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PES2008 Edit Mode "Drastically Reduced"


Registered User
hows bootlegging the right way to go?you take funds away from konami they have less to develop the next installment,

and generally PES has always been arcady thats why most like it,its easy to pick up and play,unlike the slow perhaps more realistic but definently alot more boring FIFA so quit whinging god dam

I have purchased ProEv every year for 6 years...sometimes buying two copies...(one for PC, one for PS2)

Despite 'Next Gen' PES being far from a great leap from PES6 (PC, PS2), I was fully planning on forking out for the PC version....However, in addition to all the same gameplay limitations and AI flaws that have been driving people mental for the past few years, in PES2008, THEY HAVE ONLY GONE AND BROKE THE SHOOTING PHYSICS.....THESE DAYS< RAISING THE BALL 2 FEET OF THE GROUND WHEN SHOOTING IS NO MEAN FEAT!!!!

Why have the broke something that wasn't needing fixed??? Is it to add another 'flaw' to what they seem to think is a 'perfect' football game so that ardent fans of the series will have something to shout with joy about when it is fixed in the next game??? This may sound a bit silly but I have been playing the game for years and this put something in, take it away, put it back in approach is a feature of the entire series.

Nope, fuck them, if they are gonna piss about and break something as important as the shooting then they aint getting my cash. UNLESS this crucial feature of the game is FIXED, I will be going BOOTLEG and I would urge everyone else to do the same.

P.S. Dont knock FIFA on social circles consist heavily of PESfanboys but everyone including myself is rather impressed so far by FIFA2008 on Xbox..........The same cant be said for PES2008

Stella Artois

Registered User
Good post.

I agree with you about a lot of what you have said, but to me the minor details are irrelevant so long as the game is up to standard - which it hasn't been of late.

As I'm sure you'll agree, you'd sacrifice the sounds for a better quality game of football, but Konami have yet to really improve anything at all with their last few releases.

I haven't played the demo as I don't own either an Xbox or a PES3 and I'm at Uni so wouldn't be able to connect them anyway.

Suffice to say we're not going to get a perfect game, but I'd rather that than a brilliant editing mode.

Konami need to step it up, but perhaps people should spend more time moaning about the game play, before worrying about who should be wearing which boots.


Mr Lover Man
I can't believe some of you.

I play the game as I enjoy playing football games against my mates over a few beers. I couldn't give a fuck if Fabregas is wearing Nike boots when it should be Addidas'.

I don't see why any of you do either.

When I was 15 it mattered but, like yourself, now I couldn't give a flying fuck.

It be nice if pro went back to being more underground like it once was. Everyone moans about it these days.


Registered User
Suffice to say we're not going to get a perfect game, but I'd rather that than a brilliant editing mode.

Agreed....But why vastly improve the editing options in one game....only to take them away again in the following release........the editing is not something that I would really ever use but i know some guys that fucking love all that and will spend hours creating the SPL from scratch........not catering to such people with something so simple to implement in the game is a big dirty Arrogant twos up from Seabass to fans of the series as far as I am concerned?

Its like the games that prison screws play with inmates to keep them on thier toes and eating out their hands..... Now u have it, Now u dont.


The kit editing mode was a fantastic mode and was missed from PES6, but I got over it pretty quickly. I would prefer if PES2008 did have a full editing mode like in PES5, but 12 kits and 9 boots is fine by me, as long as you can change colours of the kits, which I'm sure you can. Of course gameplay comes first, but it is frustrating when you've been given a great feature, then it gets taken away without explanation. It's (exactly) like third world countries being given aid then it being taken away.


Mr Lover Man
The kit editing mode was a fantastic mode and was missed from PES6, but I got over it pretty quickly. I would prefer if PES2008 did have a full editing mode like in PES5, but 12 kits and 9 boots is fine by me, as long as you can change colours of the kits, which I'm sure you can. Of course gameplay comes first, but it is frustrating when you've been given a great feature, then it gets taken away without explanation. It's (exactly) like third world countries being given aids then it being taken away.

I'm sure they've still got it.



I'm sure I've still got AIDS.




