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PES 2015 Demo Discussion

i"m sorry to say this, but what dope are you on right now? What the falooda is wrong with you? :d

the game so good dude!

after 20 games verses AI and another 30+ games with mates i must admit i fell in love again, for the first time since PS2 days. PES is back, straight loving it. Everything fits perfectly, the feeling of "just one more game" is back. Everybody feels the same all my friends are very happy. Don't change anything in gameplay, this is how we wanted it for almost 8 years!!!
Yup, for 8 years babe! 8 yearssssss


You make me jealous :crymore: I'm locked up here in my home country, no xbox one, no ps4 I could :crymore: lol only notebook to browse all pes gaming sites.

Where do u live? And how old r u!

the comments are very brutal! Does it look so bad? Enjoyed 2008 and then 2013, haven't played 2014 except the demo. What's up with Pes 2015. Should I buy it or leave it?

What's device r u using? Ps or Xbox

The thing is if u using ps4 then u can't download or sharing the option files contain kits, emblem or faces scan on it..etc..( go support on ipetition) from premier league

If u using PS3 I guess it still works like normal
xbox1 same as ps4

And the pes2015 separately, thE GAMEPLAY IS AWESOME, the graphics is perfect...that's all I can say....I recommended
But only 1 thing to think about is option file kits emblem becoz I'm using ps4 :(

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Registered User
I think it doesn't matter where I live and how old I'am. I can't even understand why you are asking these questions. As I told you I have no console. I have only a notebook. This notebook is not able to run a PC Version of PES 2015.

I hope that was clear enough. Thank You :ninja:


It is happening again
[MENTION=226611]Andyhan498[/MENTION] - please use the multiquote button when you want to quote more than 1 post, it looks like this - "


Registered User
Hi all.

I've been a long term viewer of this site and I've created an account to comment on this! I've played PES since ISS Pro Evolution Soccer 2 (so what was that, 1999?). Cannot explain how much I loved that game!

Since then I've played most versions, mostly against friends (never really got into online play). I have been on PES13 for a couple of years, which I personally really enjoy, although recently it does seem that it is too easy to have the same games / score the same goals on it. Because of the negativity (mostly on here) around PES14 I never bought it.

But this demo... I am really loving it. I don't have a lot of time for gaming these days, but I downloaded the demo on staurday and played solidly for about 4 hours. Above anything, it's fun. The passing is mostly good, shooting feels natural, the crosses are harder to master but much better (I'm comparing to PES13), and I can't wait to have a proper session with mates. It feels like a real game - I've tried FIFA over the years but it's too clinical, it doesn't feel fun. The feeling when I scored a couple of good goals was brilliant, more so than previously. It's like you really were responsible for scoring them, not just pressing a load of buttons!

My one real annoyance is the tactics / team set up screen, it seems way overcomplicated these days, too much faff to move players around, but maybe I'll get used to it. Also the players don't seem to sprint naturally... they're a bit stop-start.

I don't know how much it differs to 14, but it's good enough that I want to go and buy it. It's reassuring that most other people are positive about it too.

I'm considering buying a PS4 in time for the release date (and because far cry 4 is out at the same time), and I was wondering if anyone has played the demo on PS3 / PS4 and can highlight any differences other than graphics? Is the gameplay essentially the same?

Cheers all - looks like this one could be a cracker of a game.


Registered User
I have only a notebook. This notebook is not able to run a PC Version of PES 2015.

There's no PC demo version out yet as far as I know, so you do you know if it won't run on your notebook? I'm currently on my notebook right now that has a 1.5GHz CPU and it can play a handful of games, including FIFA game and PES 14. So what's the specs on the notebook?


Registered User
Played the WE demo everyday on PS3 and PS4 version from the day it released in Asian PSN Store, and I'm glad that the feel of one more game coming back to the series.
Actually I need to readjust my way of playing the game because already used playing FIFA 14 on the PS4, which is faster and much more responsive.

Overall satisfied with game which shown remarkable Team I.D. which distinguished every team in the demo. most important thing is the game is much more playable, responsive and fun to play compared to PES 2014. Player model in PS4 version also excellent.

