it fails not only at what it should do, but also at what matters the most: the enjoyability factor.

At the end of the day?

.....PES13 feels dead and linear, it's almost as if the off the ball movement is eight directional, due to how repetitive and linear the off the ball movement patterns are (again, practically forcing you into constantly using the right analog stick off the ball gimmick).

PES13 is the second football simulation (after the mighty PES08), that I cannot take seriously neither as a simulation game nor as an arcade game. Of course, it goes without saying that how much you enjoy the game (or not), is entirely subjective. Though what I think is as good as a fact, is that a football simulation with such a limited off the ball system should not be considered, by any serious gamer, an actual sim game.

As far as I'm concerned, Konami has failed at their own game, the direction of the series is a complete mystery even to them, and this is reflected by the poor quality of their product. I fail to see why PES13 is two years worth of improvements over PES11, in fact, I think that PES11 before the post-release patches (yes with "catch up" bug included) was better than PES13.

My rating: 4 out of 10.


Should I write a long and detailed essay explaining each aspect of the game? Or should I simply say that if you have played FIFA11 and FIFA12, that FIFA13 is simply FIFA12.5?

Same old FIFA really: repetitive passing, shooting, dribbling, etc, etc. But when compared to the complete shambles that PES13 is, FIFA13 actually manages to look like a half decent game.

Though, it needs to be said: the FIFA franchise, at the core, is almost identical to PES; yes, the execution might be very different, but at the core, the D-PAD roots are the same identical game, without anything that resembles a midfield battle, ball moving from end to end as you would expect from a pinball game.

At one end, you might be using your defensive midfielder, and at that precise moment, the computer is fucking up with your defenders, moving them towards absurd positions, so that the striker/opponent can have an easy (and equally obvious) chance at goal. This should not be called "AI cheating" due to the simple fact that it works at both ends of the pitch; however, this is also the reason why FIFA13 is an arcade game, as opposed to the sim game that it's supposed to be.

The cartoon-like faces and colors, remain virtually identical: a disappointment to some (when you consider the vast resources that EA Sports have), but something that the vast majority of fans have come to accept by now, as something that EA Sports will never fix, at least not as far as this gen of consoles is concerned.

Bottom line?

EA Sports knows why people buy their game year after year, they know what they have to do, the direction of their franchise is well defined, as has been reflected by the quality of their product in the past 3 to 5 years.

FIFA13 is not a simulation game, not by a long shot, but it is a good arcade game, it can be taken seriously as the arcade game that it is. At the end of the day, it is a fun arcade game that can entertain for about two to three hours, though unlike great arcade games, FIFA13 lacks the depth to keep you entertained and interested in the long term.

My rating: 6 out of 10.


I am furcking shocked!

I cannot believe this myself....but ......i agree with everything that you said. Both with PES and may sound harsh but you really hit a serious note here for me.
Although I come here and monkey around pushing Fifa in everyone face....its only for fun. I like messing with the tightwads who love to defend PES against Fifa.

But I agree, both titles are dismal as this point. For what i am seeing being charted for 2013......I am truly disappointed.

If you had asked me 5 year ago where PES and Fifa would be today....i would have said ..pioneers for realism in a sport game. They have not touched the surface of my expectations as yet....Maybe another five year down the road, but definitely not today.

Great post!



Registered User
4 out of 10? You sir are a fucking idiot lol. Sorry for the harshness but it is true. (In my opinion). ;)

Your opinion matters little to me, to be honest with you. Though, unlike you, I don't feel any necessity to call you a "fucking idiot" just because your opinion, in my opinion, is idiotic.

Having said that, I do honestly think that you are a fucking moron, not because I disagree with your opinion, but because of how you express yourself time and time again, like the fucking moronic fan-boy cunt that you are.

Other than that. Meh. Couldn't give a damn about anything that you have to say.


Registered User
Your opinion matters little to me, to be honest with you. Though, unlike you, I don't feel any necessity to call you a "fucking idiot" just because your opinion, in my opinion, is idiotic.

Having said that, I do honestly think that you are a fucking moron, not because I disagree with your opinion, but because of how you express yourself time and time again, like the fucking moronic fan-boy cunt that you are.

Other than that. Meh. Couldn't give a damn about anything that you have to say.

Nah you don't call me an idiot you call me a cunt instead cause that is so much better?

Mods should delete this guy. Seriously.


