Got one of my computer geek mates to put patch on my modded xbox (was a bit of a mission) not sure what patch it was... however the intro had a load of cool goal clips with madonnas ray of light tune blaring away! the kits, sponsers, stadiums, advertising boards, crowd noises etc... looked superb. There were a few spelling mistakes and errors in the team and player names... but that is easily corrected.
However, the nets were an absolute disgrace!! infact they were so bad it completely ruined all the good work done in the rest of the patch. What moron decided to make bright red and yellow striped nets? looked foul! the blue and the green nets were not much better neither!
The major problem with this patch was the fact that if you started a competition with 2, 3 or 4 players, once you had saved it, turned your xbox off and then on again, reloaded the saved data, you were now only allowed to play 1 player... that stank big time!
Q1. Is there a patch for modded xbox which doesnt have HORRID NETS?
Q2. Why cant I load a saved game started with 2, 3 or 4 players and play with more than 1 player? is this a fault with the patch or something that I am doing wrong?
Q3. MARRISON 89 What do you mean when you say you have to overwrite the files on the patch with the original? what files are these and where do you find them? please be specific as i am a computer simpleton!