The things I hope they can improve are:

a) Add player animation, it seems the movement isn't fluid enough and sometimes it feel that there are something missing between each movement (Personal experience based on FIFA 14 PS4). If they need to tone down the movement due to PS3 hardware limitation, perhaps they can add all the missing animation for the PS4 version. This is one of the factor that hindering all my friends who have migrated to FIFA. The game feel need more polish in this area to convince them.

b)Ball physic on the low pass - every pass feel same on the speed / momentum. Need more variation, maybe depends on player ability and statistic. hope they fix this in the final release.

c)Sound -
Ball being kick - everytime player pass the ball, this monotonous sound feel cheap and afterthought, why not make the sound louder when the action is nearer to the camera side, just an idea.
Player reaction / communication - We can hear above sound clearly, but not when player communicate with each other ???
Crowd - Again with all the full licence team they have, they can get the official anthem.. And make it livelier... There should be clear difference when player is foul or near miss.

d) Continuous play - Please make less cut scene, sometimes it kills the momentum of the game. The issuance of yellow card / off side foul can be done on the gameplay camera, why we need to see all these cut scene if we can't even argue / any action that will affect the ref decision? I like to see all the player reaction on the field when there is foul / off side or near miss from the gameplay camera. It is better if Konami can give and option to the player to watch replay or not.

e)Pitch Side activity - Make it more lively, player warms up, ball picker, coach giving instruction, etc.

In the end I feel Konami really nailed the gameplay, Team I.D., Player I.D. this year, They just need to add new things/elements in the PS4 versions to differentiate it from the last gen, this will show what they are capable of when given much more powerful hardware to play with. (just in my opinion that PES 2015 have reach ps3 limits)

Now I just hope there will be improvement on Master League from last year edition. No more excuse on the lack of time which resulted as per last year ML which is totally unacceptable and too basic base on other sport game standard.
I think it doesn't matter where I live and how old I'am. I can't even understand why you are asking these questions. As I told you I have no console. I have only a notebook. This notebook is not able to run a PC Version of PES 2015.

I hope that was clear enough. Thank You :ninja:

U lived in Irag? Or Syria?
No ps pc anything? C'm on!
What's Notebook? I dun even know. Kindle u mean

[MENTION=226611]Andyhan498[/MENTION] - please use the multiquote button when you want to quote more than 1 post, it looks like this - "

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Registered User
Played the WE demo everyday on PS3 and PS4 version from the day it released in Asian PSN Store, and I'm glad that the feel of one more game coming back to the series.
Actually I need to readjust my way of playing the game because already used playing FIFA 14 on the PS4, which is faster and much more responsive.

Overall satisfied with game which shown remarkable Team I.D. which distinguished every team in the demo. most important thing is the game is much more playable, responsive and fun to play compared to PES 2014. Player model in PS4 version also excellent.

The things I hope they can improve are:

a) Add player animation, it seems the movement isn't fluid enough and sometimes it feel that there are something missing between each movement (Personal experience based on FIFA 14 PS4). If they need to tone down the movement due to PS3 hardware limitation, perhaps they can add all the missing animation for the PS4 version. This is one of the factor that hindering all my friends who have migrated to FIFA. The game feel need more polish in this area to convince them.

b)Ball physic on the low pass - every pass feel same on the speed / momentum. Need more variation, maybe depends on player ability and statistic. hope they fix this in the final release.

c)Sound -
Ball being kick - everytime player pass the ball, this monotonous sound feel cheap and afterthought, why not make the sound louder when the action is nearer to the camera side, just an idea.
Player reaction / communication - We can hear above sound clearly, but not when player communicate with each other ???
Crowd - Again with all the full licence team they have, they can get the official anthem.. And make it livelier... There should be clear difference when player is foul or near miss.

d) Continuous play - Please make less cut scene, sometimes it kills the momentum of the game. The issuance of yellow card / off side foul can be done on the gameplay camera, why we need to see all these cut scene if we can't even argue / any action that will affect the ref decision? I like to see all the player reaction on the field when there is foul / off side or near miss from the gameplay camera. It is better if Konami can give and option to the player to watch replay or not.

e)Pitch Side activity - Make it more lively, player warms up, ball picker, coach giving instruction, etc.

In the end I feel Konami really nailed the gameplay, Team I.D., Player I.D. this year, They just need to add new things/elements in the PS4 versions to differentiate it from the last gen, this will show what they are capable of when given much more powerful hardware to play with. (just in my opinion that PES 2015 have reach ps3 limits)

Now I just hope there will be improvement on Master League from last year edition. No more excuse on the lack of time which resulted as per last year ML which is totally unacceptable and too basic base on other sport game standard.

