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hows bootlegging the right way to go?you take funds away from konami they have less to develop the next installment,
and generally PES has always been arcady thats why most like it,its easy to pick up and play,unlike the slow perhaps more realistic but definently alot more boring FIFA so quit whinging god dam
I have purchased ProEv every year for 6 years...sometimes buying two copies...(one for PC, one for PS2)
Despite 'Next Gen' PES being far from a great leap from PES6 (PC, PS2), I was fully planning on forking out for the PC version....However, in addition to all the same gameplay limitations and AI flaws that have been driving people mental for the past few years, in PES2008, THEY HAVE ONLY GONE AND BROKE THE SHOOTING PHYSICS.....THESE DAYS< RAISING THE BALL 2 FEET OF THE GROUND WHEN SHOOTING IS NO MEAN FEAT!!!!
Why have the broke something that wasn't needing fixed??? Is it to add another 'flaw' to what they seem to think is a 'perfect' football game so that ardent fans of the series will have something to shout with joy about when it is fixed in the next game??? This may sound a bit silly but I have been playing the game for years and this put something in, take it away, put it back in approach is a feature of the entire series.
Nope, fuck them, if they are gonna piss about and break something as important as the shooting then they aint getting my cash. UNLESS this crucial feature of the game is FIXED, I will be going BOOTLEG and I would urge everyone else to do the same.
P.S. Dont knock FIFA on social circles consist heavily of PESfanboys but everyone including myself is rather impressed so far by FIFA2008 on Xbox..........The same cant be said for PES2008