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Lawn Care Service of Cedar Park 100 E Whitestone Blvd Ste 148, #166 Cedar Park, TX 78613 (512) 595-0884 2011 Patch - Released (New Versions in first post)


Registered User
the only reason why we only upload there is bescause the other hosters delete our files and because we have to finance our server to give support in our forums and we have no sponsoring with this site..

and personally we don't care about how many users use the patch, it's their decision which patch to use and we only make patches because of fun..and compare how many hours we spend in this patch and how short you have to wait while downloading so it's quite fair.. and you have not to buy for it so where is your problem.. be thankful that we make this works in our free time


Registered User
Wouldn't it be an idea for the next version to include the many bundesliga faces that are in the pesgalaxy patch? Or is that not possible?


Registered User

I've a little question:

If I setup the patch, What is that the Konami's DLC will be made?

(sorry for my english... =S )


Registered User
If i download a certain option file, and want the polish ekstraklasa for example, can i combine the two, to have 2 option files in one????


Registered User
Ok cool, any chance on getting a new faceserver soon?

no depends on juce and stelios


I've a little question:

If I setup the patch, What is that the Konami's DLC will be made?

(sorry for my english... =S )

what? you don't need to install any dlc.. only the patch

If i download a certain option file, and want the polish ekstraklasa for example, can i combine the two, to have 2 option files in one????

no not possible easily


Registered User
i just have one complain: why the hell do I want 2. Bundesliga for? why don't you use that to put Serie B from Italy or League One from England?


Registered User
because we are from germany so we first make 2 bundelsiga.. after that liga aldenate, championship, serie b, ligue 2 and 2nd netherlands.. just like last year


Registered User
Too bad... I was hoping for a lot more Europa League teams... I like playing with those obscure Transsylvanian or Swedish teams. Also, they are better than most of these second league teams.


Registered User
there will be all cl and el teams in next version

VERSION 0.5 in first post!

Thanks pal, i really don't know how you still manage to put up such a nice effort with all those many bullshits of comments from peeps here.

Well i'm gonna stick around and wait for your upcoming version since it'll have all CL teams b4 i start using ur patch.

Great work and keep it up!!!!!!!


Registered User
Hi Christopher..

First of all thanks for all your work ! Very nice..
But i Have a problem.
After a while in Master League, 500 players are called DUMMY. how does that come? They have grey faces and so on.. Can you tell me what's the reason for this ?

Thanks in advance.
