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[PES4] All XBox PES4 Patches are here


Morpheus is not a bit torrent program. The bit torrent programs that you can use are listed on that site i just posted so get one of them and then use that to open one of the files you downloaded in the first post.
Please do not turn this into a thread of how to use Bit Torrent. Either read that page properly or open a new thread elsewhere (like in Off-Topic).


Registered User
Its ok i found it busy dloading now at least i think its the right one, over 570 meg rar file if i,m right.
BTW is there a patch that also changes the team names in commentary like man u instead of man red, north london etc ?


Registered User
ok can any 1 help me out here plse, I dloaded dariox files from the torrent file here unrared it and got these files from it

Now I have evox on xbox so I burned the files onto cd I then ripped original copy of pro evo4 onto Hd using dvd2xbox I then put in the cd with above files on it and copied them over in pro evo to replace the original files there.
when I try to run the game from the evox dash it hangs on the evolutionx screen for a moment then just goes back to the main dash screen. Am I doing summit wrong here as I think I have done everything by the letter but it just wont run for me.

any help appreciated.


Registered User
Music is a little bit better in Dario's but the nets in Dario's are really ugly, for the rest I don't see a whole lot a difference (didn't check the shoes).
The crowd makes the same sound on both of the patches as are a lot of other things exactly the same with these 2 patches.... menu's, advertisements in the stadiums, even some songs.
The option file of x-group is more up to date.
Is the Wolf patch also available on the xbox (or is the x-group patch a conversion of the PC Wolf patch?)?
Don't know which one I am gonna use (I think X-group's one but gonna do some more testing), anybody know how the other 2 patches are?


Registered User
Anybody else also notice that the DarioX patch seems to run a little faster than X-Group and the original or is it just me?


Registered User
ive got pro evolution on my hdd and the patches but how do i replace the original files with the patched files?


Registered User
al7afey said:
all the xbox patches for the PES4 is on the attachments :

1- X-groub PES4 patch(1.3)
2- DarioX final PES4 patch
3- PES Kits patch
4- pes4_modpack_v3.exe

all in torrent
sorry for my poor English


i downloaded this last night, haven´t tried it yet though. Thanks for giving a proper torrent to download, the xbox-planet website doesn´t work at all...


Registered User
Got one of my computer geek mates to put patch on my modded xbox (was a bit of a mission) not sure what patch it was... however the intro had a load of cool goal clips with madonnas ray of light tune blaring away! the kits, sponsers, stadiums, advertising boards, crowd noises etc... looked superb. There were a few spelling mistakes and errors in the team and player names... but that is easily corrected.
However, the nets were an absolute disgrace!! infact they were so bad it completely ruined all the good work done in the rest of the patch. What moron decided to make bright red and yellow striped nets? looked foul! the blue and the green nets were not much better neither!
The major problem with this patch was the fact that if you started a competition with 2, 3 or 4 players, once you had saved it, turned your xbox off and then on again, reloaded the saved data, you were now only allowed to play 1 player... that stank big time!

Q1. Is there a patch for modded xbox which doesnt have HORRID NETS?

Q2. Why cant I load a saved game started with 2, 3 or 4 players and play with more than 1 player? is this a fault with the patch or something that I am doing wrong?

Q3. MARRISON 89 What do you mean when you say you have to overwrite the files on the patch with the original? what files are these and where do you find them? please be specific as i am a computer simpleton!


Born to be a Dancer
Got one of my computer geek mates to put patch on my modded xbox (was a bit of a mission) not sure what patch it was... however the intro had a load of cool goal clips with madonnas ray of light tune blaring away! the kits, sponsers, stadiums, advertising boards, crowd noises etc... looked superb. There were a few spelling mistakes and errors in the team and player names... but that is easily corrected.
However, the nets were an absolute disgrace!! infact they were so bad it completely ruined all the good work done in the rest of the patch. What moron decided to make bright red and yellow striped nets? looked foul! the blue and the green nets were not much better neither!
The major problem with this patch was the fact that if you started a competition with 2, 3 or 4 players, once you had saved it, turned your xbox off and then on again, reloaded the saved data, you were now only allowed to play 1 player... that stank big time!

Q1. Is there a patch for modded xbox which doesnt have HORRID NETS?

Q2. Why cant I load a saved game started with 2, 3 or 4 players and play with more than 1 player? is this a fault with the patch or something that I am doing wrong?

Q3. MARRISON 89 What do you mean when you say you have to overwrite the files on the patch with the original? what files are these and where do you find them? please be specific as i am a computer simpleton!

Question 1: I'm sure there is enough information on these sites to change the net's yourself.

Question 2: Don't Know.

Question 3: I mean that the patch are files, and for them to work, you have to put them inplace of the original files.
