again I thought KONAMI switch to Mirosoft server hosting . Manz ! Another registration just like PES 09,
I just can';t wait to get my game and test online in USA .
Do I have to put my ROUTER Internet I.P or which I.P ? KONAMI PES 2010 I.P ?
I have D-LINK 524 . PLease help .
Someone told me just pur ur internet router I.P which is the main my router internet IP
Ok ,Anyone know when exactly we can play Online for PES 2010 .
On Friday the release date, if anyone can get into online please take screenshot of each step by step the process of how did u go online with PES 2010.
I want to see your experience , I will do that on Friady If I get my game , but I live in USA so I will the the game next week .
UK PLAYERS please do that , could u ? thank youso much for this .