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PES 2015 Demo Discussion

tremolo arm

Registered User
I played 10 more games last night.

I don't want to throw the gloom blanket over, but I was less impressed after the initial excitement of playing the Demo for the first time on Wednesday. Graphically it looks very much like last gen. Certainly not enough Next Gen content. On PS4 the colours and light are not very accurate - everything looks overexposed and with some teams, the numbers on the back of players' shirts are indistinguishable. But my biggest gripe is the player models - they just look too small, squashed and samey. I tried all sort of camera views and whilst the game looked better on some cameras, it's still too similar to PS3 and miles behind FIFA 15 graphically. I hope Konami address this before final release, but I doubt they can do a lot with player models.

My other concern is the lack of urgency in the game. It just feels as if players don't care somehow. Difficult to put into words, but it's something to do with the running animation and the bodies not tilting forward when sprinting. Also, when you are trying to break, it lacks that excitement of the counter attack exploding. Granted that I still have to get used to the controls and ways to explode, I just can't get excited about counter attacks. Again, I think FIFA does this much better.

The last thing I would add is that when you execute a through pass, the intended recipient cannot change the trajectory or running. So you are stuck in a linear mode.

No question - it is miles better than PES 14 (it would be hard not to be). Shooting is definitely better, CPU build up is great and generally it is more fluent and tight - both in terms of animations and controls. But it is far from being a finished article.

I also experienced the crashing as reported by others. It happened during the team selection screen and it forced me to shut down the PS4 by unplugging the cable (the PS4 was stuck on the shut down screen fro ages).


I can confirm the Goalkeepers saves to shots on target ratio is shocking...

I'll know more tonight after a few 1v1 games, but one isn't pleased...


Registered User
So Some People Think This is the best Football Game Ever Made

And Others have Found A Million and 1 Things To Complain about With it

You know the way Sports interactive introduced Football manager Classic into its football manager games, Its Starting to sound like Konami should do something similar to please those that do like realism and those that do not


Registered User
people claiming the 2014 demo was good were out of their minds. it sucked as much as the final game. after playing that demo I didn't buy pes for first time ever


Registered User
people claiming the 2014 demo was good were out of their minds. it sucked as much as the final game. after playing that demo I didn't buy pes for first time ever

Same here!

I'm absolutely enjoying the heck out of this demo.

still trying to get used to it, but everything ive seen so far, so good.

I'll probably pre order it, but I won't say the King is Back until I play the full game.
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It is happening again
people claiming the 2014 demo was good were out of their minds. it sucked as much as the final game. after playing that demo I didn't buy pes for first time ever

I can see it now:

gerrit (circa Sep 2015) said:
people claiming the 2015 demo was good were out of their minds. it sucked as much as the final game. after playing that demo I didn't buy pes for first time ever



Registered User
Just had a look through some early impressions in the PES 2014 thread, for reference. A lot of good comments including the old "The king is back" nonsense. :hmm:

So for those who are enjoying the 2015 demo so far, I would advise caution. ;)

I agree. I didn't find the pes 2014 demo too bad because you're thinking ''ok this is just a rough copy of the game, so when the full game comes out, all the problems should be fixed''. How wrong were we??. The pes 15 demo seems alot better than last year, but only god knows what we'll have in the end. The pes 15 demo is actually better than the pes 14 be afraid! :eek:hmy:

I can confirm the Goalkeepers saves to shots on target ratio is shocking...

I'll know more tonight after a few 1v1 games, but one isn't pleased...

The AI keeper makes great saves, my keeper doesn't save shit!
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Registered User
My two bob worth.

Playing on PS4: like being able to record games in fact I might chuck a compilation together later of some goals nice plays ect as i have a ton of games with nearly every team used at least once.

Graphics: Really like the look of the players and in particular the way some of them move, I appreciate that the more well known players in the demo (messi robben ronaldo bale pepe ect) are going to be better than more of the lesser famous players in the full game but its great as they seem to have put that tiny extra bit of effort into these small touches which makes it a bit more satisfying to play. Faces are 100 times better than usual some previous pes games were horrific and embarrassing. Lighting seems a bit harsh a wee bit too bright and in the shadows too dark but that is an easy fix surely. would like to see a night game to compare. strips could do with some more texture as they all seem smooth on the cut screens but again this might come later. electronic ad boards are superb I would say better than the fifa 15 ones. pitch looks ok apparently it will weather in the full game but not to fussed to be honest as looks fine just now.