Registered User
Nah you don't call me an idiot you call me a cunt instead cause that is so much better?

Mods should delete this guy. Seriously.

Mate, I think you have redeemable qualities (not that you give a fuck about what I think of you as an internet persona), but for the most part, all the posts in which you appear to be talking to me or about me, you either say "hey your long posts are stupid and boring please stop" or "you are a fucking idiot" -- so please, do forgive me for being of the opinion that you are indeed a fucking cunt with fan-boy mentality.

I repeat that, when you want, you have fairly interesting and sensible things to say, as far as the PES13 vs FIFA13 topic goes. But you tell me: what should I think about you?

At the worst, maybe I get a yellow card or something of the sort: big deal. As far as I'm concerned, you fully deserve it, and you shouldn't act surprised by it, at all.


Registered User
Nah you don't call me an idiot you call me a cunt instead cause that is so much better?

Mods should delete this guy. Seriously.


Calm down guys....nobody deserves any deleting here.

Please bear in mind that you are both on a forum discussing a VIDEO GAME! YEP are both arguing over a VIDEO GAME

Please think about that for a minute.....


Registered User
In other news I have been playing more PES and Fifa.

Fifa feels like a much better game on Professional for some reason... The CPU don't seem to be god-like as on Legendary and World-class modes. I can actually play football rather than rushing up field to score a goal and then rushing back to try and defend. I absolutely love the chip shots also... I wish PES would put some height on their lobs rather than a little dink over the keeper (or into the keepers arms) or skying it over the bar.

I still want more CPU shots from outside the box though, the CPU seem not to feel comfortable shooting from range and would rather just pass it about. Also the CPU on my team when I don't have control of them do the same, just pass until it is me who is in control... What is with that? I wish they would have a mind of their own sometimes and see that there are better options (like the shot) than to pass or attempt to pass it back unless I want it...

The pitch still feels too small for my liking, I play using the Tele cam (standard) and it just feels wrong. There is no room to play football, it's like EA want you to get used to using skills because there will always be another player up your arse before you can even think about what you will do with the ball...

Graphics were normally the go to for Fifa fanboys to dig at PES fans, however now that is not the case. PES has a much better atmosphere and it really makes you feel part of the game.

I would give the Fifa Demo about a 6/10 - It's not perfect, but it's not bad on your preferred settings. I still need to play about with the manual passing and stuff as I feel the assisted passing is too weak.


Registered User

I am furcking shocked!

I cannot believe this myself....but ......i agree with everything that you said. Both with PES and may sound harsh but you really hit a serious note here for me.
Although I come here and monkey around pushing Fifa in everyone face....its only for fun. I like messing with the tightwads who love to defend PES against Fifa.

But I agree, both titles are dismal as this point. For what i am seeing being charted for 2013......I am truly disappointed.

If you had asked me 5 year ago where PES and Fifa would be today....i would have said ..pioneers for realism in a sport game. They have not touched the surface of my expectations as yet....Maybe another five year down the road, but definitely not today.

Great post!


To be honest with you, right now I can't tell if you are trolling or if you're actually being honest.

But I'll bite anyways: I agree, had you asked me 5 years ago where PES and FIFA would be today.... I don't know about PES, because PES08 was unbelievably bad; but FIFA09 was a decent game, and four years/titles later, I would have expected something much better than FIFA13.

Of course, back when PES5 was released, had you asked me where PES would be in 5 or 7 years time, I would've thought something similar to what you mentioned.

I'm just very disappointed, if I said I was satisfied or impressed with either PES13 or FIFA13, I would be lying.


Registered User
I give both demos a 10.

I'm just having a lot fun with both PES and FIFA:w00t and that is all I care about, Fun.

Steve Justice

Registered User
Played both games quite a bit last night.


What I've noticed more is that the game is a bit slower, and the pitch is bigger compared to Fifa. This is actually a good thing. You actually get time on the ball and you're not constantly hounded so you get a few extra seconds to contemplate your next move or have a good look around to pick out that killer pass. This was something I appreciated the most. I also went through some of the training to help me ease back into the game which was also helpful, and allowed me to try out a few tricks which I actually managed to pull off during a game. I still need to get used to some of the movement and shooting in particular, despite scoring a few decent goals. Goal keepers are significantly better, as is the overall player AI. Graphically it is very nice too. It's almost traditional in it's appearance, it's not shiny and filled with glitz and glamour. Quite impressed actually.


