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PES 2015 Demo Discussion


Registered User
as much as i want to play it dose it not seem odd that this demo will out 2 months before the game.


Registered User
1. wait for the demo to come out
2. play it
3. be disappointed
4. ask your self why your always hoping that the next pes will be better.
repeat every year...


It is happening again
as much as i want to play it dose it not seem odd that this demo will out 2 months before the game.

Didn't they do something earlier in the past? Released an early demo and then one closer to the release date.


Registered User
I was downloading the demo whit asian account and I was too playing matches and I can only say that this game promises. ¿What is your opinions mates?.


New Member
Hi guys,

I've played the demo 4-5 matches. Definitely gonna buy this game.
Gameplay feels a lot better than last year series. So far just the player cursor change that bothers me.



Registered User
I think the games good, just don't play Athletico Madrid on superstar and give them full form, the bastards just pass it around in their half until you get frustrated and run a defender out and then through ball, if not they will wait till the last 10 minutes, then attack... bunch of mofos

So Pro They Go Whoa

Registered User
played as each team on Reg difficulty using a Hong Kong PSN account. The difference between PES2015 and 14 is night and day. Having so much fun, best thing is there is NO button lag. Agree with everthing $anzi£ has mentioned.


Rat Monkey

Registered User
I think the games good, just don't play Athletico Madrid on superstar and give them full form, the bastards just pass it around in their half until you get frustrated and run a defender out and then through ball, if not they will wait till the last 10 minutes, then attack... bunch of mofos

Thats cool if thats the way it is. The AI are smarter and draw you out and exploit the pace in behind. Athletico are a counter attack team too. I like what you say about them attacking hard in the lasts few mins, is that if its a draw or they're losing? I hope its not if they are winning, they would more likely be a team to defend their lead. Never experienced AI behaving like that before. Need to get my hands on this to see what its like, even if Konami are infuriating nobs.


Registered User
Thats cool if thats the way it is. The AI are smarter and draw you out and exploit the pace in behind. Athletico are a counter attack team too. I like what you say about them attacking hard in the lasts few mins, is that if its a draw or they're losing? I hope its not if they are winning, they would more likely be a team to defend their lead. Never experienced AI behaving like that before. Need to get my hands on this to see what its like, even if Konami are infuriating nobs.

It's when they're drawing with me, they sit deep and try and edge my team out for 80 mins, then bam go for the win in last ten, I prefer playing Bayern, they leave a lot of space in behind, but then if Neuer is on a red, hes unbelievable, every damn through ball he was out the 18 yard box volleying it clear or heading it clear like he does in real life... saying that though, Bale is god, you can pretty much run round a whole team when he is in full flow.


Registered User
Didn't they do something earlier in the past? Released an early demo and then one closer to the release date.

yep, 2008 i think. but that was only a month then a fortnight from release if i remember correctly.


Registered User
Downloaded it earlier from Hong Kong PS+ on my PS4... gameplay is incredible.

I did not buy PES 2014 because I did not enjoy pes 2013 at all, but this one I think I will buy. Every aspect of gameplay feels fantastic. Is it perfect? No but I can definately see a huge improvement.

I've played hours of both FIFA 15 AND Pes 2015 on my PS4 now and this is how I see it this year:



I thought it was going to be an easy choice this year, FIFA all the way but now I think i might get both because PES 2015 really impressed me.


Registered User
I played PES 15 ps3 version but since i don't own a ps4 can't say so are there anyone of you guys who have played both the version and compared it and are there major differences?


Registered User
mother of god! after some matches playing about 6 on hardest difficulty I can honesalty say: this is the best football game I've ever played!! it's better than the ps2 pes but very similar but in a next gen coat and most of all the ai is of the charts!! play barca on hardest difficulty and they will humiliate you with their tiki takka!

I hated pes 2014 but this one I can't wait to get. literally everything about this one is done well. the dribbling, the shooting, the passing on all manual it's thrilling!

tremolo arm

Registered User
Played the demo on PS4 via and Asian account.

Wow, where to start?!?

Let's cut to the chase.
Gameplay wise, this plays miles ahead of not just any previous PES version but also of FIFA 15 (which by the way is a pretty decent game this year). There are so many things that make this game enjoyable, from the responsive controls, to the subtle touches, realistic defense, rewarding attacking mentality, etc. and the overall feel of playing real football.

Let’s face it – PES 14 was a mess. It was horrible from a control perspective, leading to frustration and an impossibility to enjoy the game.
Konami have really upped their game this year. Starting from more responsive controls, through to CPU build up play, this game feels great. Defensively it is really rewarding and on attack there are some great touches with player personality being very evident. Shots feel great this year, with a real zip to them. Crossing the ball in the area is fantastically recreated and it’s an absolute delight to score that way.

Another positive is the fluidity of the game. Whilst FIFA feels jerky and choppy, PES feels much smoother and the animations are much more accurate. This makes for a more pleasing visual experience but also helps especially when on defense (where FIFA is a bit of a lottery this year).

Speaking of fluidity, if you get tackled by the CPU your player will get back on his feet much quicker than before (and certainly quicker that FIFA) which is a really nice touch and helps prevent frustration.

Not everything is great of course. Whilst the graphics are generally pretty good, they are still below par for a next gen title and visibly inferior to FIFA’s. Also, the pitch and stadiums lack the FIFA atmosphere. More annoyingly, player models feel small and squashed to the point that it is hard to tell who you are controlling even if you know your team intimately. I played the demo with all teams but mainly stuck to my team Napoli and often I did know if I was controlling Higuain or Callejon despite the large difference in physiques in real life. They just look the same in PES14. I think FIFA does a much better job at recreating the correct scale of player models, including build, size, shape and the overall proportion to other objects such as ball, goals and pitch. Colour wise it is the same thing – a bit too bright and nowhere near FIFA’s stunning colour scheme, light and shadows.

Overall we have two great games this year and I will certainly play both.

IMHO, PES does a better job at gameplay (especially on defense and CPU buildup), whereas FIFA feels tighter on attack. That said PES feels amazing in the last third where shooting feels awesome and realistic and crosses in the area are a delight to watch and meet with a thumping header.

Graphically, PES is OK but inferior to FIFA’s stunning visuals and stadium atmosphere.

Granted that so far we have only played demos, I think we are in for some great fun this year. Both FIFA and PES feel great and they both have their merits, but I think PES edges FIFA purely on gameplay grounds.

Well done Konami!


Some of the reading in this thread is extremely encouraging, so much that I have arranged a loan of a PS4 for tonight to see it for myself becaue basically I can't wait for the PC release.

Just for the record, people who know me on here over the last few years might think I'm a PES basher/Fifa fanboy. But truth be told it was my love for PES that got me to sign upto this place over 10 years ago now and my anger towards the game in general since 2008 is because I am the type of person that doesn't get blinded by love, if something is shit or below par I say it and refuse to entertain it.

Anyways, I pray to God this game is half as good as the reviews I'm reading because if it's still ropey you better get ready for the Mother and Father of rants.



Registered User
Usa xboxone users, here is how you can get the demo right now...

Heads up for xboxone users...go to settings,select system and change your location to Hong restart now and your be able to download the we demo without creating a different account.


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