Gameplay: Superb so far, nice pace, responsive and fluid as has been mentioned. passing on full manual is great, at first i used to leave 1 bar on in case it was too sensitive but to me it seems fine and even at one bar at times it would go to another player in my team if he was close to the player i was trying to pick out. Lobbed pass (O button) is pretty satisfying a few times went across field and players have went outside of the boot ect. Not too keen on advanced through ball too easy to over hit it or under hit it. full manual shooting is excellent no complaints there. R2 shot is a thing of beauty if executed right.

Keepers:not had too much bother with the keepers once or twice keeper palms it to attacker which is annoying but not had that many that its made me rage.

Cant think of anything else at the minute.

Finally the crash issue, I had it once I hit record on the loading match screen and it froze a few second later had to turn ps4 off at the mains, now i only start recording at kick off seems to have solved that as not had it again since.

overall it has its flaws but no different to the likes of fifa demo at the minute.


It is happening again
[MENTION=89195]tremolo arm[/MENTION] - with regards to the linear trajectory, it's been like that for years, it pisses me off. We shouldn't have to do some daft move called "super cancel" to stop it.

Rat Monkey

Registered User
So, the Xbox 360 version is not available until its released in the US on the 23rd. What the fuck is up with that? Bunch of cocksuckers the lot of ye. I'll have to wait to get it on Tuesday with a sneaky VPN connection. If only it was as easy as just creating an account for the region you want it from.


Registered User

I read somewhere that we will NOT be able to use option files to update all the missing ones on next gen consoles(Xbone/PS4)

Is this true? If it is, then I'm sorry but sticking with FIFA.

I truly do enjoy the gameplay of PES in the PS4 but it doesn't look next gen at all. The menus are weird as well. It's a good thing It comes out in November giving us plenty of time to think about it.

Not convinced yet.


Registered User
[MENTION=89195]tremolo arm[/MENTION] - with regards to the linear trajectory, it's been like that for years, it pisses me off. We shouldn't have to do some daft move called "super cancel" to stop it.


Also I feel keepers are too slow getting off the floor after a dive. And does anyone feel that player switching is weird? When defending it's frustrating that it changes to someone far away from the action but that isn't my main concern. What frustrates me is when I cross the ball and it's going far post but it changes to my near post player who misses it only for my far post player in acres of space not to attack it. Also when it does go to the right player they usually head it wide when it's easier to score.

However I take back what I said on retrospective punishment. Since then some fouls that were played on for advantage were given bookings. I actually think this is better than fifa where half the game goes by and the ref remembers to book the guy


Registered User
I agree with most comments, especially the keepers being slow. But having said that, they are ok.

Really happy with the game this year. I feel like its the most fun ive had since PES 6 with friends. While not perfect, I do really like it. A lot of of polarizing comments on here. I think its fun, no deal breakers this year for me like last year. Well done Konami for turning it round! Its not perfect but its a huge step in the right direction. Hope they can carry it on now.

The thing I hate about the game most is the free kick dots, hope there is a universal setting to set them off but I doubt it. Its almost like they have forgotten who they are with that one?! I know it can be turned off on the fly, but I just dont want it, and dont want others to have it. PES is about perfecting your game through practice, the dots remind me of the old FIFA arrows. Thanks, but no thanks!!!!!


It is happening again
Just played a few more games. A few points:

- Controlled shooting (R2 on PS4/3) is a bit crap IMO.
- Lobbed through balls seem to be hit with too much power, even if you just tap the button.
- Despite playing on Superstar difficulty, I never truly felt under the cosh from the opposition.

CBC x Dan

Registered User
I think the demo is very poor in places I dunno about the ps4 version but on the xbox one the keepers are really slow to dive to the ball often in conceding soft goals and some of the top players faces look awesome tho some look cartoony.