A lot more pacey, but it does move better. The AI is pretty good, but a little too good when it comes to the opposition, to the point that they play perfectly and requires some skill to regain control. This is both good and bad, as whilst it is making you a better player by having to be more skilful, it would be nice for them to fuck up every now and again just like an actual person playing would. The ball moved a lot better this time round (I felt it to be a bit pin pongy at times), but again a bit too pacey leaving you very little time to find another player when you become hounded. Goal keepers are pretty much there for show and to take goal kicks, they're not very good at all and you can pretty much slot a ball home quite easily from inside the box. As long as it's on target and not directly at the keeper, it's going in. Fifa I find to be the type of game that's best played against a friend and not against the CPU in order for you (well, me) to get any enjoyment out of it. It all looks very flash and colourful on the outside, but it still lacks that personality on the inside.

Overall, the best way to describe how I'm feeling is Fifa is like that really hot girl who looks fucking sexy and you just want to shag rotten, but when you get to know her you find her to be a little empty and lacking in personality. You need the extra person for a ménage à trois to really get the most enjoyment out of her. PES is like the reliable old friend that whilst attractive, she's not your drop dead gorgeous type. But she's fun and challenges you rather than frustrates you. She takes her time and at the end of the night, you wonder where the time has gone and you feel quite satisfied.

As things stand, I'm edging more towards PES. I'll keep plugging away though and see which demo I end up playing the most.


It is happening again
Overall, the best way to describe how I'm feeling is Fifa is like that really hot girl who looks fucking sexy and you just want to shag rotten, but when you get to know her you find her to be a little empty and lacking in personality. You need the extra person for a ménage à trois to really get the most enjoyment out of her. PES is like the reliable old friend that whilst attractive, she's not your drop dead gorgeous type. But she's fun and challenges you rather than frustrates you. She takes her time and at the end of the night, you wonder where the time has gone and you feel quite satisfied.

As things stand, I'm edging more towards PES. I'll keep plugging away though and see which demo I end up playing the most.


PES is the most frustrating game I have EVER played!

If we're comparing the games to women, PES is like a tired cougar. You still probably would. She still looks decent, but she's well past her best and very rusty in the sack. Also, she'd be the type to "take you half the way there". Also, she'd kick you in here sleep, and make you a cupa soup when you CLEARLY asked for a sandwich.

Steve Justice

Registered User
As with Fifa 11 when they introduced Rugby defending, Fifa 13 is very frustrating to play. You're expected to use timing & skill with 1 (maybe 2) defenders with the tactical defending, but the CPU surrounds your players with 3-4 players leaving you no room to get through or pass the ball.


Registered User
To be honest with you, right now I can't tell if you are trolling or if you're actually being honest.

But I'll bite anyways: I agree, had you asked me 5 years ago where PES and FIFA would be today.... I don't know about PES, because PES08 was unbelievably bad; but FIFA09 was a decent game, and four years/titles later, I would have expected something much better than FIFA13.

Of course, back when PES5 was released, had you asked me where PES would be in 5 or 7 years time, I would've thought something similar to what you mentioned.

I'm just very disappointed, if I said I was satisfied or impressed with either PES13 or FIFA13, I would be lying.

I am being sincere here bro....not taking a piss at all.

Many here should know me by now....I am here to make trouble, but i am never really mad at anyone. I just like to see how people get mad over differences on a video game. Shaun7 is my nemesis because he is smart not to take me serious...i can never seem to piss the bitch off..:blush:

Anyways, the gaming industry is in a slump right now, I know i am tired of the xbox360 adn PS3 limitations. We have reached the limit to where the designers can do little with the processing power and gpu on both consoles. Therefore, we get a lot of recycled games .....shouldn't there be another developer in the Football market by now?

"Many point to the fact that we’re experiencing an unprecedented gap between new console generations. With the current console cycle in its seventh year (the Xbox 360 was released back in 2005), which is considerably longer than what previous consoles have faced, consumer fatigue has set in. Gamers are simply growing a little bored with their devices." EnPowered News,Video Game Industry Going Down the Drain, July 2012

Both PES and Fifa are growing stale.....



It is happening again
At the moment, I'm swaying towards Fifa 13, if I WAS to get a football game this year. This would be the first Fifa I've bought for over 10 years. PES just feels so wooden and archaic now.


