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PES Editor 2008


Registered User
Is there anyway to transfer individual teams from one option file to another? Using this one i can only transfer all teams from one to the other, but i was hoping to combine some option files somehow.

Any help would be appreciated.


Registered User
Hi guys, are theres any tutorial how to make own patch pes 2008 ?

im begginer, but i really want to try make own patching.



New Member
hey anyone know an editor that will let me import a whole new team onto an OF for ps2?
i'm tryin to update my OF to include hull, stoke and west brom.


Registered User
There are editors for the PC versions of the option files.

One of them is this :

However, all these editors are for the European option files. For the US files, you need PES Editor 2008 US.

And no, there is NO way to convert PES 5 files to 2008 or to convert European to US files.

Also, you need to have java run time environent 1.5 or better to run this PES editor. You can download it at


Registered User
Is there anyway to replace one team with another using two Option Files? I know you can import all the teams but is there a way to just replace one team with another? thanks.



Registered User
Hi guys... thx for posting... but I need urgently to know how to edit a PES2008 PS3 OP file to be read on WE2008 PS3.

Is there any way with some editor? Do you know which one?