The pitch looks washed out it's not a true green colour also the crowd looks very poor tbh the game on the Xbox one definitely looks like an xbox 360 or PS3 version which is very disappointing for a next gen console game.

The people saying PES is back to it's best I can't agree with you having played PES for years when PES 5 was out it was quality in every department at the time of it's release this PES 2015 demo has great potential but will they solve these issues in time for the release?

In fact it's fair to say the game could be like 2008 which was a disgrace as the demo has been delayed in Europe it looks rather unfinished and since the actual game is not out till November the 13th 6 weeks after Fifa you cannot help worry they are having major issues with the game.


Registered User
I think the demo is very poor in places I dunno about the ps4 version but on the xbox one the keepers are really slow to dive to the ball often in conceding soft goals and some of the top players faces look awesome tho some look cartoony.

The pitch looks washed out it's not a true green colour also the crowd looks very poor tbh the game on the Xbox one definitely looks like an xbox 360 or PS3 version which is very disappointing for a next gen console game.

The people saying PES is back to it's best I can't agree with you having played PES for years when PES 5 was out it was quality in every department at the time of it's release this PES 2015 demo has great potential but will they solve these issues in time for the release?

In fact it's fair to say the game could be like 2008 which was a disgrace as the demo has been delayed in Europe it looks rather unfinished and since the actual game is not out till November the 13th 6 weeks after Fifa you cannot help worry they are having major issues with the game.

i guess you played a different game. This is better than ANY PES on PS3 by miles, the feeling that was lost after PS2 generation is back, fuck a washed out looking pitch the gameplay is fantastic.


Registered User
Is it perfect? By no means.

But it's by far the most enjoyable pes I've played since pes 6. For me personally it finally has that "one more game" feeling we all loved so much. I was bored with the Fifa 15 demo in the very first just feels like the same game. Whilst pes 15 feels responsive and tight. You feel as if your in control as in fifa I don't feel in control.

It's one hell of an improvement and definitely something to build on in the future. I'm having a blast and there is nothing at this stage that I need to be changed. If the final game plays like this I'll be very happy.

That's the problem though, in the past pes versions have deteriorated a lot from demo to final version. Please Konami don't cock this up.


Registered User
I played a few matches from the demo and so far without any doubt Pes is starting to get IT back in my eyes, however if they fix some problems and re balance it a little, it could very well compete with Pes5/6 for the crown as the best Pes.

What I liked:
- Passing
- Dribbling
- Responsiveness
- Player Individuality
- Team individuality (surprised me alot tbh)
- AI (the way it plays the ball backwards and try to contain you and the changes in the AI behaviour depending on the situation and the team the AI is controlling is quite fascinating)
- Defending (it has a good feel when you defend your goal as it's not easy to defend)
- Overall shooting is a joy

What can be improved to make the game better
- Overall attack-defence balancing (I think the attacking is favoured by the game more.) I can't believe I am about to say it, but at this stage, for balancing reasons I think that they need to make the tackling radius larger (the normal tackle, not sliding tackle). That way both you and the AI can play the pressure game more effectively and it will also get rid of empty spaces in the pitch.

- AI to pressure more in the midfiled. This coupled with "easier" standing tackles would make the game feel alot more balanced and it will reduce unwanted empty spaces even more. By empty spaces I mean empty space for you to run that is not covered by an opposition player.

- Shots to be more difficult. Though I think this will fix itself once the defending opposition gets a slight buff like I explained above.

- Refs. Although a big improvement, it needs work because he books way too much and the AI doesn't foul you enough.

- Goalkeepers saving shots that go into the attacker's head/ feat. THIS IS ANNOYING. I can see it happening once or twice, but it happens way too much in my opinion.

That's all. I guess what I want is basically a slight tweak here and there which will make a big difference. The base is there however.

Oh and BTW, the graphics are not really great BUT both Fifa and Pes have bad graphics. Pes has a lighting problem, but fifa has a problem with player models (I've seen it, though I haven't played fifa 15 demo yet).

Now, after some more time with Pes 15, I'll try the Fifa demo and see how that goes.
