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PES 2015 Demo Discussion


Some of the reading in this thread is extremely encouraging, so much that I have arranged a loan of a PS4 for tonight to see it for myself becaue basically I can't wait for the PC release.

Just for the record, people who know me on here over the last few years might think I'm a PES basher/Fifa fanboy. But truth be told it was my love for PES that got me to sign upto this place over 10 years ago now and my anger towards the game in general since 2008 is because I am the type of person that doesn't get blinded by love, if something is shit or below par I say it and refuse to entertain it.

Anyways, I pray to God this game is half as good as the reviews I'm reading because if it's still ropey you better get ready for the Mother and Father of rants.


I feel exactly the same. I really want to enjoy PES again. The comments are encouraging and I'm looking forward to trying out the demo.


Registered User
Some of the reading in this thread is extremely encouraging, so much that I have arranged a loan of a PS4 for tonight to see it for myself becaue basically I can't wait for the PC release.

Just for the record, people who know me on here over the last few years might think I'm a PES basher/Fifa fanboy. But truth be told it was my love for PES that got me to sign upto this place over 10 years ago now and my anger towards the game in general since 2008 is because I am the type of person that doesn't get blinded by love, if something is shit or below par I say it and refuse to entertain it.

Anyways, I pray to God this game is half as good as the reviews I'm reading because if it's still ropey you better get ready for the Mother and Father of rants.


The game is better than last years, but not sure its on par with the old ones. I don't get blinded by love either but I genuinely do not like the FIFA series. I think they are 7/10 gameplay with 10/10 presentation. Just because PES is crap doesnt mean I want to play FIFA either. I play both demos each year and pick one or none. Last year it was none for the first time in 20 years. This year it will be PES. Although I don't think its the great return people are claiming.

I played FIFA scored 8 goals in 2 games, then gave up. Boring. PES I scored 2 goals in 5 games. While not perfect, those 2 goals were way more satisfying than the 8 in FIFA. FIFA is terrible this year, this is emphasised after playing the PES demo. Spending so much time trying to break the defence down. Go back to FIFA and split the defence and score within 30 seconds... Its a joke of a game. Really don't see the attraction to it. Its nothing like what I see on TV or play.

tremolo arm

Registered User
The game is better than last years, but not sure its on par with the old ones. I don't get blinded by love either but I genuinely do not like the FIFA series. I think they are 7/10 gameplay with 10/10 presentation. Just because PES is crap doesnt mean I want to play FIFA either. I play both demos each year and pick one or none. Last year it was none for the first time in 20 years. This year it will be PES. Although I don't think its the great return people are claiming.

I played FIFA scored 8 goals in 2 games, then gave up. Boring. PES I scored 2 goals in 5 games. While not perfect, those 2 goals were way more satisfying than the 8 in FIFA. FIFA is terrible this year, this is emphasised after playing the PES demo. Spending so much time trying to break the defence down. Go back to FIFA and split the defence and score within 30 seconds... Its a joke of a game. Really don't see the attraction to it. Its nothing like what I see on TV or play.

A lot of it depends on what level of assistance you have on your controls (pass, shot and especially through ball and cross). I doubt you would be able to net 8 goals if your controls are all manual...

True, on all assisted, FIFA is relatively easy, but so is PES on all assisted. Don't forget the FIFA Demo is all assisted by default, whereas PES is semi by default I think. Tweaking these sliders will make some drastic changes.

I played 30+ games on FIFA's demo and most of them were on Manual and on PROFESSIONAL level. I can tell you I did not win more than 5 games. Also I play on Broadcast Camera in FIFA and that adds an extra level of awkwardness with manual controls but it just looks lovely. Also defense is really tricky on FIFA this year.

I also prefer PES because of the fluidity of motion and animations. FIFA is too jerky and I can't play more than 10 games at a time without getting a headache. PES is more easy on the eye and whilst it is inferior to FIFA in the graphics / presentation department, the animations are actually better executed and the game flows more like a real game of football.


Registered User
i know the demo got delayed in europe but when does it come to the us store? I thought it was out yesterday!

edit: ok it's out next week in us, time to make an asian account!!!


