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[PES6] MyMy Mix v2.1FIX & OF Mil&Mik v4 (03/09/07) +MyMy Stadiums v1.1+Chants v1.1


Registered User
Well I've just followed all the instructions in the thread from Evo-web ( and a few from PESgaming and have installed the patches by Bothered (Mini, Stadium, Chants etc) and its all worked fine! Borrowed my mates chipped PS2 and burned the iso to a DVD-R disc. Spot on, love the new balls and overall look of the game. Excellent. Might have a play around with the chants patch, or look for others. This one is good but the crowd are silent for large periods before bursting into songs and English chants :)

Thanks for all your efforts.

Oh and one other question. What do you feel is the ultimate combination patches?

I am using Cantonas OF along with the 3 patches on the first page. Is there any others that would make this perfect?



Registered User
yep swapmagic

(lol didnt i tell u that the otherday bolloxmasta?) ;)

did u recieve yours yet?

yeah thx freddy playing it now actually, got jays patch then added all the mymy stuff stadiums balls chants etc and nemro's editable bootpack just had to tweak the option file alittle but it looks great , just need the fifa commentry now n its game on !!!!!!!!!


Registered User
my friend has got this patch and he has the chipped game. Can i get all this with my orignal copy of the game by just copying his option file?


Registered User
@bolloxmasta & s7evie, no problem guys, u should know though bm that fifa commentary is a long and tedious patch to install


10 stones of barbed wire
Now i know that its possible to play the beautiful game with all of these wonderful extras on the ps2 i feel very frustrated. I really think producing a playable ps2 disc would be way beyond me. Does anyone do the downloading and patching and produce a playable disc with it all on there??.....its a lot to ask i know but this old man would be eternally grateful


Registered User

nabz said:
my friend has got this patch and he has the chipped game. Can i get all this with my orignal copy of the game by just copying his option file?

No. :no:

Chukkels said:
Do you also have a patch with the names of the Classic players of the Classic teams correct?

No, a patch is not required to do so...

Search this forum for a listing with real classic player names.
You may edit the player names yourself, several options;
use... in game editor or PESFan PES6 option file editor.

petersmith5 said:
Now i know that its possible to play the beautiful game with all of these wonderful extras on the ps2 i feel very frustrated. I really think producing a playable ps2 disc would be way beyond me. Does anyone do the downloading and patching and produce a playable disc with it all on there??.....its a lot to ask i know but this old man would be eternally grateful

Sorry no can do.. u talkin about illegal stuff. :ninja:


Registered User
how come when i apply the patch in DKZ it says it can't locate "O_Text.afs" & other stuff like that ... then i have to locate it manually. But when i burn it it doesn't work.

can some1 help? ... i've got the latest DKZ 0.92b and all.


Registered User
is there a way that i could change the emirates stadium nets coulour to white? ive tried with ggs but it is still green. help please.


New Member
is there a way that i could change the emirates stadium nets coulour to white? ive tried with ggs but it is still green. help please.

speaking of emirates stadium, the patch changes the name from highbury to emirates but when i transferred the OF to my mem card, it changes it back to highbury and is not editable in the stadium edit.
how can i fix this.


Registered User
Thanks Iceman and the rest who was helping out. I fixed it all Saturday night by the way, and it's definatelly the best patch till now. As soon as the kits are fixed on all teams it will complete it all!

Great job!



Registered User
Great patch, I told before. But one huge error is in it, unfortunately (as mentioned earlier): the classic team players are all incorrect. And even worse: the nationality of a huge number of players is incorrect. Especially concerning Holland. Celades for example has the dutch nationality, and much more players. This is a shame, especially when you play the international challenge and are able to select these players. So far I found more then 15(!) players with the dutch nationality which are incorrect...
So that you know..


Registered User
how come when i apply the patch in DKZ it says it can't locate "O_Text.afs" & other stuff like that ... then i have to locate it manually. But when i burn it it doesn't work.

can some1 help? ... i've got the latest DKZ 0.92b and all.

I had the same 'problem'. When it says can't locate 0_Text.afs just use the browse option and select the file in the directory where you extracted the ISO file.
Later on you have to do the same for E_Text.afs (or something like that).

So just browse and double click the file..


First It Giveth
OK, can somebody give an idiots guide to having all of those lovely goodies on my PS2??....I Have a max drive and can easily get my machine chipped, please be gentle, Steven hawking i am not!! somebody said, these patches c/w pes gameplay would make me stay in the house for ever and ever amen.

p.s. please please please help me in this

Step 1) Get your machine chipped

Step 2) Buy some good quality DVD-R's

Step 3) Dive head first into the tutorials section.



Registered User
Is it possible that someone could put the 4 files together and then make
it into a option file.

READ (post#50), just three posts before yours.

speaking of emirates stadium, the patch changes the name from highbury to emirates but when i transferred the OF to my mem card, it changes it back to highbury and is not editable in the stadium edit.
how can i fix this.

Use PESFan Option File Editor for PES6. Check the tools section.

Great patch, I told before. But one huge error is in it, unfortunately (as mentioned earlier): the classic team players are all incorrect. And even worse: the nationality of a huge number of players is incorrect. Especially concerning Holland. Celades for example has the dutch nationality, and much more players. This is a shame, especially when you play the international challenge and are able to select these players. So far I found more then 15(!) players with the dutch nationality which are incorrect...
So that you know..

Guess what....

I bet those fifteen players that have the incorrect nationalty are
all part of the Classic teams (c-eng/c-hol/c-ita/c-ger/c-bra/c-arg).

So as mentioned in a previous post edit those names by using
the real classic player names for each of the classic teams.
This should solve the problem.

