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PES2020 edit mode with PES2021 Season Update


Registered User
Do we think we’ll able to use our PES2020 edit data with the 2021 season update?

For example can we export our created teams and import them again after the update?

Or will the PES2020 TED. files be unusable with the PES2021 season update?

I hope we don’t have to start from scratch for a change!


Registered User
As you say, Vinnie, it should be great if we could import pes 2020 teams on 2021 update.
A lot of things could stay : created teams,
managers, stadium names, rivalries, banners for all teams

We should have to change only kits and edit the new promoted teams


Registered User
I’d like think because it’s the same game, just with a DLC on top it will be the same as all the data packs for PES2020 and the TED. files will save as PES2020 files.

fingers crossed for one year of easy editing!

PES Buck

Staff member
GUYS GUYS ..........this is know that because it is a NEW game, the previous year files WILL NOT WORK!!!

I am hoping because PES 21 is base of PES 20, that it would, but afraid it will be like any year game release where it doesn't.

With it being a 25th Anniversary along with not receiving a TRUE new release, instead of alienating and pissing off even more they are already pissing off charging $30 for a Season Update of same game we bought in PES 20 along with the stadium losses and team losses, they should at least make OF's for PES 20 to be able to install on PES 21........the least they could do...........but knowing the way Konami operate, just can't see that. I hope I am eating crow when PES 21 is released.


Registered User
GUYS GUYS ..........this is know that because it is a NEW game, the previous year files WILL NOT WORK!!!

I am hoping because PES 21 is base of PES 20, that it would, but afraid it will be like any year game release where it doesn't.

With it being a 25th Anniversary along with not receiving a TRUE new release, instead of alienating and pissing off even more they are already pissing off charging $30 for a Season Update of same game we bought in PES 20 along with the stadium losses and team losses, they should at least make OF's for PES 20 to be able to install on PES 21........the least they could do...........but knowing the way Konami operate, just can't see that. I hope I am eating crow when PES 21 is released.
I know, I know! And 2020 has been so crap too!! You are probably right mate.

Is anyone able to ask Konami about this? Surely a DLC won’t change the coding for game saves.

But I can see them removing all the boots etc!! Grrrrr

PES Buck

Staff member
Surely a DLC won’t change the coding for game saves.

That is the issue and why I think PES 20 files will not carry over to PES 21. It is not a DLC. It's a NEW game version, based off PES 20. Besides the lost of stadiums and licenses, it is PES 20 with roster updates with a new paint scheme and new name.