Registered User
Right, here are my opinions on the demo, going to sound a bit of a rant but let me just say that this game is a huge step in the right direction, however it is far from the finished article as some would have you believe.

Let me get the biggest moan out of the way first, fouls. In my opinion always been a problem on pes games, the computer just simply doesn't make enough fouls, I can honestly go and play 5 games now and only see 1 or 2 fouls committed on me by the computer, it's just not realistic. This is on both difficulty levels. Bottom line is football, even more so these days has plenty of free kicks due to fouls, pes simply doesn't and it needs fixing. I've tried addressing this with the likes of Adam Bhatti on Twitter and a few others who he seems to favour and have played the game previously however currently all he seems interested in is retweeting the love so to speak and having a big love in, pes is back, blah blah blah. How about listen to CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, I put that in caps as I see the guy receives abuse from trolls however there is still time to make changes to pes before release and he can feedback useful information.

Moving on, anyone else's demo crash now and again? Happened to me twice or 3 times, always on the stadium loading screen. On another small note anyone else find the change from x to o to continue and confirm just annoying and pointless? Surely better things to do than that purely for the sake of it, or is is a winning eleven thing and pes will be normal? I'd have the answers if konami didn't screw up the uk demo, again. Same old excuses, not their fault, out of their hands etc etc, konami, your either just plain unlucky or you are to blame, no other demo I've ever waited for has been delayed, your 2 for 2 in 2013/14.

Back onto gameplay, it's early doors but they always seem to overpower a certain way to score then the following year instead of reducing its effect and power they nullify it almost completely. Crosses are an example this year, again early doors and could be me but I've only scored from 1 cross with my head, that includes corners. Headers always just seem to go wide or have no power and are easily saved. Again this might just be me and if others say they are scoring frequently from crosses on superstar then it's me who needs to work on it!

There are plenty of other little tweaks that would improve the game, but for me as I said at the start its a huge step in the right direction and with the refs bias/comp willing to foul more the game would be more than acceptable for a first bash on next gen. Currently I don't know how long I could carry on playing against comp, masters league etc as for me the opposition fouling me is an integral part of a football game. I think some are missing this as the game flows beautifully, however real football doesn't flow for 90 mins, pes apart from throw ins, corners and goal kicks you could go from start to finish and not have a free kick or offside (another thing the comp rarely does)

My main pes play is human vs human at home, not online, I have tournaments with friends and obviously this major issue won't be a problem then.


Registered User
Exactly my point, konami struggle to find middle ground. They always go to extremes, 1 year easy as anything to score from a cross, next year near impossible. 1 year long range shots fly in all too easily, next near impossible to score from 30 yards.

I didn't play 2014 really at all, it's the first pes that's been so bad I never really stuck with it, I turned it on over the summer after the updates and it had improved but being kind it was still a steaming bag of horse crap.

I agree 2013/12 seemed to be much harder for a player to tackle, but timing was everything, it's similar this year and good in that you don't just hammer x and make a tackle. It takes practice and timing to make good clean tackles. However the computer seems to not even make that many tackles you'd say are fouls, there are the odd 1 or 2 which you'd call foul but on the whole they just don't foul whether that be a standing foot in tackle or sliding tackle


Registered User
Took me about 5 - 6 matches to get into it Properly, but once you get used to it, The more You play it The more you want to keep on playing it, i Pro Ordered FIFA 15 on ps4 a few weeks back and now feel like a total idiot for doing so, who in there right mind would play FIFA 15 over a game as good as this?

one way to describe the PES 15 Demo would be *open world football game* DOES THAT MAKE SENSE?


It is happening again
I'm not sold yet. Some times I think "oh, it's a decent game". But other times I just think "same old PES". Still feels a bit on rails at times, plus the goalies scare me half to death. They just dive in slow motion.
The last 2 goals I conceded pissed me off. Both times I should have had a free kick. Put it this way - if it was the other way a FK would've been given! In the latter of said 2 goals, my keeper twice palmed it out to the opposition striker.

Don't get me wrong, it's much improved on last year, but it's not there yet IMO.

Also, WTF is with having to use circle to select options in the menus? Please tell me this is just a Hong Kong thing?


