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[PES6] MyMy Mix v2.1FIX & OF Mil&Mik v4 (03/09/07) +MyMy Stadiums v1.1+Chants v1.1


Registered User

hi i have a ps2 which is chipped, and i want a pes6 patch for ps2 but dont know how to put it on, would someone help me and give me a ready patch which i could just burn it on the pes6 backed up cd and play. or if there is someone so kind and generous would they like to send me there pes patch which is already on the cd so i could play. and pes 2008 is coming out so pleeeeeeze. i live in birmingham, aston.
someone pleze help!


Registered User
Step 1) Get your machine chipped

Step 2) Buy some good quality DVD-R's

Step 3) Dive head first into the tutorials section.


Hello everybody,

I was wondering if this file works if you patch it to WE2007 game? Would it work at all or would there be the faces bug?

Also, how do you "chip" your PS2?

Thanks in advance for any help-Trey


Registered User
[PS2] MyMy Mix v2.1FIX Full Patch
(OF Included is the last adapted on my ps2 used around the start/mid of 2007/8 season)

Includes Everything

-MyMy Mix v2.1 Fixed
-MyMy Stadiums.v1.1
-MyMy Chants&Cheer v1.1
-FIFA Commentary
-MyMy Music

Total Size 1.19GB
Credits as Front Page
*Option File may need to be converted/transferred to PS2/PS3 for iso to load properly*
Patch Made Available (files inter-changeable)

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