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PES2010- How many penalty did you get so far


Registered User
I have been playing PES2010 since its release. Until today, I have not witnessed a single penalty. Just wonder whether you guys are facing the same problem. Is there a patch somewhere?


Registered User
none, yet whilst in the penalty area my man has gone down more times than hugh heffner.

not just in the area tho, i've been denied some blatant free kicks too, and also, against city someone shot from outside the area and the ball took a deflection to adebayor (miles offside) and he tapped it in and the goal stood. i thought if he was classed as offside when the initial shot was taken he would still be offside for the deflection.


Registered User
nevermind penalties, you rarely even get free kicks when the computer takes you down from behind


Registered User
I've conceded 1 penalty and been awarded 2 in 170 games played. Absolutely ridiculous. Also, the ref will award the AI opponents a free kick if my defender stares at them for too long, but their defenders can rape and murder my players and the ref says "play on".

There are a lot of things that I love about this game, but the blatant handicapping in favor of the AI is really starting to grate on me, especially in ML.


Registered User
I've conceded 1 penalty and been awarded 2 in 170 games played. Absolutely ridiculous. Also, the ref will award the AI opponents a free kick if my defender stares at them for too long, but their defenders can rape and murder my players and the ref says "play on".

There are a lot of things that I love about this game, but the blatant handicapping in favor of the AI is really starting to grate on me, especially in ML.


Registered User
to be honest i'm afraid of being awarded a penalty, no matter how many times i try i can't get the hang of this penalty system and am sure if i get one in a vital game i'll just blaze it wide and if i get to penalties in the cup final i'll lose 3-0. i cant confidently say i'll even be able to put it down the middle either.


Registered User
Ive had a few like about 4 but apprently in the update people were getting more pens but i havent had any since like the 1st month of pes and have been denied counltess times its getting quite ridicious now.


Registered User
Yes, something is awfully wrong somewhere. Yesterday the whole night I tried to take down my opponent(CPU) in the penalty box and guess what happened. To tell you the truth it not easy to take down an opponent unlike in previous edition especially at the Top player level. After several tries I managed to send an opposing striker crashing to the ground, maybe he has lost a few teeth I don't know and guess what the ref ask me to cool down thats all. OMG. What is happening to this beautiful game. I love this game except for this shortcoming. In PES2009 there were too many penalties but for PES2010 a rare commodity. Heck.


Registered User
i have take 2-3 penaltys but i haven't score yet(i can't score with penalty on training or on any match .. :p)


Registered User
I think I know why the penalties aren't awarded easily. The com sucks at taking them. I managed to get to a penalty shootout in the BAL mode. I was substituted as always and watched the com controlled players miss 4 of the first 5 pk's and even saw the com getting a goal awarded that was saved. I don't have any online updates yet.


Registered User

Not given away any in maybe 20-30 hours of play, got given one, and scored.

The refs have definitely been fudged to make up for dodgy programming.
In PES 09, dribble towards goal, defender just reaches you (as defender sprint >= attacker dribble) defender on inside of you/closer to goal, fake shot + turn away from goal = guaranteed penalty from clumsy awkward challenge. Nothing the defender/CPU can do.

In PES 10, try that same nonsense, the defender will prob not go to ground, and will then rob you of the ball with a standing challenge. Or a half-decent defender will go to ground, and because he has fairly high defence stats, he will magically never concede a penalty.

I quite like it though. It means I'm no longer afraid of making covering challenges in the box. Just make sure you're clear of anyone blocking your "route to man" though.
That's how I got my pen - defender tried to challenge the shooter but took out the supporting attacker (Top Player CPU lol)

To score pens, the higher the shot/freekick accuracy, the more accurate the shot is.
The higher the shot power, the less likely it is the keeper can keep it out.

A short tap of shoot will place it down the middle, inaccurate shooters will see the shot waver around that perfect centre.

In the step or 3 before the taker connects with the ball, the longer you hold down a direction, the more likely the taker will try something ambitious like placing it in the top corner and messing up.

That said, a short, confident press of shoot, and then medium length confident direction push with a decent striker of the ball will result in some nice penalties right in the corners.


Registered User
Just make sure you're clear of anyone blocking your "route to man" though.
That's how I got my pen - defender tried to challenge the shooter but took out the supporting attacker

Lucky lucky man, I've seen that dozen times and was not given penalty.