Registered User
i agree with wnn670. However, game hasnt crashed on me, and i'll come to similar goals later

I've played 3 games, first one got me used to it, 2nd one allowed me to adjust tactically and 3rd was enjoyable.

Instantly I noticed it was more fluid than pes2014, so good job on that and because of this it feels faster but really isn't and yes that's down to fluidity and responsiveness. Also it's great that catchup bug is gone.

Another I noticed is passing isn't that assisted. I didn't modify anything. If you pass to a space with no place, it will go there, happened twice to me.

I feel refs are better now and more consistant but still a big gripe is that they don't go back to book players now and again. I did a few disgusting slides but ref played advantage and never punished that tackle.

Now, I read earlier about atleti playing possesion football in their own half and wow it was worse than tiki taka!! However, after changing my Napoli team to press they suddenly played more direct making the game more open.

Ok, now my main worry is that although I think it may be too easy. And by this I mean in my 3rd game I beat atleti 4-1 with their goal being a consolation. And all of those goals were similar. Pass it around, give to main striker (Higuain) then Mertens cuts in from the left, through ball, one on one, goal. I don't know if it was just my style of play but it's worrying that i can score this many after 3 games so I will have to check with other teams but to be fair this game has pes2014's foundation with some great fixes so it may be there reason my transition was quick.

As for heading being tough, i've had 3/4 headers of which 2 were easy chances, both put wide, but im putting this down to my heading sucking.

Now to change to Juve and see how it goes!


Staff member
Also, WTF is with having to use circle to select options in the menus? Please tell me this is just a Hong Kong thing?

Yes, most likely it's just an Asian thing. Back in the PS2 games, my friend used to get Winning Eleven because his PS2 was modded and it used to come out before PES and circle was the action button.


Well first off I didn't get to play this for as long as I had planned on doing but what I can say is as soon as the match kicked off I knew I was dealing with a completely different animal to the last generations shambles.

The passing is crisp, the movement is responsive and there's no button lag. Also the goalkeepers haven't done anything to really suggest that they're going to ruin this years game either. One thing I did note is that they tend to parry balls back into the box instead of maybe diverting them out for a corner, but in a nutshell they're not handicap.

With all that been said I will reserve giving the game a rating because I've only played a few matches against the CPU and that's not how I plan on playing this game. This game was always about taking on your buds and that's what I have arranged for tomorrow night, we'll see then if she holds up.

Gentlemen, I think we might have a game on our hands this year.


Registered User
After playing a few more games I think the keepers are still not up to scratch. Once or twice their positioning has been shocking and i feel like they should be more agile

One example was a chipped through ball i played, going to my striker. The keeper decides to predict the trajectory of the ball but it was clear that my player would get his head to and that he did. Into an OPEN GOAL.

Heading has been tough. That was the only header i've scored the rest seem to miss the target.

Also it's a nightmare facing Suarez Messi Neymar

Anyone else play as Juve and feel Pirlo is a hindrance? I can't use him like he is IRL and with his poor stamina he's tired after 60 minutes! I feel like it's better replacing him with Marchisio and putting Vidal holding.

Overall I'm enjoying this a lot. Juve vs Barca was a much tougher challenge

How do you even open a ps4 Asia account? I can't read any of it! haha

There was an english language option. Also Asia doesn't include Japan as they have their own separate store so make one with Hong Kong address instead if that was your problem


Registered User
It plays much better than PES 14, that's for sure.

I think the goalkeepers are still crap though.

On the PS2 PES games, you used to be able to hold the sprint button and pass/shoot without the action taking a long time. On the PS3 PES games, I've found that I had to stop sprinting and then pass or shoot the ball to get the action that I want. In this PES, it's reverted back to the PS2 ways and much better for it. I'm aware what I'm talking about might be incredibly minor for most.

Still, I have to add that the demos always seem promising, and the resulting full PS3 games revert back to the old PES games strangely (not in a good way). I hope that doesn't happen here, confident it won't because it really does feel like a different game.

Here's hoping they polish the game even more, November is a long ways away.


It is happening again
Just had a look through some early impressions in the PES 2014 thread, for reference. A lot of good comments including the old "The king is back" nonsense. :hmm:

So for those who are enjoying the 2015 demo so far, I would advise caution. ;)
