Right, here are my opinions on the demo, going to sound a bit of a rant but let me just say that this game is a huge step in the right direction, however it is far from the finished article as some would have you believe.
Let me get the biggest moan out of the way first, fouls. In my opinion always been a problem on pes games, the computer just simply doesn't make enough fouls, I can honestly go and play 5 games now and only see 1 or 2 fouls committed on me by the computer, it's just not realistic. This is on both difficulty levels. Bottom line is football, even more so these days has plenty of free kicks due to fouls, pes simply doesn't and it needs fixing. I've tried addressing this with the likes of Adam Bhatti on Twitter and a few others who he seems to favour and have played the game previously however currently all he seems interested in is retweeting the love so to speak and having a big love in, pes is back, blah blah blah. How about listen to CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, I put that in caps as I see the guy receives abuse from trolls however there is still time to make changes to pes before release and he can feedback useful information.
Moving on, anyone else's demo crash now and again? Happened to me twice or 3 times, always on the stadium loading screen. On another small note anyone else find the change from x to o to continue and confirm just annoying and pointless? Surely better things to do than that purely for the sake of it, or is is a winning eleven thing and pes will be normal? I'd have the answers if konami didn't screw up the uk demo, again. Same old excuses, not their fault, out of their hands etc etc, konami, your either just plain unlucky or you are to blame, no other demo I've ever waited for has been delayed, your 2 for 2 in 2013/14.
Back onto gameplay, it's early doors but they always seem to overpower a certain way to score then the following year instead of reducing its effect and power they nullify it almost completely. Crosses are an example this year, again early doors and could be me but I've only scored from 1 cross with my head, that includes corners. Headers always just seem to go wide or have no power and are easily saved. Again this might just be me and if others say they are scoring frequently from crosses on superstar then it's me who needs to work on it!
There are plenty of other little tweaks that would improve the game, but for me as I said at the start its a huge step in the right direction and with the refs bias/comp willing to foul more the game would be more than acceptable for a first bash on next gen. Currently I don't know how long I could carry on playing against comp, masters league etc as for me the opposition fouling me is an integral part of a football game. I think some are missing this as the game flows beautifully, however real football doesn't flow for 90 mins, pes apart from throw ins, corners and goal kicks you could go from start to finish and not have a free kick or offside (another thing the comp rarely does)
My main pes play is human vs human at home, not online, I have tournaments with friends and obviously this major issue won't be a problem then.