Registered User
Anyways, the gaming industry is in a slump right now, I know i am tired of the xbox360 adn PS3 limitations. We have reached the limit to where the designers can do little with the processing power and gpu on both consoles. Therefore, we get a lot of recycled games .....shouldn't there be another developer in the Football market by now?

Holy crap. I agree with you on something.

Steve Justice

Registered User
That may be the issue on both sides of the fence though. Long time Fifa players could be getting bored with it's game play, which doesn't really change that much from year to year. PES would be a new challenge for them, and vice versa.

You can split the Fifa/PES players into four section in my opinion...

1 - Those people that will buy Fifa regardless because of licences and what not. They're casual gamers or kids, that will play it for a couple months on nothing more difficult than 'Professional' before betting bored.

2 - The Fifa fans that dismiss anything PES does.

3 - The PES fans that dismiss anything Fifa does.

4 - The gamer (like myself) who will buy the game that appeals to him the most that year... or even both titles for that matter. And either doesn't care about the lack of licences with PES or is willing to get the patch to sort that issue out.

On that basis (if I'm correct in my assumption) it is no wonder that Fifa tends to shift more titles than PES. The end of the day, if PES really was that bad then the series wouldn't have continued this far. Those that are like me play the games for enjoyment, and all it comes down to is personal opinion. No one is right or wrong in this aspect and really isn't worth arguing about. If people don't agree with my opinions on either title this year, then pointing out "where I'm wrong" isn't going to make me think, "yeah your right, I'll get that game instead".

I've had times where I've preferred PES in the first instance, played it for a few weeks, stopped liking it and ended up buying Fifa (this happened with PES 2010, and I ended up with Fifa 10 despite all it's bugs). And I've done the opposite of that with Fifa 11 and ended up with PES 2011, which was a million miles better.


It is happening again
Anyways, the gaming industry is in a slump right now, I know i am tired of the xbox360 adn PS3 limitations. We have reached the limit to where the designers can do little with the processing power and gpu on both consoles. Therefore, we get a lot of recycled games .....shouldn't there be another developer in the Football market by now?

There is the issue of licenses. In today's markets, any new Football game developer isn't gonna get anywhere without them. 2k Sports are good at what they do, it's a shame they've not entered the market.

I've had times where I've preferred PES in the first instance, played it for a few weeks, stopped liking it and ended up buying Fifa (this happened with PES 2010, and I ended up with Fifa 10 despite all it's bugs). And I've done the opposite of that with Fifa 11 and ended up with PES 2011, which was a million miles better.

Like yourself, I'm option 4, though up until now, I've always been a PES man. Well.... I used to be a Fifa man way back in the late 90's/early 00's, until I bought ISS Pro.

I bought PES 2012, but pretty much gave up on it after a couple of weeks. Waste of 30 odd quid!

I play for enjoyment like you, which is why I've given up on PES until it stops doing the stupid shit it has been doing for the past 5 years, because I don't find it enjoyable any more, but of course there are those who still find it enjoyable... good for them, each to their own. I can't see HOW they would find it enjoyable, but there you go. :)


Registered User
I'm laughing hard at the footy game-girl analogy. But in all seriousness, U have to echo what Amateur and Ockrass have said. If In 2007/2008 i was to know fifa 13 and pes 13 were to turn out like this, i would be severely disappointed.

But OCKRASS, i have seen you say how shit is perfect in fifa, i take it you were trolling?


Registered User
I'm laughing hard at the footy game-girl analogy. But in all seriousness, U have to echo what Amateur and Ockrass have said. If In 2007/2008 i was to know fifa 13 and pes 13 were to turn out like this, i would be severely disappointed.

But OCKRASS, i have seen you say how shit is perfect in fifa, i take it you were trolling?


As I have stated before, there are some fans here who just hate the word Fifa.....I like to push their buttons and watch them flame with hate.

Can you believe that someone would literally hate me because I love Fifa over PES......

But if you read most of my posts, they are always done with some comedy in guy even said I had a penis on stuck to my head ...and Stringer gave him the entire internet as a prize :realmad:


Registered User
PMSL. How fucking dare they say that about you ockrass. Seeing as i now own the internet, I think ill donate all my credits to you and give you some GOOD REP, As i nearly choked to death on a rich tea biscuit reading the above post!

M Ace

Registered User
Please guys, calm down!

All people can't like the same things!

It is just childish to do it this way.

Can we please just discuss PES2013 Demo 2!

Thanks in advance!