Registered User
and generally PES has always been arcady thats why most like it,its easy to pick up and play,unlike the slow perhaps more realistic but definently alot more boring FIFA so quit whinging god dam

PES arcadish? FIFA more realistic? I'm at a loss for words. You must be waay younger than me. Ever played FIFA 99 or 2000? Just think that those games were around at the same time as PES 2, and even PES 3. You can see there was NO comparison there, really, PES was more FAR more realistic.

Yet it's interesting that you say what you say, because we, as loyal, hardcore players of PES since the PS1 days may have lost a bit of perspective on how our game has devolved (or rather, just "stayed there"). Looking at next-gen FIFA 08, I can understand why a newcomer or recent player would deem FIFA the simulation and PES the arcade, one-week entertainment. Truly sad, and we owe it to Seabass. The man who made it, broke it.


Ibrox Veteran
I can't believe some of you.

I play the game as I enjoy playing football games against my mates over a few beers. I couldn't give a fuck if Fabregas is wearing Nike boots when it should be Addidas'.

I don't see why any of you do either.

Look, you are missing the point completly! :erm:

The original question was why it has been reduced. I'm not too fussed with editing, christ I only used a max drive for the first time last year. You would think that it would be increased with the size of the PS3 and X-Box 360!

Understand now!....It might be completly irrelevant for you cause "you don't give a fuck about Ronaldo's hair or Fabregas boots" but it's certainaly a question that some people would want answered!


Registered User
iam gettin sick of PES and its non improvements

the master league has been the same for 4 years FFS. and now they dont even have a proper edit mode :S so as years go by the features get less or they just stay the same?

and the gameplay on PS2 is better then the 360 version(but the 360 does have better AI)

the gameplay might be great but THATS IT, there is nothing else that is great about it ANYMORE.

lazy developers imo


I think the Master League has been improved a lot this time round (from what I've seen). Maybe that's one of the reasons the edit modes aren't up to scratch? I think the most annoying thing is that there doesn't seem to be an official statement saying why this is, instead of everyone guessing.

Jake Small

Registered User
Nope, fuck them, if they are gonna piss about and break something as important as the shooting then they aint getting my cash. UNLESS this crucial feature of the game is FIXED, I will be going BOOTLEG and I would urge everyone else to do the same.

Wait for the full game. First of all, this is very likely a result of some kind of lack of understanding of mechanics on your part that will be explained to you in the full game tutorial or instruction manual.

There is a small chance that it is a demo flaw that will be tidied for the full version.

There is an incredibly miniscule chance that the Pro Evo team has actually "broken" the shooting mechanics this time around.

Maybe freaking out is fun though?

Jake Small

Registered User
I can understand why a newcomer or recent player would deem FIFA the simulation and PES the arcade, one-week entertainment. Truly sad, and we owe it to Seabass. The man who made it, broke it.

Seriously, what the hell are you talking about? How is PES arcadey at all? How is it broken? Can you explain or are you just another complainer, upset because he has to learn another version?


Registered User
PES arcadish? FIFA more realistic? I'm at a loss for words. You must be waay younger than me. Ever played FIFA 99 or 2000? Just think that those games were around at the same time as PES 2, and even PES 3. You can see there was NO comparison there, really, PES was more FAR more realistic.

Yet it's interesting that you say what you say, because we, as loyal, hardcore players of PES since the PS1 days may have lost a bit of perspective on how our game has devolved (or rather, just "stayed there"). Looking at next-gen FIFA 08, I can understand why a newcomer or recent player would deem FIFA the simulation and PES the arcade, one-week entertainment. Truly sad, and we owe it to Seabass. The man who made it, broke it.

wtf are you babbling about, "we as loyal hardcore players" youve got like 15 posts ive been on here for a while and playing PES for a while,not that how many posts determines how long youve been playing this game for but i could easily start an account on a halo site and start sayinghow im a veteran and im ace at all the games wheras ive never played them,anyways a bit off point.

but your telling me football is played as fast as PES?or closer to the pace of FIFA?and fuck Fifa 99 or whatever you mentioned thats not what were discussing,football is played at a slow pace in generall with bursts of spead,how often do you pass backwards to defenders and keepers on PES?personally never,they do it all time in football,slow build it working the ball,thats what you gotta do on FIFA but its boring,PES is more direct.i couldnt ever imagine seeing FIFA in an arcade but PES i could.infact i remember some time ago on the front page of this site there was news of a pub machine of PES hitting the streets.anyways ive babbled on a bit,sorry just annoyed me a little


Do any of you people think that PES 2008 will have a signifcantly reduced editting mode on the PS2? It won't. Next-gen consoles have never had an extensive edit mode, so they're not technically 'taking it away', when you make advancements in graphics, animation and physics it becomes significantly more difficult to develop an easy to use editor for such graphics.

