- What this does is it converts PC & PS3 save files over to Xbox format, so you lot can get all the fancy PNG strips & logos.
- It will not convert PNG files to Xbox compatible files.
So it converts the following.
PS3 file types.- Uniform data
- Team Emblem data
- League/Cup Emblem data
PC file types.- Uniform data
- Team Emblem data
- League/Cup Emblem data
Bin Number Changer.- This tool will rename any Converted Bin file to what ever number you want, just drag the .bin file onto the exe, in the same folder & follow the onscreen instructions.
PEStoRGB - RBGtoPES.- These tools will convert between RGB & PES colour values, handy as hell.
- Direct Download - PC to Xbox Converter v1.1
- Direct Download - PS3 to Xbox Converter v1.0
- Direct Download - Bin Number Changer v1.1
- Direct Download - PEStoRGB - RBGtoPES v1.0
If you'd like to say thanks by sending a small donation, it'd be a huge help, and it'll allow me to keep spending time towards contributing to the PES community in the future.
- This years it's not a click & drag process due to the CON files being hashed to hell, they require rebuilding & the coding for that part is way above my head. (I did try)
- This is why Le Fluffie is required, this tool can rebuild CON files. (Horizon doubles the files size)
- The conversion part is still a click & wait process, I do all the heavy lifting, you just have to decrypt PC/PS3 files first & stick them in a CON file after I have converted them. (I create the corresponding CON file for each bin files.)
- Yes you read that right, decrypt the PS3/PC files, thanks to Konami they encrypted the save files :realmad: for PS3 & PC, but I include links to the tools you need in the Read-Me.txt file
- Extra tools needed.
- Bruteforce Save Data
Thanks & Appreciation Section:
- Would like to say thank you to the people that donated, as every penny goes towards the wedding.
- Me & misses Conn (to be) are grateful. (Wedding's Nov 9th this year :erm
- Donators
- 7oy
- Daymos
- paul2478
- Schitzophonic
User Agreement:
By using this tool you agree to the following.- You cant change the CON Icons *
- You must give credit where it's due when using these tools. ie, when posting in public domains.
- You don't steal my work & pass it off as your own. ie, release it under your name.
- I know I cant make you do any of the above, but it would be nice out of respect if you did follow these rules.
*. You may change the centre part or top txt, but the white PC/PS3 to Xbox Converter txt must stay.
Tool updates listed here.
- Bin Number Changer v1.1
- Added a duplicate file check
- this will stop you from overwriting files & renaming to the same number.
- PC to Xbox Converter update 1.1
- Made the Converter a tad faster, by removing the 1 second delay.
- Let me know if there are any issue with the data check.