Ok, let me comment on a couple of your points here;

A) Is it the normal running and change direction animation you’re revering to? If so, you may have a point, but I think the player animation is top notch when you perform tricks, shoot, jump etc. Having played more than a 100 matches in the demo, I can’t say the player animation thing is bothering me, hell, when I skillfully manage to out-dribble 3 opponents and then score a goal, I can’t help myself watching the beautiful animations over and over again in the replay.

B) Tried manual pass?

C) Improvement would be nice, but it doesn’t affect the fun I have. I do hope they update Jon Champion’s commentary.

D) Those few little cut scenes in PES never bothered me at all. Take my advice: NEVER EVER play FIFA 15. Tons of cut scenes in that game. If cut scenes could kill you, you’d be dead already.

E) Agreed, would be nice, more action around the pitch. But I would never want Konami to concentrate on those things if the game-play would get less development time. Don’t make the same mistake EA made.


It is happening again
D) Those few little cut scenes in PES never bothered me at all. Take my advice: NEVER EVER play FIFA 15. Tons of cut scenes in that game. If cut scenes could kill you, you’d be dead already.

Agreed. They drive me mad. Who needs to see a pointless cutscene of someone placing the ball down for a free kick every time?


Registered User
Hello to all from an ancient forum member (in fact this is the first forum I registered to). :)

Been playing ISS/WE/PES for nearly 2 decades now, from ISS Pro on N64/PS1 to PES6 on PS2/PC. Yes, I haven't played next-gen PES games (2008-2014), maybe around 50 matches on 2008/2011/2012/2014 PES editions. 2008 was a massive let down, and every new edition was just it's follower. Every year it was like this: check new PES->again see it's not ''that game''->keep on enjoying PES6.
Recently I bought an X360, RGH version, which came with PES 2014 and FIFA 14 on it. Tried both games, and this 2014 PES seemed really bad, but compared to the other game it still had a bit of a classic ISS/PES gene, just enough to make it a winner between those two. I really tried to play FIFA, to see why some PES players switched over but it failed big time to get my further interest. It has all the (un)necesarry cosmetics and brilliant presentation, but when I play, it keeps reminding me of a 1998 version (last FIFA I played).

Let's get back to the topic - PES 2015 demo. After playing near 100 games (Xbox 360 version), I can just say probably the most cliche phrase, especially in last days here and on other PES-related forums - PES (or The King) IS BACK! What made me say so? To put it in a simple way - it's a continuation of where PES6 stopped and it has that ''one more game syndrome'', well-known from ISS/PES, that was missing for all those years.
PES6 successor with all new movements, animations, graphics, details and most importantly - addictive gameplay, ISS/WE/(old)PES trademark. Being a loong time PES6 player, this demo just can't stop to amaze me with all new stuff (I watch replays regulary).

Almost (below are things that must/needs to be improved) everything is as it should be: players responsiveness, ball physics (no, its not heavy), headers, animations and transition between them, faces, fluidity, player ID, AI (team ID!), goalkeepers, new fatigue system (no more running around like mad)... I probably forgot something, but it was surely mentioned before. With all this mixed up, as a result you have gameplay that just don't let you stop playing.
It would be unreal for a game with predecessors like PES2008-2014 to be with without cons, especially because it's a demo version. The main thing, that MUST to be improved is fouls, and almost everything about them. CPU doesn't commit fouls, not more than 3 times in 10 10mins games. Sliding tackles - it's impossible to take the ball doing them, 9 out of 10 times it would be a foul, and a card (red is not uncommon too), even if you do ''innocent'' sliding tackle on opponents half. Compared to PES6, when I regulary used sliding tackles to intercept pass or take the ball, this is a big big let down. Also, animations that follow sliding tackles, when player fails like it's tackled with a double two-leg slide (he was just barely touched) are just too much. Yellow card frequency is also unreal... Kazuki Ito would be ashamed. Referee movement after the foul is commited, and following animations doesn't match also, but that's really a small issue, and I'm sure it would be fixed in full version. But those mentioned things, when it comes to fouls are, I repeat - A MUST. Shooting... at first it seemed that 90% of shots are on the target, but after more matches I realised that match can finish with something like (3)12. Maybe just a little bit less precise, 10%ish would be just OK. Bigger problem is is shot power, which needs to be reduced for at least 15%-25% (depending of a player). The tricks are so easy to do, and I mean tricks like rainbow flick, I can just hold two analogs and make the defender doing it continously... make them way harder to do, or disable completely (who likes tricks, there is other game). When doing ground passing, ball has that rails feeling, but it's not that much annoying as the people moan on forums. PES6 was completely on a rails, so?