Give it time, the editting features will return as the next-gen games bed-down on the new systems.

but your telling me football is played as fast as PES?or closer to the pace of FIFA?and fuck Fifa 99 or whatever you mentioned thats not what were discussing,football is played at a slow pace in generall with bursts of spead,how often do you pass backwards to defenders and keepers on PES?personally never,they do it all time in football,slow build it working the ball,thats what you gotta do on FIFA but its boring,PES is more direct.i couldnt ever imagine seeing FIFA in an arcade but PES i could.infact i remember some time ago on the front page of this site there was news of a pub machine of PES hitting the streets.anyways ive babbled on a bit,sorry just annoyed me a little

Against the AI there's very little need to do so as it's rather poor and easy to beat even on the highest setting. Were you to be playing a highly skilled player you'd be struggling to keep possession playing as you would against the AI, and I guarantee you'd be passing it back to your back four and your keeper.


Registered User
Wait for the full game. First of all, this is very likely a result of some kind of lack of understanding of mechanics on your part that will be explained to you in the full game tutorial or instruction manual.

There is a small chance that it is a demo flaw that will be tidied for the full version.

There is an incredibly miniscule chance that the Pro Evo team has actually "broken" the shooting mechanics this time around.

Maybe freaking out is fun though?

I have been playing ProEv since day one and familiar with Konami's habit of adding features and then taking them away again (Remember the throw ins in PES3.....weren't they a huge improvement over every throw in systme since.......SO WHERE ARE THEY??).

Yes, I have figured out that by pulling back on D-pad after power bar is raised does lift the shot of the ground a bit but at the same time causes the strike to lose power....

In all the ProEv demos i have played, I dont remember one where the gameplay was much different fro the final version...

Have they really fucked up the shooting in PES2008 making everyone play FIFA or wait another year till they fix it again???

All will be revelealed in 3 weeks time.


I think the game is going to turn out to be great (on the 360, it seem the PS3 version is going to be weaker), and people will be raving about it again, but again saying it's not as good as PES4/5.


Registered User
Seriously, what the hell are you talking about? How is PES arcadey at all? How is it broken? Can you explain or are you just another complainer, upset because he has to learn another version?

If u play FIFA on 360.....

And Any version of PES2008

You will be left in no doubt about which is the Arcade game and which is the simulation....

Their are a lot of great Elements in Next Gen FIFA 08....player movement, the complexity of the outfield play...the fact that the only way to get forward is by playing a pressing team game where Lo and behold, continious short passes to feet (PES style) are most unlikely to provide any great openings....No, in FIFA u gotta work your game and know what....IT FEELS REALISTIC AND IT FEELS GOOD.

Of course, having said all that, PES2008 in my opinion is still the better game.......but perhaps when I get a chance to play more FIFA my attitudes may yet change.


Registered User
fink ye, as long as the kits are the rite colours, an the boots are gd enuff, hu cares, u dnt play betta bcoz the kit is perfect, but still it wud be nice :D

Jake Small

Registered User
I have been playing ProEv since day one and familiar with Konami's habit of adding features and then taking them away again (Remember the throw ins in PES3.....weren't they a huge improvement over every throw in systme since.......SO WHERE ARE THEY??).

Yes I agree with this. This is a feature of ALL game design though and it's not going away.

You seem to have a good handle on your perspective. Every year though these boards are inundated with whining about how horribly bad the new version of PES is, and it's usually because people cannot adapt their style of play.

From playing many releases of PES extensively with friends, I know that the initial perceptions of the versions are often shallow, and the new versions take a lot of getting used to, and always seem like vast improvements in the long run (gameplay wise).

Like you say I think we'll just have to wait and see on the shooting mechanic.
