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PES 2015 Demo Discussion


Registered User
I stoppped playing Pro when it made the move from PS2 to PS3 because the gameplay became everything that it wasn't on PS2. By each passing year it got further and further away from what it used to be until the FIFA became a better game, and no I still didn't buy FIFA.

Factoring what everyone has discussed and not having played the fixed Pro 2014, for me 2015 is the first step in the right direction to where Pro once was. From the various reports I have read that the looks etc are not a million miles from PS3 so maybe there is still work to do in terms of making it a true PS4 game in terms of polish, looks etc.

However, it was gameplay that made Pro great, for me graphics, looks etc are very much secondary when it comes to discussing pro. The gameplay is where the substance of this game used to be. Some of that magic, for me, is coming back.

There is still work to do but I might just go out and buy 2015 in the hope and anticipation that next year we will see a great Pro Evo fully utilising the capability of the fox engine and PS4 to take its place alongside some of best Pro Evo from the PS1 and PS2 era.


Registered User
Having played the EU/US demo, well as soon as i started playing actually i could tell it was not as good as the hong kong demo, everything is still there but the game has been watered down, i had no feeling of 1 more match, 1 more match whilst playing this demo, if this is how the final game releases what would of been a daily obsession will be nothing more than a slightly improved take it or leave it football game. of course this only me and my opinion but this is coming from somebody that has been playing these games since 96 with goal storm,

man it's the same demo. stop spreading all your nonsense in this topic we get it you don't want to give pes a chance anymore.


Registered User
i brought all the pes on this gen apart from pes 14.
hated pes 14 demo

anyway i played 3 games on the pes 15 demo

the players feel more responsive . the ball has more weight to it when crossing.
plus the goals i let in i felt was down to me and not the scripting.

i think it was pes 12 where i got 4 free kicks against me in the first half and all of them went in lol

anyway it looks like ill be buying pes 15
no matter how good fifa presntation is i find the gameplay so boring


It is happening again
Played the demo a bit more yesterday. Started to notice a little more scripting, but certainly not the extent of previous years. Did manage to score a peach of a curler with Isco though.

El Niche

Registered User
I think the game is quite enjoyable, there are obvious things that need to get fixed (hopefully), but I have been having enjoyable games. A few notes:

-Keepers arent as bad as last year, but their movemnts arent so natural, also, they always punch ball to middle of the box instead to somewhere else less dangerous

- stamina, I dont know if im running my guys too hard, but come on, they are professional athletes, they are all gassed out by 60min, while the AI players have more than half stamina left.

- ive scored a bunch of goals from outside the box, i hope shooting ios not so overpowered and mostly due to playing with good teams.

- dont play against A. Madrid, I almost broke my controller trying to steal the ball from them as for 5 min they just passed between defenders.

game is enjoyable, hope konami can improve... bc i know they will fix something for final release but will break something else.


Registered User
This year's pes gameplay ruled I really like version for PS3
PS: Atletico players keeps the ball.

Yea mate, and at least the minor problems can actually be fixed, because the game isn't broken. They have done what I wanted and brought out a better game than FIFa and that's two months before release lol. Can't wait to try the full release with the crowd interaction and commentary put back in, along with all the new features. I really do believe this is PES's year after taking the time to play the demo and now full release of FIFa round my nephews house. And the better income should only help the developers produce an even better game next time round. Last time Konami saw blood, they created the ps2 franchise and we all know how that went. There was only going to be so far FIFa could go by stealing 2 of PES's main players, and I think they have reached their peak. I do stress though, you are never going to get a PES6 again, simply because we are now spoilt with new tech and player and ball physics. Thought I'd play PES6 the other day for a laugh, and as much as I was obsessed with the game back in them days, It is really limited and running around a whole team with Rommedahl don't quite cut it any more, so after four games, decided to put it back in it's box and leave it as memories, because that's what it is, a master for it's time, but for now, it's time to get used to the new style games and to simply appreciate what we got.


Registered User
i played one game then deleted the demo.
forced myself to finish the game, just like last year. i always end up disappointed year after year, i don't know why i'm always expecting improvement :no:

Lörd TH

Registered User
Really enjoying the demo, just worried about the option file thing. I can see them losing lots of sales if option files aren't available for current gen.


Registered User
Hey chaps, just been playing the demo today and I am seriously over the moon with it. I gave up on buying PES after playing PES2013 & 14 demos.

FIFA15 demo is atrocious at best, from the ball kicking sound to the cartoony and wierd player models that really and simply offend my eyes and I was completely bored after 2 games and deleted.

PES2015 demo has got me more excited than ever before. Play is slick and has mountains of character, that after 10 games I'm still massively entertained. I'm consciously going to not try and play too much and hammer it once released.

Is the corner and free-kick system new in this or have I simply missed the introduction of it in previous years?


Registered User
Hey chaps, just been playing the demo today and I am seriously over the moon with it. I gave up on buying PES after playing PES2013 & 14 demos.