Every PES has it's faults, it can't be perfect with many different tastes from player to player. PES6 has it's drawbacks too, but it gained legendary status. I know it has been 8 years since it's release, and that in 2014 we should have much more polished version than what we are having now, but for me it's important that they're (KONAMI) on the right track with this edition. Another thing, in my opinion, people are way too harsh when criticize PES these days, like they want it to be as bad as possible. Yes, it wasn't good for many years but this time it's different story. Give it a chance, and give it a time in years to come, hopefully they will follow this path.

Also, nice to see older members (on this, and other 2 PES forums), like me, again having interest in new PES after many years. There's something in it. :)

EDIT: Why can't I set-up avatar? It just gives me default ones, but I see random on other users. Is 10yrs membership enough to have this fixed? Thanks. :)
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Registered User
I supose ps4 owners could do there own editing, just change the team names of english/portugal teams and you could do a good master league in Italian league as it has fully licensed seria A and B. With france, holland, spain being licensed then master league should be not to bad .


It is happening again
[MENTION=41806]issarajevo[/MENTION] - you need 25 posts to have an avatar. But please don't spam just to get there. :point:


Registered User
Game plays good..but having some small issues with the passing....when you have a player close to you and pass to him, it goes to another player behind or to the side ...find it annoying. Another thing is i find the player movement is not really free as some members said...they are locked to some kind invisible track or line which is shiddy seeing that you would want total control of your players,and the skill moves makes no sense if they gonna be doing it snail speed. That plays great..loving it so far..well besides my issues mentioned above.


Registered User
Ok, let me comment on a couple of your points here;

A) Is it the normal running and change direction animation you’re revering to? If so, you may have a point, but I think the player animation is top notch when you perform tricks, shoot, jump etc. Having played more than a 100 matches in the demo, I can’t say the player animation thing is bothering me, hell, when I skillfully manage to out-dribble 3 opponents and then score a goal, I can’t help myself watching the beautiful animations over and over again in the replay.

B) Tried manual pass?

C) Improvement would be nice, but it doesn’t affect the fun I have. I do hope they update Jon Champion’s commentary.

D) Those few little cut scenes in PES never bothered me at all. Take my advice: NEVER EVER play FIFA 15. Tons of cut scenes in that game. If cut scenes could kill you, you’d be dead already.

E) Agreed, would be nice, more action around the pitch. But I would never want Konami to concentrate on those things if the game-play would get less development time. Don’t make the same mistake EA made.

Tried 0 bar pass in few games, but prefer 1 - 2 bars currently and advanced setting for shooting and through ball (easily over pass :( ... )

Will not buy FIFA this year due to minimal improvement.. Definitely PES this year

Refer to comment on Kazuki Ito above..
As far I remember during PS2 era, we used to adjust our gameplay if we spot certain ref who gave strict decision on the field
With the WE 15 demo, my foul have been reduced compared to 1st day playing the demo and now sometimes A.I. will conduct more foul than me. Just like real world, we just need to suit our style with the ref on the field.
If Konami reintroduce ref with their own personality, it will add new dimension to gameplay.


Registered User
I hope that's the case, that this ref from the demo is some kind of reincarnation of Kazuki Ito, because no way that 4 out of 5 sliding tackles is a card.
Or maybe it's just me not knowing how to execute them without foul, time will tell."this+year+it's+about+righting+the+wrongs"/

''You mentioned we used to be the king and now we're the challenger and back when PES was great was PES 5 and PES 6 on PS2 days. We want to get back to those days too, you know. We just look back at those games at what made them so special. And that's been a key focus for us this year.''

"One of the cool things that we're doing this year is that we're getting some real ball data off UEFA. So we're trying to incorporate that in a way where it gives you that feeling [organic ball physics]."
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