FIFA15 demo is atrocious at best, from the ball kicking sound to the cartoony and wierd player models that really and simply offend my eyes and I was completely bored after 2 games and deleted.

PES2015 demo has got me more excited than ever before. Play is slick and has mountains of character, that after 10 games I'm still massively entertained. I'm consciously going to not try and play too much and hammer it once released.

Is the corner and free-kick system new in this or have I simply missed the introduction of it in previous years?
Welcome back sir :happy:
Yes the free kick changed in pes 2014 and corners in pes 2013.


Registered User
i played one game then deleted the demo.
forced myself to finish the game, just like last year. i always end up disappointed year after year, i don't know why i'm always expecting improvement :no:

i feel sorry for you, maybe you should visit a doctor real soon. i must leave the pc now, will play the best footbal game since PES6 named PES2015 :wub:


Registered User
To anyone getting annoyed at atleti passing it around the defence, just play a high line and change your pressing to front line, etc then the cracks start to appear

Also saying the game is useless after a few play throughs is in itself useless. At least present things you hate about it and make it constructive.


Registered User
Hey Guys, I've done the registration here right now to tell you my opinion after playing ~ 30 games in PES 15 DEMO.

The last time I played PES was in 2010 - after this game I changed to FIFA - because all my friends played the game on console - and I bought my first console (before I played PES on PC) to join them online ... I've tried every year the Demo, but after one game I stopped playing because it really wasn't fun at all.

FIFA had no rivarly game, in December 13 i bought the PS4 - played FIFA 14 ... well it was great compared to FIFA 13 on PS3 and I was really sad there was no PES14 for PS4 (at least to try the Demo once again)

But this year is the BIG change ... played 2 games of FIFA 15 Demo and got pissed off ... same "shit" as the year before - they just included tons of stadiums and a pretty good athmosphere - the rest is crap compared to PES 15!

The game is brilliant ... Even playing against the "computer" makes so much fun and I don't get bored at all. Yesterday I invited 5 friends, and we played a little Demo-tournament ... all of us were amazed ... we scored a lot of goals (one goal nicer than the other) and had a lot of fun (Thank you KONAMI)

I also tried (will not buy it) the final game of FIFA 15 - but it's the same shit as the DEMO :)

Just some points which would make the game even more perfect.

- Athmosphere (please turn on the volume of the fans when they're singing... but ok, maybe this will be done in the final game ...)

- Goalkeepers (they are quite ok, the movements could be a bit better - but what I really don't like [maybe because I play as a goalkepper since 15 years myself] ... the jumping ... they fall like a bag of rice ... there is no dynamic behind the movements. And the 2nd problem I have ... they allways stick on the line on 1 vs 1 or during shots. A goalkeeper never fly directly on the line ... they are allways a little bit outside the goalline (1-4 meters, depending on the situation)

- Shooting ... I think it's too easy and the shots are too hard.
90% of the shots are hitting the goal and if you shoot really hard, you have the feeling the ball flys with 200km/h .. please Konami fix this :)

- Passing ... is allmost perfect, I turned the assisted form 3 to 1 down, so now I have a much better control as I had with the default settings.

- Set-pieces ... Corners are very realistic, much better than in FIFA, goal-kicks and throw ins are also very good, you are able to control the player you want :)
Freekicks are also very realistic (but please turn off the help-line when we play online in the finale-game)
What I really don't like are penalties .. first of all the refs never show on the point - there is no animation, and also the shooting and saving is crap (here fifa is much better) ... I'm sure Konami won't fix this in 1 month but maybe for PES 16

- Referees - there is a problem with the advantage ... they sometimes forget to give me the yellow card ... and the advantage is much too short ...
for example I don't get the freekick because another player of my team has the ball, then after one second the pass went to the opponent, and I lost already my advantage -.- - please fix this

and of course the yellow cards ... every tackel is a yellow card ... this is far too overpowered. Hopefully this will be fixed until the final release.

The rest is quite ok ... and I really enjoy the Demo (will be a long time till 13th November) but a big THANKS to KONAMI

Sorry for my "bad" english - hope you've understood everything.


New Member
2 short questions:
how can i push my opponent away on Air Balls?
how can i move the body of my player between ball and opponent?

thanks in advance and sorry for my bad english.


Registered User
At the moment you can copy save files on the PS4, but you can't copy images on either. So a option file is possible for PS4, but it wouldn't have images for the kits/emblems.

If that's the case, then there's no point for me to get PES this year. Sucks because I feel like this is the 1st year in a long time where PES might actually be the better overall game than FIFA.

Pes Gameplay is much more realistic than Fifa's. Fifa 15 on PS4 feels very arcady, clunky and clumsy. I can't believe a big selling point of theirs was " Next gen GKs"... so much for that... they are AWFUL. Terrible positioning and weird bounces everywhere.

FUT/Seasons is broken. Both have tons of bugs and exploits.

This is coming from someone who plays Div 3 and has a winning record online but the thing that gets me is that this isn't football at all... Fifa is NOT a footy simulation at all.

If only Konami would get their **** together then they could crush EA.
